



package cleanup

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. cleanup
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type CleanupRow = (Datacenter, Namespace, DeploymentCtx, RoutingGraph)
  2. final case class DeploymentCtx(deployment: Deployment, status: DeploymentStatus, exp: Option[Instant]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait ExpirationPolicy extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CleanupCron
  2. object ExpirationPolicy
  3. object ExpirationPolicyProcess
  4. object GarbageCollector

    The GarbageCollector is a process that periodically traverses the CleanupGraph and marks deployments as garbage.

    The GarbageCollector is a process that periodically traverses the CleanupGraph and marks deployments as garbage. Any deployment that is marked as garbage becomes a candidate for cleanup.

  5. object Reaper
  6. object RetainActive extends ExpirationPolicy
  7. object RetainLatest extends ExpirationPolicy
  8. object RetainLatestTwoFeature extends ExpirationPolicy
  9. object RetainLatestTwoMajor extends ExpirationPolicy
  10. object RetainUntilDeprecated extends ExpirationPolicy
  11. object Sweeper

    Infrequently running cleanup of "leaked" data or data which is otherwise unaccounted for.

    Infrequently running cleanup of "leaked" data or data which is otherwise unaccounted for. Unlike the cleanup process (which is optimized for precision and efficiency), the Sweeper is optimized for comprehensiveness over time via repeated execution (even if we miss some "garbage" on execution i, we will eventually clean it up on excution i + N). We only need to ensure that we 1.) cleanup data that was missed during the Cleanup operation and 2.) ensure we aren't progressively leaking resources over the long-term.

    Items that are identified as an "UnclaimedResource" (items that have no obvious owner -- which may or may not be garbage) are NOT deleted but will be tracked and counted by the end of the task. The number of Unclaimed Resources will be recorded as a histogram, to allow us to have visibility of accumulation on such items. In the event that we discover that the amount of Unclaimed Resources is increasing over time this is a possible indication that we have a major leakage signaling the need to modify the sweeper to be more aggressive.

  12. object SweeperDefaults

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
