Since things like the QueryParser slow are because Quoted matching is slow (or at least slower then I'd like them to be),
a simple performance optimization is to check if there's a single-method being matched and if so, what is it's name.
Since Scala matches unapply causes left-to-right (nested and recursively), we can add a unapply clause
that will grab the name of the method (if it is a single one being matched which in most cases of the
QueryParser is exaclty what we're looking for) and then match it to a name that we expect it to have.
For example, if we're trying to match this:
case '{ ($o: Option[t]).map(${Lambda1(id, idType, body)}) } =>
We can do the following:
case "map" -@> '{ ($o: Option[t]).map(${Lambda1(id, idType, body)}) } =>
This will check that there's a Apply(TypeApply(Select(_, "map"), _), _)
being called
and then only proceecd into the quoted-matcher if that is the case.