
package kcl

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package ciris
  2. package fs2
  3. package http4s
  4. package instances
  5. package localstack
  6. package logging
  7. package multistream

Type Members

  1. final case class CommittableRecord[F[_]](shardId: String, recordProcessorStartingSequenceNumber: ExtendedSequenceNumber, millisBehindLatest: Long, record: KinesisClientRecord, recordProcessor: RecordProcessor[F], checkpointer: RecordProcessorCheckpointer, lastRecordDeferred: Deferred[F, Unit], isLastInShard: Boolean = false)(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends Product with Serializable

    A message from Kinesis that is able to be committed.

    A message from Kinesis that is able to be committed.


    The unique identifier for the shard from which this record originated


    The starting sequence number for the RecordProcessor which received this record


    Milleseconds behind the latest record, used to detect if the consumer is lagging the producer


    KinesisClientRecord representing the original record received by Kinesis.


    Reference to the RecordProcessor that is responsible for processing this message


    Reference to the RecordProcessorCheckpointer responsible for committing the record

  2. class KCLConsumer[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Wrapper offering for the KCL

  3. class RecordProcessor[F[_]] extends ShardRecordProcessor

    An implementation of the ShardRecordProcessor interface, with some additional logic for raising exceptions, processing + committing records and logging results.

Value Members

  1. object CommittableRecord extends Serializable
  2. object KCLConsumer
  3. object RecordProcessor
  4. object WorkerListeners
