


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T <: Udt : Type](path: Expr[String], columns: Expr[Seq[T => (Any, String)]])(implicit evidence$1: Type[T], Quotes): Expr[UdtMeta[T]]

TODO Eventually we might want to use a Naming schema default method to look up UDT object names. Maybe should have summonable implicit Naming instance here? (probably would only need the Expr[Naming] since we don't need to directly call it on columns hence wouldn't need to deal with compile-time/runtime dicotomies)

TODO Eventually we might want to use a Naming schema default method to look up UDT object names. Maybe should have summonable implicit Naming instance here? (probably would only need the Expr[Naming] since we don't need to directly call it on columns hence wouldn't need to deal with compile-time/runtime dicotomies)
