
package io.getquill

Type members


class CassandraZioContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](val naming: N) extends CassandraStandardContext[N] with ZioContext[CqlIdiom, N] with Context[CqlIdiom, N]

Quill context that executes Cassandra queries inside of ZIO. Unlike most other contexts that require passing in a Data Source, this context takes in a ZioCassandraSession as a resource dependency which can be provided later (see the ZioCassandraSession object for helper methods that assist in doing this).

Quill context that executes Cassandra queries inside of ZIO. Unlike most other contexts that require passing in a Data Source, this context takes in a ZioCassandraSession as a resource dependency which can be provided later (see the ZioCassandraSession object for helper methods that assist in doing this).

The resource dependency itself is just a Has[ZioCassandraSession]

Various methods in the io.getquill.ZioCassandraSession can assist in simplifying it's creation, for example, you can provide a Config object instead of a ZioCassandraSession like this (note that the resulting ZioCassandraSession has a closing bracket). {{ val zioSession = ZioCassandraSession.fromPrefix("testStreamDB") }}

If you are using a Plain Scala app however, you will need to manually run it e.g. using zio.Runtime {{ Runtime.default.unsafeRun([Person]).provideCustomLayer(zioSession)) }}

ProtoQuill Note: Zio Cassandra context does not implement prepare. This it can extend StandardContext in Scala2-Quill because presence of prepare___ methods is not enforced. Due to stricter type requirements in Dotty however, this is not allowed here.

case class CassandraZioSession(session: CqlSession, preparedStatementCacheSize: Long) extends CassandraSession with SyncCache with AsyncFutureCache with AutoCloseable