
class QuillZioExtPlain[T](qzio: ZIO[Has[Connection], Throwable, T])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def onDataSource: ZIO[Has[DataSource], SQLException, T]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Preferably use a ZioJdbcContext instead of a ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext when starting with a DataSource ".+("(i.e. instead of a Connection). ZIO[Has[DataSource], SQLException, T] now has a .implicitDS method for similar functionality.").+("If you need to convert from ZIO[Has[Connection], SQLException, T], to ZIO[Has[DataSource], SQLException, T] ").+("use .provideLayer(DataSourceLayer.live)"), "3.10.0")
def implicitDS(implicit implicitEnv: Implicit[Has[DataSource]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, T]
@deprecated("Use onDataSource", "3.10.0")
def onDS: ZIO[Has[DataSource], SQLException, T]

Shortcut for onDataSource

Shortcut for onDataSource
