
class QuillZioExt[T, R <: Has[_]](qzio: ZIO[Has[Connection] & R, Throwable, T])(implicit tag: Tag[R])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def onSomeDataSource: ZIO[Has[DataSource] & R, SQLException, T]

Change Has[Connection] of a QIO to Has[DataSource with Closeable] by providing a DataSourceLayer.live instance which will grab a connection from the data-source, perform the QIO operation, and the immediately release the connection. This is used for data-sources that have pooled connections e.g. Hikari.

Change Has[Connection] of a QIO to Has[DataSource with Closeable] by providing a DataSourceLayer.live instance which will grab a connection from the data-source, perform the QIO operation, and the immediately release the connection. This is used for data-sources that have pooled connections e.g. Hikari.

 def ds: DataSource with Closeable = ...