
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def close: Unit

Closes the client. Any requests to the client after this is called will be rejected.

Closes the client. Any requests to the client after this is called will be rejected.

def create[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Create a new object resource. If the namespace metadata field is set to a non-empty value then the object will be created in that namespace, otherwise it will be created in the configured namespace of the client.

Create a new object resource. If the namespace metadata field is set to a non-empty value then the object will be created in that namespace, otherwise it will be created in the configured namespace of the client.

Type parameters:

the specific object resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource to create on the cluster


A future containing the created resource returned by Kubernetes

def delete[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, gracePeriodSeconds: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Unit]

Delete an existing object resource

Delete an existing object resource

Value parameters:

optional parameter specifying a grace period to be applied before hard killing the resource


the name of the resource to delete


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future that will be set to success if the deletion request was accepted by Kubernetes, otherwise failure

def deleteAll[L <: ListResource[_]](namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Delete all resources of specified type in current namespace

Delete all resources of specified type in current namespace

Type parameters:

list resource type of resources to delete e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing the list of all deleted resources

def deleteAllSelected[L <: ListResource[_]](labelSelector: LabelSelector, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Delete all resources of specified type selected by a specified label selector in current namespace

Delete all resources of specified type selected by a specified label selector in current namespace

Type parameters:

the list resource type of resources to delete e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

selects the resources to delete


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing the list of all deleted resources

def deleteWithOptions[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, options: DeleteOptions, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Unit]

Delete an existing object resource

Delete an existing object resource

Type parameters:

the specific object resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the name of the resource to delete


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


contains various options that can be passed to the deletion operation, see Kubernetes documentation


A future that will be set to success if the deletion request was accepted by Kubernetes, otherwise failure

def exec(podName: String, command: Seq[String], maybeContainerName: Option[String], maybeStdin: Option[Source[String, _]], maybeStdout: Option[Sink[String, _]], maybeStderr: Option[Sink[String, _]], tty: Boolean, maybeClose: Option[Promise[Unit]], namespace: Option[String])(implicit lc: LoggingContext): Future[Unit]

Execute a command in a pod (similar to kubectl exec ...)

Execute a command in a pod (similar to kubectl exec ...)

Value parameters:

the command to execute


if set, this can be used to close the connection to the pod by completing the promise


an optional container name


optional Akka Sink to receive output from stderr for the command


optional Akka Source for sending input to stdin for the command


optional Akka Sink to receive output from stdout for the command


if set this specifies the namespace of the pod (otherwise the configured namespace is used)


the name of the pod


optionally set tty on


A future indicating the exec command has been submitted

def get[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type

Type parameters:

the specific object resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the name of the object resource


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing the retrieved resource (or an exception if resource not found)

def getNamespaceNames(implicit lc: LoggingContext): Future[List[String]]

Return a list of the names of all namespaces in the cluster

Return a list of the names of all namespaces in the cluster


a future containing the list of names of all namespaces in the cluster

def getOption[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Option[O]]

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type, returning None if resource does not exist

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type, returning None if resource does not exist

Type parameters:

the specific object resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the name of the object resource


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing Some(resource) if the resource is found on the cluster, or None if not found

def getPodLogSource(name: String, queryParams: LogQueryParams, namespace: Option[String])(implicit lc: LoggingContext): Future[Source[ByteString, _]]

Get the logs from a pod (similar to kubectl logs ...). The logs are streamed using an Akka streams source

Get the logs from a pod (similar to kubectl logs ...). The logs are streamed using an Akka streams source

Value parameters:

the name of the pod


if set this specifies the namespace of the pod (otherwise the configured namespace is used)


optional parameters of the request (for example container name)


A future containing a Source for the logs stream.

def getScale[O <: ObjectResource](objName: String, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], sc: SubresourceSpec[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Scale]

Get the scale subresource of the named object resource This can only be called on certain resource types that support scale subresources. Normally used in advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Get the scale subresource of the named object resource This can only be called on certain resource types that support scale subresources. Normally used in advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Type parameters:

the type of the resource e.g. Pod

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the name of the resource


this implicit parameter provides evidence that the resource type supports scale subresources. Normally defined in the companion object of the resource type if applicable so does not need to be imported.


a future containing the scale subresource

def getServerAPIVersions(implicit lc: LoggingContext): Future[List[String]]

Return list of API versions supported by the server

Return list of API versions supported by the server


a future containing the list of API versions

def getStatus[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], statusEv: HasStatusSubresource[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Get the status subresource of a given object resource. Only supported by certain object resource kinds (which need to have defined an implicit HasStatusResource) This method is generally for advanced use cases such as custom controllers.

Get the status subresource of a given object resource. Only supported by certain object resource kinds (which need to have defined an implicit HasStatusResource) This method is generally for advanced use cases such as custom controllers.

Type parameters:

the resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the name of the object resource


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


this implicit provides evidence that the resource kind has status subresources, so supports this method


A future containing the object resource including current status

def list[L <: ListResource[_]](namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Get list of all resources of specified type in the configured namespace for the client

Get list of all resources of specified type in the configured namespace for the client

Type parameters:

the list type to retrieve e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing the resource list retrieved

def listByNamespace[L <: ListResource[_]]()(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Map[String, L]]

Get list of all resources across all namespaces in the cluster of a specified list type, grouped by namespace

Get list of all resources across all namespaces in the cluster of a specified list type, grouped by namespace

Type parameters:

the list resource type of resources to list e.g. PodList, DeploymentList


A future with a map containing an entry for each namespace, each entry consists of a list of resources keyed by the name of their namesapce

def listSelected[L <: ListResource[_]](labelSelector: LabelSelector, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Get list of selected resources of specified type in the configured namespace for the client

Get list of selected resources of specified type in the configured namespace for the client

Type parameters:

the list type of the resources to retrieve e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

the label selector to use to select the resources to return


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future containing the resource list retrieved

def listWithOptions[L <: ListResource[_]](options: ListOptions, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Get list of resources of specified type, applying the specified options to the list request

Get list of resources of specified type, applying the specified options to the list request

Type parameters:

the list type of the resources to retrieve e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


a set of options to be added to the request that can modify how the request is handled by Kubernetes.


