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accept(AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an AnnotationInfo list item through the filter.
accept(ClassInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow a ClassInfo list item through the filter.
accept(FieldInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an FieldInfo list item through the filter.
accept(MethodInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an MethodInfo list item through the filter.
accept(ModuleInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an ModuleInfo list item through the filter.
accept(PackageInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an PackageInfo list item through the filter.
accept(Resource, byte[]) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer
Consume the complete content of a Resource as a byte array.
accept(Resource, byte[]) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumerThrowsIOException
Consume the complete content of a Resource as a byte array, possibly throwing IOException.
accept(Resource, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer
Consume a Resource as a ByteBuffer, possibly throwing IOException.
accept(Resource, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumerThrowsIOException
Consume the complete content of a Resource as a byte array.
accept(Resource, InputStream) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer
Consume a Resource as an InputStream.
accept(Resource, InputStream) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.InputStreamConsumerThrowsIOException
Consume the complete content of a Resource as a byte array, possibly throwing IOException.
accept(Resource) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ResourceFilter
Whether or not to allow a Resource list item through the filter.
acceptClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific classes, without scanning other classes in the same package unless the package is itself accepted.
acceptClasspathElementsContainingResourcePath(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Accept classpath elements based on resource paths.
acceptJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Accept one or more jars.
acceptLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Accept one or more jars in a JRE/JDK "lib/" or "ext/" directory (these directories are not scanned unless ClassGraph.enableSystemJarsAndModules() is called, by association with the JRE/JDK).
acceptModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Accept one or more modules for scanning.
acceptPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific packages and their sub-packages.
acceptPackagesNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific packages, without recursively scanning sub-packages unless they are themselves accepted.
acceptPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific paths, and their sub-directories or nested paths.
acceptPathsNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific paths, without recursively scanning sub-directories or nested paths unless they are themselves accepted.
addClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a ClassLoader to the list of ClassLoaders to scan.
addExports - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The module exports directives added on the commandline using the --add-exports switch, as an ordered set of strings in the format <source-module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
addModuleLayer(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a ModuleLayer to the list of ModuleLayers to scan.
addModules - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The modules added to the module path on the commandline using the --add-modules switch, as an ordered set of module names, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
addOpens - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The module opens directives added on the commandline using the --add-opens switch, as an ordered set of strings in the format <source-module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
addReads - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The module reads directives added on the commandline using the --add-reads switch, as an ordered set of strings in the format <source-module>=<target-module>, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
AnnotationClassRef - Class in io.github.classgraph
Stores the type descriptor of a Class<?>, as found in an annotation parameter value.
AnnotationEnumValue - Class in io.github.classgraph
Class for wrapping an enum constant value (split into class name and constant name), as used as an annotation parameter value.
AnnotationInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a specific annotation instance on a class, method, method parameter or field.
AnnotationInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of AnnotationInfo objects.
AnnotationInfoList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of AnnotationInfo objects.
AnnotationInfoList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of AnnotationInfo objects, given a size hint.
AnnotationInfoList(AnnotationInfoList) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty AnnotationInfoList, given an initial list of AnnotationInfo objects.
AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an AnnotationInfoList using a predicate mapping an AnnotationInfo object to a boolean, producing another AnnotationInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
AnnotationParameterValue - Class in io.github.classgraph
A wrapper used to pair annotation parameter names with annotation parameter values.
AnnotationParameterValueList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of AnnotationParameterValue objects.
AnnotationParameterValueList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of AnnotationParameterValue objects.
AnnotationParameterValueList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of AnnotationParameterValue objects, given a size hint.
AnnotationParameterValueList(Collection<AnnotationParameterValue>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
Construct a new modifiable empty AnnotationParameterValueList, given an initial list of AnnotationParameterValue objects.
ArrayClassInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about an array class.
ArrayTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
An array type signature.
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MappableInfoList
Get an index for this list, as a map from the name of each list item (obtained by calling getName() on each list item) to the list item.
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Get this MethodInfoList as a map from method name to a MethodInfoList of methods with that name.
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Return this ResourceList as a map from resource path (obtained from Resource.getPath()) to a ResourceList of Resource objects that have that path.


BaseTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a base type (byte, char, double, float, int, long, short, boolean, or void).
blacklistClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistClasspathElementsContainingResourcePath(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
blacklistPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph


classFilesOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Return a new ResourceList consisting of only the resources with the filename extension ".class".
ClassGraph - Class in io.github.classgraph
Uber-fast, ultra-lightweight Java classpath and module path scanner.
ClassGraph() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Construct a ClassGraph instance.
ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Add a classpath element filter.
ClassGraph.ClasspathElementURLFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Add a classpath element URL filter.
ClassGraph.FailureHandler - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A callback used to handle failure during an asynchronous scan.
ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A callback used to process the result of a successful asynchronous scan.
ClassGraphClassLoader - Class in io.github.classgraph
ClassLoader for classes found by ClassGraph during scanning.
ClassGraphException - Exception in io.github.classgraph
An unchecked exception that is thrown when an error state occurs or an unhandled exception is caught during scanning.
ClassInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a class encountered during a scan.
ClassInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A uniquified (deduplicated) list of ClassInfo objects, which stores both reachable classes (obtained through a given class relationship, either by direct relationship or through an indirect path), and directly related classes (classes reachable through a direct relationship only).
ClassInfoList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Construct a new empty modifiable list of ClassInfo objects.
ClassInfoList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Construct a new empty modifiable list of ClassInfo objects, given a size hint.
ClassInfoList(Collection<ClassInfo>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty ClassInfoList, given an initial list of ClassInfo objects.
ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter a ClassInfoList using a predicate mapping a ClassInfo object to a boolean, producing another ClassInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
classpathContentsLastModifiedTime() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Find the maximum last-modified timestamp of any accepted file/directory/jarfile encountered during the scan.
classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Determine whether the classpath contents have been modified since the last scan.
ClassRefOrTypeVariableSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class type or type variable.
ClassRefTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class reference type signature (called "ClassTypeSignature" in the classfile documentation).
ClassTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class type signature (called "ClassSignature" in the classfile documentation).
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Calls ModuleReader#close().
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Close the underlying InputStream, or release/unmap the underlying ByteBuffer.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Close all the Resource objects in this ResourceList.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Free any temporary files created by extracting jars or files from within jars.
closeAll() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Close all ScanResult instances that have not yet been closed.
compareTo(AnnotationEnumValue) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
compareTo(AnnotationInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
compareTo(AnnotationParameterValue) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
compareTo(ClassInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Compare based on class name.
compareTo(FieldInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Sort in order of class name then field name.
compareTo(MethodInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Sort in order of class name, method name, then type descriptor.
compareTo(ModuleInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
compareTo(ModuleRef) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
compareTo(PackageInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
compareTo(Resource) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Compare to.
containsName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MappableInfoList
Check if this list contains an item with the given name.
containsName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Check whether the list contains a method with the given name.


directOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
returns the list of direct annotations, excluding meta-annotations.
directOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Get the list of classes that were directly related, as opposed to reachable through multiple steps.
disableDirScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of directories.
disableJarScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of jarfiles.
disableModuleScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of modules.
disableNestedJarScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles).
disableRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes only runtime visible annotations to be scanned (causes runtime invisible annotations to be ignored).


emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Return an unmodifiable empty AnnotationInfoList.
emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
Return an unmodifiable empty AnnotationParameterValueList.
emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Return an unmodifiable empty ClassInfoList.
emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Return an unmodifiable empty FieldInfoList.
emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Return an unmodifiable empty MethodInfoList.
emptyList() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Return an unmodifiable empty ResourceList.
enableAllInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of all classes, fields, methods, annotations, and static final field constant initializer values, and ignores all visibility modifiers, so that both public and non-public classes, fields and methods are all scanned.
enableAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of annotation info (for class, field, method and method parameter annotations) during the scan.
enableClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of classfiles, producing ClassInfo objects in the ScanResult.
enableExternalClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes ClassGraph to return classes that are not in the accepted packages, but that are directly referred to by classes within accepted packages as a superclass, implemented interface or annotation.
enableFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of field info during the scan.
enableInterClassDependencies() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the determination of inter-class dependencies, which may be read by calling ClassInfo.getClassDependencies(), ScanResult.getClassDependencyMap() or ScanResult.getReverseClassDependencyMap().
enableMemoryMapping() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
If true, use a MappedByteBuffer rather than the FileChannel API to open files, which may be faster for large classpaths consisting of many large jarfiles, but uses up virtual memory space.
enableMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of method info during the scan.
enableRealtimeLogging() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables logging by calling ClassGraph.verbose(), and then sets the logger to "realtime logging mode", where log entries are written out immediately to stderr, rather than only after the scan has completed.
enableRemoteJarScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enable classpath elements to be fetched from remote ("http:"/"https:") URLs (or URLs with custom schemes).
enableStaticFinalFieldConstantInitializerValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of static final field constant initializer values.
enableSystemJarsAndModules() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of system packages ("java.*", "javax.*", "javafx.*", "jdk.*", "oracle.*", "sun.*") -- these are not scanned by default for speed.
enableURLScheme(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enable classpath elements to be fetched from URL connections with the specified URL scheme (also works for any custom URL schemes that have been defined, as long as they have more than two characters, in order to not conflict with Windows drive letters).
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Use class name for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Use class name and field name for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.InfoList
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Test class name, method name and type descriptor for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeSignature
Compare base types, ignoring generic type parameters.
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
exclude(ClassInfoList) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the set difference between this ClassInfoList and another ClassInfoList, i.e.
extendsSuperclass(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class extends the named superclass.


FieldInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about fields of a class encountered during a scan.
FieldInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of FieldInfo objects.
FieldInfoList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of FieldInfo objects.
FieldInfoList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of FieldInfo objects, given a size hint.
FieldInfoList(Collection<FieldInfo>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty FieldInfoList, given an initial list of FieldInfo objects.
FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an FieldInfoList using a predicate mapping an FieldInfo object to a boolean, producing another FieldInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
filter(AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Find the subset of the AnnotationInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the subset of this ClassInfoList for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Find the subset of the FieldInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Find the subset of the MethodInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfoList
Find the subset of the ModuleInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfoList
Find the subset of the PackageInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ResourceList.ResourceFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Find the subset of the Resource objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filterClasspathElements(ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a classpath element filter.
filterClasspathElementsByURL(ClassGraph.ClasspathElementURLFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a classpath element filter.
findDuplicatePaths() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Find duplicate resource paths within this ResourceList.
findReferencedClassNames(Set<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
Get the names of any classes referenced in the type signature.
forEachByteArray(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachByteArray(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachByteArrayIgnoringIOException(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch the content of each Resource in this ResourceList as a byte array, pass the byte array to the given ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, then close the underlying InputStream or release the underlying ByteBuffer by calling Resource.close() for each Resource.
forEachByteArrayThrowingIOException(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumerThrowsIOException) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch the content of each Resource in this ResourceList as a byte array, pass the byte array to the given ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, then close the underlying InputStream or release the underlying ByteBuffer by calling Resource.close().
forEachByteBuffer(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachByteBuffer(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachByteBufferIgnoringIOException(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Read each Resource in this ResourceList as a ByteBuffer, pass the ByteBuffer to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then release the ByteBuffer after the ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close() for each Resource.
forEachByteBufferThrowingIOException(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumerThrowsIOException) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Read each Resource in this ResourceList as a ByteBuffer, pass the ByteBuffer to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then release the ByteBuffer after the ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
forEachInputStream(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachInputStream(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
forEachInputStreamIgnoringIOException(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch an InputStream for each Resource in this ResourceList, pass the InputStream to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then close the InputStream after the ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close() for each Resource.
forEachInputStreamThrowingIOException(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumerThrowsIOException) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch an InputStream for each Resource in this ResourceList, pass the InputStream to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then close the InputStream after the ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Deserialize a ScanResult from previously-serialized JSON.


