


package api

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package mapping

Type Members

  1. final case class Checkpoint(logPosition: Exact) extends Product with Serializable

    Checkpoint result used with server-side filtering in EventStoreDB.

    Checkpoint result used with server-side filtering in EventStoreDB. Contains the LogPosition.Exact when the checkpoint was made.

  2. final case class ClusterInfo(members: Set[MemberInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

    Used for information about the nodes in an EventStoreDB cluster.

  3. final case class DeleteResult(logPosition: Exact) extends Product with Serializable

    The LogPosition.Exact of the delete in the transaction log.

  4. sealed trait Direction extends AnyRef

    Direction used when reading from a stream with variants:

    Direction used when reading from a stream with variants:

  5. final case class Endpoint(address: String, port: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Endpoint can be an IP Socket Address consisting of an IP address and port number.

    Endpoint can be an IP Socket Address consisting of an IP address and port number. It can also be a hostname and a port number, in which case an attempt will be made to resolve the hostname.

  6. final case class EventFilter(kind: Kind, option: Either[NonEmptyList[PrefixFilter], RegexFilter]) extends Product with Serializable

    Used for server-side event stream filtering.

    Used for server-side event stream filtering. There are two *kinds* of filters:

    In combination with EventFilter.Kind you can choose between two types of filter expressions:

    • EventFilter.PrefixFilter when you wish to filter for prefixes. An example of this is PrefixFilter("user_stream") for streams starting with the string value "user_stream" like "user_stream-a" and "user_stream-b".
    • EventFilter.RegexFilter when you wish to filter with a regular expression. An example of this is RegexFilter("[$].*") when you for do not wish to retrieve events starting with $.
  7. final case class MemberInfo(instanceId: UUID, timestamp: ZonedDateTime, state: VNodeState, isAlive: Boolean, httpEndpoint: Endpoint) extends Product with Serializable
  8. sealed trait NodePreference extends AnyRef

    Used in conjunction with cluster connections where you provide a preference about what state a node should be in.

    Used in conjunction with cluster connections where you provide a preference about what state a node should be in.

    There are three variants:

  9. sealed abstract case class SubscriptionFilterOptions extends Product with Serializable
  10. final case class TombstoneResult(logPosition: Exact) extends Product with Serializable

    The LogPosition.Exact of the tombstone in the transaction log.

  11. sealed abstract case class UserCredentials extends Product with Serializable

    Credentials used for EventStoreDB connections.

  12. sealed trait VNodeState extends AnyRef
  13. final case class WriteResult(streamPosition: Exact, logPosition: Exact) extends Product with Serializable

    The current last StreamPosition.Exact of the stream appended to and its corresponding LogPosition.Exact in the transaction log.

Value Members

  1. object ClusterInfo extends Serializable
  2. object Direction
  3. object Endpoint extends Serializable
  4. object EventFilter extends Serializable
  5. object MemberInfo extends Serializable
  6. object NodePreference
  7. object SubscriptionFilterOptions extends Serializable
  8. object UserCredentials extends Serializable
  9. object VNodeState
  10. object exceptions
