
package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class DepNode(coord: String, file: Option[String], directDependencies: Set[String], dependencies: Set[String], exclusions: Set[String] = Set.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a resolved dependency's artifact in the JsonReport.

    Represents a resolved dependency's artifact in the JsonReport.


    String representation of the artifact's maven coordinate.


    The path to the file for the artifact.


    The dependencies of the artifact.

  2. final case class DeprecatedModuleRequirements(globalExcludes: Set[(core.Organization, core.ModuleName)], localExcludes: Map[String, Set[(core.Organization, core.ModuleName)]]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. final case class DeprecatedModuleRequirements0(globalExcludes: Set[JavaOrScalaModule], localExcludes: Map[JavaOrScalaModule, Set[JavaOrScalaModule]]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. final case class JsonElem(dep: core.Dependency, artifacts: Seq[(core.Dependency, Artifact)] = Seq(), jsonPrintRequirement: Option[JsonPrintRequirement], resolution: core.Resolution, colors: Boolean, printExclusions: Boolean, excluded: Boolean, overrideClassifiers: Set[core.Classifier]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. final case class JsonPrintRequirement(fileByArtifact: Map[String, File], depToArtifacts: Map[core.Dependency, Vector[(Publication, Artifact)]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Lookup table for files and artifacts to print in the JsonReport.

  6. class MonadlessEitherThrowable extends Monadless[[T]Either[Throwable, T]]
  7. class MonadlessTask extends Monadless[Task]
  8. final case class ReportNode(conflict_resolution: Map[String, String], dependencies: Vector[DepNode], version: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Guard
  2. object JsonReport
  3. object MonadlessEitherThrowable extends MonadlessEitherThrowable
  4. object MonadlessTask extends MonadlessTask
  5. object ReportNode extends Serializable

    FORMAT_VERSION_NUMBER: Version number for identifying the export file format output.

    FORMAT_VERSION_NUMBER: Version number for identifying the export file format output. This version number should change when there is a change to the output format.

    Major Version 1.x.x : Increment this field when there is a major format change Minor Version x.1.x : Increment this field when there is a minor change that breaks backward compatibility for an existing field or a field is removed. Patch version x.x.1 : Increment this field when a minor format change that just adds information that an application can safely ignore.

    Note format changes in cli/ and update the Changelog section.
