
Type members


class ActionParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PrefilterType[Action[_]] with Assignments with PropertyParser
trait BasicLiftable[T] extends ToExpr[T]
class BatchActionParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PrefilterType[BatchAction[_]] with Assignments
class BlockParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PatternMatchingValues
class CasePatMatchParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PatternMatchingValues
class ComplexValueParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with QuatMaking with Helpers
class ExtrasParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with ComparisonTechniques
class FunctionApplyParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser
class FunctionParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with Helpers
class GenericExpressionsParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PropertyParser
class IfElseParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser
class InfixParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with Assignments
case class Lifter(serializeQuat: SerializeQuat, serializeAst: SerializeAst) extends LifterProxy

Convert constructs of Quill Ast into Expr[Ast]. This allows them to be passed back an fourth between inline Quotation blocks during compile-time which should eventually be bassed into a run-call-site where they will be evaluated into SQL.

Convert constructs of Quill Ast into Expr[Ast]. This allows them to be passed back an fourth between inline Quotation blocks during compile-time which should eventually be bassed into a run-call-site where they will be evaluated into SQL.

Note that liftable List is already taken care of by the Dotty implicits

object Lifter extends LifterProxy
class OperationsParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with ComparisonTechniques
class OptionParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with Helpers
class OrderingParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PatternMatchingValues
class QueryParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PrefilterType[Query[_]] with PropertyAliases with Helpers
class QueryScalarsParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes) extends Parser with PropertyAliases

Since QueryParser only matches things that output Query[_], make a separate parser that parses things like query.sum, query.size etc... when needed.

Since QueryParser only matches things that output Query[_], make a separate parser that parses things like query.sum, query.size etc... when needed.

class QuotationParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser
class SetOperationsParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PrefilterType[Boolean] with PropertyAliases

Query contains, nonEmpty, etc... Pre-filters for a boolean output type

Query contains, nonEmpty, etc... Pre-filters for a boolean output type

class TraversableOperationParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PrefilterType[Boolean] with PatternMatchingValues

Same as traversableOperationParser, pre-filters that the result-type is a boolean

Same as traversableOperationParser, pre-filters that the result-type is a boolean

object Unlifter
class ValParser(val rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with PatternMatchingValues
class ValueParser(rootParse: Parser)(using x$2: Quotes, x$3: TranspileConfig) extends Parser with QuatMaking

Should check that something is a null-constant basically before anything else because null-constant can match anything e.g. a (something: SomeValue) clause. Found this out when tried to do just '{ (infix: InfixValue) } and 'null' matched it

Should check that something is a null-constant basically before anything else because null-constant can match anything e.g. a (something: SomeValue) clause. Found this out when tried to do just '{ (infix: InfixValue) } and 'null' matched it