



package getquill

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Type Members

  1. class CassandraZioContext[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends CassandraRowContext[N] with ZioContext[CqlIdiom, N] with Context[CqlIdiom, N] with Probing

    Quill context that executes Cassandra queries inside of ZIO.

    Quill context that executes Cassandra queries inside of ZIO. Unlike most other contexts that require passing in a Data Source, this context takes in a CassandraZioSession as a resource dependency which can be provided later (see the CassandraZioSession object for helper methods that assist in doing this).

    The resource dependency itself is just a Has[CassandraZioSession]

    Various methods in the io.getquill.CassandraZioSession can assist in simplifying it's creation, for example, you can provide a Config object instead of a CassandraZioSession like this (note that the resulting CassandraZioSession has a closing bracket). {{ val zioSession = CassandraZioSession.fromPrefix("testStreamDB") }}

    If you are using a Plain Scala app however, you will need to manually run it e.g. using zio.Runtime {{ Runtime.default.unsafeRun([Person]).provideCustomLayer(zioSession)) }}

  2. case class CassandraZioSession(session: CqlSession, preparedStatementCacheSize: Long) extends CassandraSession with SyncCache with AsyncFutureCache with AutoCloseable with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CassandraZioContext
  2. object CassandraZioSession extends Serializable