generateGraphVizDotFile(float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(float, float) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(File) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a and save a .dot file, which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFileFromClassDependencies() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
generateGraphVizDotFileFromInterClassDependencies(float, float, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFileFromInterClassDependencies(float, float) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFileFromInterClassDependencies() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
get(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MappableInfoList
Get the list item with the given name, or null if not found.
get(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Returns a list of all methods matching a given name.
get(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Returns a list of all resources with the requested path.
getAllAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all annotation classes found during the scan.
getAllClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all classes, interfaces and annotations found during the scan.
getAllClassesAsMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get a map from class name to ClassInfo object for all classes, interfaces and annotations found during the scan.
getAllEnums() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all Enum classes found during the scan.
getAllInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interface classes found during the scan (not including annotations, which are also technically interfaces).
getAllInterfacesAndAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interface or annotation classes found during the scan.
getAllRecords() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all record classes found during the scan (JDK 14+).
getAllResources() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources.
getAllResourcesAsMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get a map from resource path to Resource for all resources (including classfiles and non-classfiles) found in accepted packages.
getAllStandardClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all standard (non-interface/non-annotation) classes found during the scan.
getAnnotationDefaultParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the default parameter values for this annotation, if this is an annotation class.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get a list of the annotations on this class, or the empty list if none.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get a the named non-Repeatable annotation on this class, or null if the class does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get a list of annotations on this field, along with any annotation parameter values, wrapped in AnnotationInfo objects.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get a the named non-Repeatable annotation on this field, or null if the field does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a list of annotations on this method, along with any annotation parameter values.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a the named non-Repeatable annotation on this method, or null if the method does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter annotation info (or null if no annotations).
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get a the named non-Repeatable annotation on this method, or null if the method parameter does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get a the named annotation on this module, or null if the module does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get any annotations on the package-info.class file.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get a the named annotation on this package, or null if the package does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get any annotations on the package-info.class file.
getAnnotationInfoRepeatable(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get a the named Repeatable annotation on this class, or the empty list if the class does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfoRepeatable(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get a the named Repeatable annotation on this field, or the empty list if the field does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfoRepeatable(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a the named Repeatable annotation on this method, or the empty list if the method does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfoRepeatable(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get a the named Repeatable annotation on this method, or the empty list if the method parameter does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the annotations and meta-annotations on this class.
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only annotations.
getAnnotationsOnClass(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get annotations on the named class.
getArrayClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Return an ArrayClassInfo instance for the array class, cast to its superclass.
getArrayTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get the type signature of the class.
getAssignableTo(ClassInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only classes that are assignable to the requested class, assignableToClass (i.e.
getAsStrings() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.InfoList
Get the String representations of all items in this list, by calling toString() on each item in the list.
getAsStringsWithSimpleNames() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.InfoList
Get the String representations of all items in this list, using only simple names of any named classes, by calling ScanResultObject#toStringWithSimpleNames() if the object is a subclass of ScanResultObject (e.g.
getBaseClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the name of the class, without any suffixes.
getChildren() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The child packages of this package, or the empty list if none.
getClassBound() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter class bound.
getClassDependencies() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the class dependencies.
getClassDependencyMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get a map from the ClassInfo object for each accepted class to a list of the classes referenced by that class (i.e.
getClassesImplementing() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the classes (and their subclasses) that implement this interface, if this is an interface.
getClassesImplementing(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all classes that implement (or have superclasses that implement) the named interface (or one of its subinterfaces).
getClassesWithAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the classes that have this class as an annotation.
getClassesWithAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes with the named class annotation or meta-annotation.
getClassesWithFieldAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the classes that have this class as a field annotation or meta-annotation.
getClassesWithFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes that have a field with an annotation of the named type.
getClassesWithMethodAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all classes that have this class as a method annotation, and their subclasses, if the method is non-private.
getClassesWithMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes that have a method with an annotation of the named type.
getClassesWithMethodParameterAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all classes that have this class as a method parameter annotation, and their subclasses, if the method is non-private.
getClassesWithMethodParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes that have a method with a parameter that is annotated with an annotation of the named type.
getClassfileMajorVersion() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the major version of the classfile format for this class' classfile.
getClassfileMinorVersion() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the minor version of the classfile format for this class' classfile.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Get the class info.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Return the ClassInfo object for the annotation class.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the ClassInfo object for the referenced class.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the ClassInfo object for the class that declares this field.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the ClassInfo object for the class that declares this method.
getClassInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the ClassInfo object for the named class in this module, or null if the class was not found in this module.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the list of ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package.
getClassInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get the ClassInfo object for the named class in this package, or null if the class was not found in this package.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get the ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package.
getClassInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the ClassInfo object for the named class, or null if no class of the requested name was found in an accepted/non-rejected package during the scan.
getClassInfoRecursive() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get the ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package or a sub-package.
getClassLoader() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the class loader for the module.
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Get the class name.
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the name of the class that declares this field.
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the name of the class that declares this method.
getClasspath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the list of all unique File objects representing directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order, in the form of a classpath path string.
getClasspath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns all unique directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order, as a classpath string, delineated with the standard path separator character.
getClasspathElementFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the File for the classpath element package root dir or jar that this class was found within, or null if this class was found in a module.
getClasspathElementFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the classpath element File.
getClasspathElementURI() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the URI of the classpath element that this class was found within.
getClasspathElementURI() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the URI of the classpath element or module that this resource was obtained from.
getClasspathElementURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the URL of the classpath element or module that this class was found within.
getClasspathElementURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the URL of the classpath element or module that this resource was obtained from.
getClasspathFiles() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the list of all unique File objects representing directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order.
getClasspathFiles() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns the list of File objects for unique classpath elements (directories or jarfiles), in classloader resolution order.
getClasspathURIs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the ordered list of all unique URI objects representing directory/jar classpath elements and modules.
getClasspathURIs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns an ordered list of unique classpath element and module URIs.
getClasspathURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the ordered list of all unique URL objects representing directory/jar classpath elements and modules.
getClasspathURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns an ordered list of unique classpath element and module URLs.
getConstantInitializerValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the constant initializer value of a field.
getConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses.
getContentAsString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Convenience method to get the content of this Resource as a String.
getDeclaredConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDeclaredFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on all visible fields declared by this class, but not by its superclasses.
getDeclaredFieldInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the named field declared by the class, but not by its superclasses.
getDeclaredMethodAndConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods and constructors declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDeclaredMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses, that are not constructors.
getDeclaredMethodInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the method(s) or constructor(s) of the given name declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDefaultParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Get the default parameter values.
getDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module descriptor, i.e.
getElementClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get the ClassInfo instance for the array element type.
getElementTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get the type signature of the array elements.
getElementTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get the type signature of the innermost element type of the array.
getEnums() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only Enum classes.
getFieldAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all field annotations.
getFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on all visible fields declared by this class, or by its superclasses.
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the named filed declared by this class, or by its superclasses.
getFullyQualifiedClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the name of the class, formed from the base name and any suffixes (suffixes are for inner class nesting, and are separated by '$'), but without any type arguments.
getFullyQualifiedDefiningMethodName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Gets fully-qualified method name (i.e.
getImplementedInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only implemented interfaces, i.e.
getInnerClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the inner classes contained within this class, if this is an outer class.
getInterfaceBounds() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter interface bound(s).
getInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the interfaces implemented by this class or by one of its superclasses, if this is a standard class, or the superinterfaces extended by this interface, if this is an interface.
getInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only interfaces that are not annotations.
getInterfaces(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interfaces implemented by the named class or by one of its superclasses, if this is a standard class, or the superinterfaces extended by this interface, if this is an interface.
getInterfacesAndAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only interfaces and annotations (annotations are interfaces, and can be implemented).
getLastModified() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the last modified time for the resource, in milliseconds since the epoch.
getLayer() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module layer (of JPMS type ModuleLayer).
getLength() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the length of the resource.
getLocation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The module location, or null for modules whose location is unknown.
getLocation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module location, i.e.
getLocationFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module location as a File, i.e.
getLocationStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module location as a string, i.e.
getMethodAndConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses.
getMethodAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all method annotations.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses, that are not constructors.
getMethodInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the method(s) or constructor(s) of the given name declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get the MethodInfo for the defining method.
getMethodParameterAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all method parameter annotations.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the class modifier bits.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the modifier bits for the field.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the modifier bits for the method.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter modifiers.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the class modifiers as a String.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the field modifiers as a string, e.g.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the method modifiers as a String, e.g.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get the method parameter modifiers as a String, e.g.
getModifierStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
getModuleInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the ModuleInfo object for the class.
getModuleInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the ModuleInfo object for the named module, or null if no module of the requested name was found during the scan.
getModuleInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all modules found during the scan.
getModulePathInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Get the module path info provided on the commandline with --module-path, --add-modules, --patch-module, --add-exports, --add-opens, and --add-reads.
getModulePathInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the module path info provided on the commandline with --module-path, --add-modules, --patch-module, --add-exports, --add-opens, and --add-reads, and also the Add-Exports and Add-Opens entries from jarfile manifest files encountered during scanning.
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the module that this class was found within, as a ModuleRef, or null if this class was found in a directory or jar in the classpath.
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The ModuleRef for this module, or null if this module was obtained from a classpath element on the traditional classpath that contained a module-info.class file.
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the The ModuleRef for the module that this Resource was found within.
getModules() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns ModuleRef references for all the visible modules.
getModules() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get ModuleRef references for all visible modules.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Get the name of the referenced class.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
Get the annotation parameter name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the name of the class.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the name of the field.
getName() - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.HasName
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the name of the method.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The module name, or "" for the unnamed module.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module name, i.e.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The package name ("" for the root package).
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter identifier.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Get the name of the type variable.
getNames() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.InfoList
Get the names of all items in this list, by calling getName() on each item in the list.
getNestedType() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get the nested type, which is another ArrayTypeSignature with one dimension fewer, if this array has 2 or more dimensions, otherwise this returns the element type.
getNumDimensions() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get the number of dimensions of the array.
getNumDimensions() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get the number of dimensions of the array.
getOuterClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the containing outer classes, if this is an inner class.
getPackageInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the PackageInfo object for the class.
getPackageInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the PackageInfo object for the named package in this module, or null if the package was not found in this module.
getPackageInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the PackageInfo objects for all packages that are members of this module.
getPackageInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the PackageInfo object for the named package, or null if no package of the requested name was found during the scan.
getPackageInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all packages found during the scan.
getPackageName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the name of the class' package.
getPackages() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get a list of packages in the module.
getParameterInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the available information on method parameters.
getParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Get the parameter values.
getParent() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The parent package of this package, or null if this is the root package.
getPath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the path of this classpath resource relative to the package root.
getPathRelativeToClasspathElement() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the full path of this classpath resource relative to the root of the classpath element.
getPaths() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Get the paths of all resources in this list relative to the package root.
getPathsRelativeToClasspathElement() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Get the paths of all resources in this list relative to the root of the classpath element.
getPosixFilePermissions() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the POSIX file permissions for the resource.
getRawVersion() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the raw version string of the module, or null if the module did not provide one.
getReceiverTypeAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get type annotations on the explicit receiver parameter, or null if none.
getRecords() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only record classes.
getReference() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the module reference (of JPMS type ModuleReference).
getRepeatable(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Get the Repeatable annotation with the given name, or the empty list if none found.
getResource(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraphClassLoader
getResource() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
The Resource for the classfile of this class.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraphClassLoader
getResources(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraphClassLoader
getResourcesMatchingPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources found in accepted packages that have a path matching the requested pattern.
getResourcesWithExtension(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources found in accepted packages that have the requested filename extension.
getResourcesWithLeafName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources found in accepted packages that have the requested leafname.
getResourcesWithPath(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources found in accepted packages that have the given path, relative to the package root of the classpath element.
getResourcesWithPathIgnoringAccept(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the list of all resources found in any classpath element, whether in accepted packages or not (as long as the resource is not rejected), that have the given path, relative to the package root of the classpath element.
getResourcesWithPathIgnoringWhitelist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getResultType() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get the result type for the method.
getReverseClassDependencyMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the reverse class dependency map, i.e.
getSimpleName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the simple name of the class.
getSingleMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Returns a single method with the given name, or null if not found.
getStandardClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only standard classes (classes that are not interfaces or annotations).
getSubclasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the subclasses of this class, sorted in order of name.
getSubclasses(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all subclasses of the named superclass.
getSuffixes() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get all nested suffixes of the class (typically nested inner class names).
getSuffixTypeAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get a list of lists of type annotations for all nested suffixes of the class, one list per suffix.
getSuffixTypeArguments() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get a list of type arguments for all nested suffixes of the class, one list per suffix.
getSuperclass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the single direct superclass of this class, or null if none.
getSuperclasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all superclasses of this class, in ascending order in the class hierarchy, not including Object for simplicity, since that is the superclass of all classes.
getSuperclasses(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get superclasses of the named subclass.
getSuperclassSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
Get the type signature for the superclass (possibly null in the case of Object, since it doesn't have a superclass).
getSuperinterfaceSignatures() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
Get the type signatures of any superinterfaces.
getThrowsSignatures() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get the throws type(s) for the method.
getType() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
Get the type.
getTypeAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get a list of AnnotationInfo objects for the type annotations on this array type, or null if none.
getTypeAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeSignature
Get a list of AnnotationInfo objects for any type annotations on this type, or null if none.
getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get any type arguments of the base class.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the parsed type descriptor for the field, which will not include type parameters.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type descriptor for the method, which will not include type parameters.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type descriptor.
getTypeDescriptorStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the type descriptor string for the field, which will not include type parameters.
getTypeDescriptorStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the type descriptor string for the method, which will not include type parameters.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
Get the type parameters for the class.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get the type parameters for the method, if this is a generic method.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Returns null, because array classes do not have a ClassTypeSignature.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the parsed type signature for the class.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the field, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type signature, possibly including generic type information (or null if no type signature information available for this parameter).
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
Get the type signature associated with the wildcard (or null, if the wildcard is ANY).
getTypeSignatureChar() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
Get the type signature char used to represent the type, e.g.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the type signature for the field, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type signature, or if not available, method type descriptor.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptorStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the type signature string for the field, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptorStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the type signature string for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get the raw type signature string of the array class, e.g.
getTypeSignatureStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get the raw array type signature string, e.g.
getTypeSignatureStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the type signature string for the class.
getTypeSignatureStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the type signature string for the field, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the type signature string for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
Get the name of the type as a string.
getURI() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the URI representing the resource's location.
getURIs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Get the URIs of all resources in this list, by calling Resource.getURI() for each item in the list.
getURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get the URL representing the resource's location.
getURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraphClassLoader
Get classpath URLs.
getURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Get the URLs of all resources in this list, by calling Resource.getURL() for each item in the list.
getValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
Get the annotation parameter value.
getValue(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
Get the annotation parameter value, by calling AnnotationParameterValue.getValue() on the result of MappableInfoList.get(String), if non-null.
getValueName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Get the value name.
getVersion() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Get the version number of ClassGraph.
getWildcard() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
Get the type wildcard, which is one of {NONE, ANY, EXTENDS, SUPER}.


hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class has the named annotation.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Check if the field has a given named annotation.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Check if this method has the named annotation.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Check whether this method parameter has the named annotation.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Check if this module has the named annotation.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Check if the package has the named annotation.
hasBody() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method has a body (i.e.
hasDeclaredField(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class has the named declared field.
hasDeclaredFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class declares a field with the named annotation.
hasDeclaredMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class declares a field of the given name.
hasDeclaredMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class declares a method with the named annotation.
hasDeclaredMethodParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class declares a method with the named annotation.
hasField(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class or one of its superclasses has the named field.
hasFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class or one of its superclasses declares a field with the named annotation.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Use hash code of class name.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Use hash code of class name and field name.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.InfoList
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Use hashcode of class name, method name and type descriptor.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
hasMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class or one of its superclasses or interfaces declares a method of the given name.
hasMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class or one of its superclasses or interfaces declares a method with the named annotation.
hasMethodParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class or one of its superclasses or interfaces has a method with the named annotation.
HasName - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A named object.
hasParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Check if this method has a parameter with the named annotation.
HierarchicalTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A Java type signature.
HierarchicalTypeSignature() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.HierarchicalTypeSignature


ignoreClassVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes class visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected classes to be scanned.
ignoreFieldVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes field visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected fields to be scanned.
ignoreMethodVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes method visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected methods to be scanned.
ignoreParentClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Ignore parent classloaders (i.e.
ignoreParentModuleLayers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Ignore parent module layers (i.e.
implementsInterface(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class implements the named interface.
includeClasspathElement(String) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter
Whether or not to include a given classpath element in the scan.
includeClasspathElement(URL) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.ClasspathElementURLFilter
Whether or not to include a given classpath element in the scan.
InfoList<T extends HasName> - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of named objects.
initializeLoadedClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes classes loaded using ClassInfo.loadClass() to be are initialized after class loading (the default is to not initialize classes).
intersect(ClassInfoList...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the intersection of this ClassInfoList with one or more others.
io.github.classgraph - package io.github.classgraph
isAbstract() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is abstract.
isAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is an annotation.
isAnonymousInnerClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class is an anonymous inner class.
isArrayClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class is an array class.
isBridge() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a bridge method.
isConstructor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a constructor.
isDefault() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this is a default method (i.e.
isEnum() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if is the class is an Enum.
isExternalClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this is an external class.
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is final.
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is final.
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is final.
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Returns true if this method parameter is final.
isImplementedInterface() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks whether this class is an implemented interface (meaning a standard, non-annotation interface, or an annotation that has also been implemented as an interface by some class).
isInherited() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Checks if the annotation is inherited.
isInnerClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class is an inner class.
isInterface() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if is the class an interface and is not an annotation.
isInterfaceOrAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if is an interface or an annotation.
isMandated() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Returns true if this method parameter is mandated.
isNative() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a native method.
isObtainedFromDeserialization() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Checks if this ScanResult was obtained from JSON by deserialization, by calling ScanResult.fromJSON(String).
isOuterClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class is an outer class.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is public.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is public.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is public.
isRecord() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if is the class is a record (JDK 14+).
isStandardClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if this class is a standard class.
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is static.
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is static.
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is static.
isSynchronized() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is synchronized.
isSynthetic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Checks if the class is synthetic.
isSynthetic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is synthetic.
isSynthetic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Returns true if this method parameter is synthetic.
isSystemModule() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Checks if this module is a system module.
isTransient() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is a transient field.
isVarArgs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a varargs method.


list() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Get the list of resources accessible to a ModuleReader.
load() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Load a classpath resource and return its content as a byte array.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Loads the referenced class, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Loads the referenced class, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object.
loadClass(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object, casting it to the requested interface or superclass type.
loadClass(Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object, casting it to the requested interface or superclass type.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Load the referenced class, if not already loaded, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Load the referenced class, if not already loaded, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Load a class given a class name.
loadClass(String, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Load a class given a class name.
loadClassAndGetConstructor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Load the class this constructor is associated with, and get the Constructor reference for this constructor.
loadClassAndGetField() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Load the class this field is associated with, and get the Field reference for this field.
loadClassAndGetMethod() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Load the class this method is associated with, and get the Method reference for this method.
loadClassAndInstantiate() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Load the Annotation class corresponding to this AnnotationInfo object, by calling getClassInfo().loadClass(), then create a new instance of the annotation, with the annotation parameter values obtained from this AnnotationInfo object, possibly overriding default annotation parameter values obtained from calling AnnotationInfo.getClassInfo() then ClassInfo.getAnnotationDefaultParameterValues().
loadClassAndReturnEnumValue(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Loads the enum class, instantiates the enum constants for the class, and returns the enum constant value represented by this AnnotationEnumValue.
loadClassAndReturnEnumValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Loads the enum class, instantiates the enum constants for the class, and returns the enum constant value represented by this AnnotationEnumValue.
loadClasses(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects, casting each item in the list to the requested superclass or interface type.
loadClasses(Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects, casting each item in the list to the requested superclass or interface type.
loadClasses(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects.
loadClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects.
loadElementClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get a Class<?> reference for the array element type.
loadElementClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayClassInfo
Get a Class<?> reference for the array element type.
loadElementClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get a Class<?> reference for the innermost array element type.
loadElementClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
Get a Class<?> reference for the array element type.


MappableInfoList<T extends HasName> - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of named objects that can be indexed by name.
MethodInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about methods of a class encountered during a scan.
MethodInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of MethodInfo objects.
MethodInfoList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of MethodInfo objects.
MethodInfoList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty list of MethodInfo objects, given a size hint.
MethodInfoList(Collection<MethodInfo>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Construct a new modifiable empty MethodInfoList, given an initial collection of MethodInfo objects.
MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an MethodInfoList using a predicate mapping an MethodInfo object to a boolean, producing another MethodInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
MethodParameterInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Information on the parameters of a method.
MethodTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A method type signature (called "MethodSignature" in the classfile documentation).
ModuleInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a package encountered during a scan.
ModuleInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of ModuleInfo objects.
ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an ModuleInfoList using a predicate mapping an ModuleInfo object to a boolean, producing another ModuleInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
modulePath - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The module path provided on the commandline by the --module-path or -p switch, as an ordered set of module names, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
ModulePathInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Information on the module path.
ModulePathInfo() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
Construct a ModulePathInfo.
ModuleReaderProxy - Class in io.github.classgraph
A ModuleReader proxy, written using reflection to preserve backwards compatibility with JDK 7 and 8.
ModuleRef - Class in io.github.classgraph
A ModuleReference proxy, written using reflection to preserve backwards compatibility with JDK 7 and 8.
ModuleRef(Object, Object) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef


nonClassFilesOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Return a new ResourceList consisting of non-classfile resources only.


onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.FailureHandler
Called on scanning failure during an asynchronous scan.
open(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as an InputStream.
open() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Open the module, returning a ModuleReaderProxy.
open() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Open an InputStream for a classpath resource.
overrideClassLoaders(ClassLoader...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Completely override (and ignore) system ClassLoaders and the java.class.path system property.
overrideClasspath(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path, with path elements separated by File.pathSeparatorChar.
overrideClasspath(Iterable<?>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path.
overrideClasspath(Object...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path.
overrideModuleLayers(Object...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Completely override (and ignore) the visible ModuleLayers, and instead scan the requested ModuleLayers.


PackageInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a package encountered during a scan.
PackageInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of PackageInfo objects.
PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an PackageInfoList using a predicate mapping an PackageInfo object to a boolean, producing another PackageInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
patchModules - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
The module patch directives listed on the commandline using the --patch-module switch, as an ordered set of strings in the format <module>=<file>, in the order they were listed on the commandline.
processScanResult(ScanResult) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor
Process the result of an asynchronous scan after scanning has completed.


read(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as a ByteBuffer.
read() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Open a ByteBuffer for a classpath resource.
ReferenceTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a reference type.
rejectClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Specifically reject one or more specific classes, preventing them from being scanned even if they are in a accepted package.
rejectClasspathElementsContainingResourcePath(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Reject classpath elements based on resource paths.
rejectJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Reject one or more jars, preventing them from being scanned.
rejectLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Reject one or more jars in a JRE/JDK "lib/" or "ext/" directory, preventing them from being scanned.
rejectModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Reject one or more modules, preventing them from being scanned.
rejectPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Prevent the scanning of one or more specific packages and their sub-packages.
rejectPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Prevent the scanning of one or more specific paths and their sub-directories / nested paths.
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Release a ByteBuffer allocated by calling
removeTemporaryFilesAfterScan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Remove temporary files, including nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles, which have to be extracted during scanning in order to be read) from their temporary directory as soon as the scan has completed.
resolve() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Look up a type variable (e.g.
Resource - Class in io.github.classgraph
A classpath or module path resource (i.e.
Resource(ClasspathElement, long) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.Resource
ResourceList - Class in io.github.classgraph
An AutoCloseable list of AutoCloseable Resource objects.
ResourceList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Create a new modifiable empty list of Resource objects.
ResourceList(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Create a new modifiable empty list of Resource objects, given a size hint.
ResourceList(Collection<Resource>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Create a new modifiable empty ResourceList, given an initial collection of Resource objects.
ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a byte array.
ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumerThrowsIOException - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a byte array, throwing IOException to the caller if an IO exception occurs.
ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a ByteBuffer.
ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumerThrowsIOException - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a ByteBuffer, throwing IOException to the caller if an IO exception occurs.
ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as an InputStream.
ResourceList.InputStreamConsumerThrowsIOException - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as an InputStream, throwing IOException to the caller if an IO exception occurs.
ResourceList.ResourceFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter a ResourceList using a predicate mapping a Resource object to a boolean, producing another ResourceList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.


scan(ExecutorService, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath using the requested ExecutorService and the requested degree of parallelism, blocking until the scan is complete.
scan(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath with the requested number of threads, blocking until the scan is complete.
scan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath, blocking until the scan is complete.
scanAsync(ExecutorService, int, ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor, ClassGraph.FailureHandler) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Asynchronously scans the classpath, calling a ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor callback on success or a ClassGraph.FailureHandler callback on failure.
scanAsync(ExecutorService, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Asynchronously scans the classpath for matching files, returning a Future<ScanResult>.
ScanResult - Class in io.github.classgraph
The result of a scan.
setMaxBufferedJarRAMSize(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
The maximum size of an inner (nested) jar that has been deflated (i.e.


toJSON(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Serialize a ScanResult to JSON.
toJSON() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Serialize a ScanResult to minified (un-indented) JSON.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Render to string.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModulePathInfo
Return the module path info in commandline format.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Get a string representation of the resource's location (as a URL string).
toStringWithSimpleNames() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Render to string with simple names for classes.
toStringWithTypeBound() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Returns the type variable along with its type bound, if available (e.g.
TypeArgument - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type argument.
TypeArgument.Wildcard - Enum in io.github.classgraph
A type wildcard.
TypeParameter - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type parameter.
TypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a reference type or base type.
TypeVariableSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type variable signature.


union(ClassInfoList...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the union of this ClassInfoList with one or more others.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Switches on verbose logging to System.err.
verbose(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Switches on verbose logging to System.err if verbose is true.


whitelistClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistClasspathElementsContainingResourcePath(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistPackagesNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
whitelistPathsNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
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