
class QuillZioExt[T](qzio: ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def dependOnDataSource(): ZIO[QDataSource, SQLException, T]

Allows the user to specify Has[DataSource] instead of Has[Connection] for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[QDataSource, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Has[DataSource] with Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.

Allows the user to specify Has[DataSource] instead of Has[Connection] for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[QDataSource, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Has[DataSource] with Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.

def provideConnection(conn: Connection): ZIO[Blocking, SQLException, T]

Allows the user to specify JDBC Connection instead of QConnection for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Provides a Connection object which converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.

Allows the user to specify JDBC Connection instead of QConnection for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Provides a Connection object which converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.

def provideConnectionFrom(ds: DataSource & Closeable): ZIO[Blocking, SQLException, T]

Allows the user to specify JDBC DataSource instead of QConnection for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Provides a DataSource object which internally brackets dataSource.getConnection and connection.close(). This effectively converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.

Allows the user to specify JDBC DataSource instead of QConnection for a Quill ZIO value i.e. Provides a DataSource object which internally brackets dataSource.getConnection and connection.close(). This effectively converts:
ZIO[QConnection, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.
ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, Throwable, T] to ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, T] a.k.a.