

package effredis

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseOperations[F[+_]] extends BaseApi[F]
  2. case class Error(cause: String) extends Resp[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  3. trait EvalOperations[F[+_]] extends EvalApi[F]
  4. trait GeoOperations[F[+_]] extends GeoApi[F]
  5. case class GeoRadiusMember(member: Option[String], hash: Option[Long] = None, dist: Option[String] = None, coords: Option[(String, String)] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  6. trait HashOperations[F[+_]] extends HashApi[F]
  7. trait HyperLogLogOperations[F[+_]] extends HyperLogLogApi[F]
  8. trait ListOperations[F[+_]] extends ListApi[F]
  9. trait Log[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass used for internal logging such as acquiring and releasing connections.

    Typeclass used for internal logging such as acquiring and releasing connections.

    It is recommended to use log4cats for production usage but if you do not want the extra dependency, you can opt to use either of the simple instances provided.

    If you don't need logging at all, you can use Log.NoOp

    import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log.NoOp._

    If you need simple logging to STDOUT for quick debugging, you can use Log.Stdout

    import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log.Stdout._
  10. trait NodeOperations[F[+_]] extends NodeApi[F]
  11. trait Protocol extends R
  12. abstract class Redis[F[+_]] extends RedisIO with Protocol
  13. trait RedisBlocker extends AnyRef
  14. class RedisClient[F[+_]] extends Redis[F] with RedisCommand[F]
  15. trait RedisCommand[F[+_]] extends Redis[F] with StringOperations[F] with BaseOperations[F] with ListOperations[F] with SetOperations[F] with HashOperations[F] with SortedSetOperations[F] with NodeOperations[F] with GeoOperations[F] with EvalOperations[F] with HyperLogLogOperations[F] with TransactionOperations[F] with AutoCloseable
  16. case class RedisConnectionException(message: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  17. trait RedisIO extends AnyRef
  18. case class RedisMultiExecException(message: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  19. sealed trait Resp[+A] extends AnyRef
  20. class SequencingDecorator[F[+_]] extends Redis[F] with RedisCommand[F]
  21. trait SetOperations[F[+_]] extends SetApi[F]
  22. trait SortedSetOperations[F[+_]] extends SortedSetApi[F]
  23. trait StringOperations[F[+_]] extends StringApi[F]
  24. trait TransactionOperations[F[+_]] extends TransactionApi[F]
  25. case class TxnDiscarded(contents: Vector[(String, () ⇒ Any)]) extends Resp[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  26. case class Value[A](value: A) extends Resp[A] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Buffered extends Resp[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  2. object Log
  3. object Queued extends Resp[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  4. object RedisBlocker
  5. object RedisClient
