
See theQuat companion object
sealed trait Quat

This represents a simplified Sql-Type. Since it applies to all dialects, it is called Quill-Application-Type hence Quat. Quats represent the types of the Quill AST allowing us to know what fields exist on an Ident and more concretely what can be done with it. Currently they are:

Quat.Product - Something that contains a list of fields e.g. case class Person(name:String,age:Int) would be Product("name"->Quat.Value, "age"->Quat.Value)

  • Quat.Value - A value level Quat e.g. Int, Long, String etc... More specific Quat.Value types are planned int the future.

Quat.Generic - A Quat representing a type whose value is not known yet.

Quat.Null - A Quat representing a null value.

Quats are generally treated as through they are immutable although there are dynamic/mutable variables in some places (e.g. Product uses LinkedHashSet and var) due to various other issues (e.g. performance, serialization). It is assumed that all operations Quats have referential transparency.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Generic.type
object Null.type
trait Primitive
trait Boolean
object BooleanExpression.type
object BooleanValue.type
object Value.type
class Product
object Unknown.type
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Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

What was the value of a given property before it was renamed (i.e. looks up the value of the Renames hash)

What was the value of a given property before it was renamed (i.e. looks up the value of the Renames hash)


Recursively count the fields of the Quat

Recursively count the fields of the Quat


def leastUpperType(other: Quat): Option[Quat]
def lookup(path: String, failNonExist: Boolean): Quat
def lookup(list: List[String], failNonExist: Boolean): Quat

Either convert to a Product or make the Quat into an error if it is anything else.

Either convert to a Product or make the Quat into an error if it is anything else.


override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
def withRenames(renames: List[(String, String)]): Quat