
class RunQuery[I, T, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](quotedOp: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]], contextOperation: Expr[Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]], fetchSize: Expr[Option[Int]], wrap: Expr[OuterSelectWrap])(implicit evidence$81: Type[I], evidence$82: Type[T], evidence$83: Type[ResultRow], evidence$84: Type[PrepareRow], evidence$85: Type[Session], evidence$86: Type[D], evidence$87: Type[N], evidence$88: Type[Ctx], evidence$89: Type[Res], val qctx: Quotes, QAC: Type[QAC[_, _]])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(): Expr[Res]
def applyAction(quoted: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]]): Expr[Res]
def applyActionReturning(quoted: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]]): Expr[Res]
def applyQuery(quoted: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]]): Expr[Res]

Summon all needed components and run executeQuery method (Experiment with catching StaticTranslationMacro.apply errors since they usually happen because some upstream construct has done a reportError so we do not want to do another one. I.e. if we do another returnError here it will override that one which is not needed. if this seems to work well, make the same change to other apply___ methods here. )

Summon all needed components and run executeQuery method (Experiment with catching StaticTranslationMacro.apply errors since they usually happen because some upstream construct has done a reportError so we do not want to do another one. I.e. if we do another returnError here it will override that one which is not needed. if this seems to work well, make the same change to other apply___ methods here. )


def executeDynamic[RawT : Type](quote: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]], converter: Expr[RawT => T], extract: ExtractBehavior, elaborationBehavior: ElaborationBehavior, topLevelQuat: Quat): Expr[Res]

Expand dynamic-queries i.e. queries whose query-string cannot be computed at compile-time. Note that for now, QuotationType is only needed for dynamic queries (which is only needed to know whether you need to use ElaborateStructure or not. This is decided in the StaticTranslationMacro for static queries using a different method. I.e. since StaticTranslationMacro knows the AST node it infers Action/Query from that).

Expand dynamic-queries i.e. queries whose query-string cannot be computed at compile-time. Note that for now, QuotationType is only needed for dynamic queries (which is only needed to know whether you need to use ElaborateStructure or not. This is decided in the StaticTranslationMacro for static queries using a different method. I.e. since StaticTranslationMacro knows the AST node it infers Action/Query from that).


def executeStatic[RawT : Type](state: StaticState, converter: Expr[RawT => T], extract: ExtractBehavior, topLevelQuat: Quat): Expr[Res]

Execute static query via ctx.executeQuery method given we have the ability to do so i.e. have a staticState

Execute static query via ctx.executeQuery method given we have the ability to do so i.e. have a staticState


def resolveLazyLiftsStatic(lifts: List[Expr[Planter[_, _, _]]]): List[Expr[Planter[_, _, _]]]
def runWithQueryMeta[RawT : Type](quoted: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]]): Expr[Res]

Run a query with a given QueryMeta given by the output type RawT and the conversion RawT back to OutputT

Run a query with a given QueryMeta given by the output type RawT and the conversion RawT back to OutputT


Concrete fields

val interp: Interpolator
val transpileConfig: TranspileConfig



given qctx: Quotes