


package getquill

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Action[E] extends QAC[E, Any]
  2. sealed trait ActionReturning[E, +Output] extends QAC[E, Output] with Action[E]
  3. class AstPrinter extends Walker
  4. sealed trait BatchAction[+A <: QAC[_, _] with Action[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. trait CamelCase extends NamingStrategy
  6. trait CompositeNamingStrategy extends NamingStrategy
  7. case class CompositeNamingStrategy2[N1 <: NamingStrategy, N2 <: NamingStrategy](n1: N1, n2: N2) extends CompositeNamingStrategy with Product with Serializable
  8. case class CompositeNamingStrategy3[N1 <: NamingStrategy, N2 <: NamingStrategy, N3 <: NamingStrategy](n1: N1, n2: N2, n3: N3) extends CompositeNamingStrategy with Product with Serializable
  9. case class CompositeNamingStrategy4[N1 <: NamingStrategy, N2 <: NamingStrategy, N3 <: NamingStrategy, N4 <: NamingStrategy](n1: N1, n2: N2, n3: N3, n4: N4) extends CompositeNamingStrategy with Product with Serializable
  10. sealed trait Delete[E] extends QAC[E, Nothing] with Action[E]
  11. trait Embedded extends AnyRef
  12. trait EntityQueryModel[T] extends Query[T]
  13. trait Escape extends NamingStrategy
  14. sealed trait Insert[E] extends QAC[E, Nothing] with Action[E]
  15. sealed trait JoinQuery[A, B, R] extends Query[R]
  16. trait Literal extends NamingStrategy
  17. trait LowerCase extends NamingStrategy
  18. case class MappedEncoding[I, O](f: (I) ⇒ O) extends Product with Serializable
  19. class MirrorIdiom extends MirrorIdiomBase with CanReturnClause
  20. trait MirrorIdiomBase extends Idiom
  21. trait MysqlEscape extends NamingStrategy
  22. trait NamingStrategy extends AnyRef
  23. case class Ord[T](ord: Ordering) extends Product with Serializable
  24. trait PluralizedTableNames extends NamingStrategy
  25. trait PostgresEscape extends Escape
  26. trait PseudoAst extends AnyRef

    A trait to be used by elements that are not proper AST elements but should still be treated as though they were in the case where traceAstSimple is enabled (i.e.

    A trait to be used by elements that are not proper AST elements but should still be treated as though they were in the case where traceAstSimple is enabled (i.e. their toString method should be used instead of the standard qprint AST printing)

  27. sealed trait QAC[ModificationEntity, +OutputEntity] extends AnyRef

    A Quill-Action-Concept centrally defines Quill Query, Insert, Update, Delete, etc...

    A Quill-Action-Concept centrally defines Quill Query, Insert, Update, Delete, etc... actions. This ZIO-inspired construct makes it easier to reason about Quoted actions (particularly in Dotty) in a type-full way.

  28. sealed trait Query[+T] extends QAC[Nothing, T]
  29. trait QueryProbing extends AnyRef
  30. sealed trait ReturnAction extends AnyRef
  31. trait SnakeCase extends NamingStrategy
  32. sealed trait Update[E] extends QAC[E, Nothing] with Action[E]
  33. trait UpperCase extends NamingStrategy

Value Members

  1. object AstPrinter
  2. object CamelCase extends CamelCase
  3. object Escape extends Escape
  4. object Literal extends Literal
  5. object LowerCase extends LowerCase
  6. object MirrorIdiom extends MirrorIdiom
  7. object MirrorIdiomPrinting extends MirrorIdiom
  8. object MysqlEscape extends MysqlEscape
  9. object NamingStrategy
  10. object Ord extends Serializable
  11. object PluralizedTableNames extends PluralizedTableNames
  12. object PostgresEscape extends PostgresEscape
  13. object ReturnAction
  14. object SnakeCase extends SnakeCase
  15. object UpperCase extends UpperCase