A future containing the resource list retrieved

def patch[P <: Patch, O <: ObjectResource](name: String, patchData: P, namespace: Option[String])(implicit patchfmt: Writes[P], fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Patch a resource

Patch a resource

Type parameters:

the type of the resource to be patched


the patch type (specifies the patch strategy details)

Value parameters:

The name of the resource to patch


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


The patch data to apply to the resource


an implicit parameter that knows how to serialise the patch data to Json


a future conating the patched resource

def update[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Update an existing object resource

Update an existing object resource

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource with the desired updates


A future containing the updated resource returned by Kubernetes

def updateScale[O <: ObjectResource](objName: String, scale: Scale, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], sc: SubresourceSpec[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Scale]

Update the scale subresource of a specified resource This can only be called on certain resource types that support scale subresources. Normally used in advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Update the scale subresource of a specified resource This can only be called on certain resource types that support scale subresources. Normally used in advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Type parameters:

the type of the resource

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the name of the resource


this implicit parameter provides evidence that the resource type supports scale subresources. Normally defined in the companion object of the resource type if applicable so does not need to be imported


the updated scale to set on the resource


a future containing the successfully updated scale subresource

def updateStatus[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], statusEv: HasStatusSubresource[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Update the status subresource of a given object resource. Only supported by certain object resource kinds (which need to have defined an implicit HasStatusResource) This method is generally for advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Update the status subresource of a given object resource. Only supported by certain object resource kinds (which need to have defined an implicit HasStatusResource) This method is generally for advanced use cases such as custom controllers

Type parameters:

The resource type

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the name of the object resource whose status subresource is to be updated


this implicit provides evidence that the resource kind has status subresources, so supports this method


A future containing the full updated object resource

def watch[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Source[WatchEvent[O], _]]

Place a watch on a specific object - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever the object is added, modified or deleted on the cluster Note: Most applications should probably use watchContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Place a watch on a specific object - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever the object is added, modified or deleted on the cluster Note: Most applications should probably use watchContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Type parameters:

the type of the object to watch e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the name of the object to watch


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watch[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, sinceResourceVersion: Option[String], bufSize: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Source[WatchEvent[O], _]]

Place a watch for any changes to a specific object, optionally since a given resource version - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever the object is modified or deleted on the cluster, if the resource version on the updated object is greater than or equal to that specified. Note: Most applications should probably use watchContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Place a watch for any changes to a specific object, optionally since a given resource version - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever the object is modified or deleted on the cluster, if the resource version on the updated object is greater than or equal to that specified. Note: Most applications should probably use watchContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Type parameters:

the type of the resource to watch

Value parameters:

An optional buffer size for the returned on-the-wire representation of each modified object - normally the default is more than enough.


the name of the object


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource version - normally the applications gets the current resource from the metadata of a list call on the applicable type (e.g. PodList, DeploymentList) and then supplies that to this method. If no resource version is specified, a single ADDED event will be produced for an already existing object followed by events for any future changes.


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watchAll[O <: ObjectResource](sinceResourceVersion: Option[String], bufSize: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Source[WatchEvent[O], _]]

Place a watch on changes to all objects of a specific resource type - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever an object of the specified type is added, modified or deleted on the cluster Note: Most applications should probably use watchAllContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Place a watch on changes to all objects of a specific resource type - this returns a source of events that will be produced whenever an object of the specified type is added, modified or deleted on the cluster Note: Most applications should probably use watchAllContinuously instead, which transparently reconnects and continues the watch in the case of server timeouts - the source returned by this method will complete in the presence of such timeouts or other disconnections.

Type parameters:

the type of resource to watch e.g. Pod, Dpeloyment

Value parameters:

optional buffer size for each modified object received, normally the default is more than enough


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource version - normally the applications gets the current resource from the metadata of a list call on the applicable type (e.g. PodList, DeploymentList) and then supplies that to this method. If no resource version is specified, a single ADDED event will be produced for an already existing object followed by events for any future changes.


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watchAllContinuously[O <: ObjectResource](sinceResourceVersion: Option[String], bufSize: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Source[WatchEvent[O], _]

Watch all object resources of a specified type continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed. The optional resourceVersion can be used to specify that only events on versions of objects greater than or equal to the resource version should be produced.

Watch all object resources of a specified type continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed. The optional resourceVersion can be used to specify that only events on versions of objects greater than or equal to the resource version should be produced.

Type parameters:

the type pf the resource

Value parameters:

optional buffer size for received object updates, normally the default is more than enough


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource version - normally the applications gets the current resource version from the metadata of a list call on the applicable type (e.g. PodList, DeploymentList) and then supplies that to this method to receive any future updates. If no resource version is specified, a single ADDED event will be produced for an already existing object followed by events for any future changes.


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watchContinuously[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Source[WatchEvent[O], _]

Watch a specific object resource continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events on any updates to the object even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed.

Watch a specific object resource continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events on any updates to the object even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed.

Type parameters:

the type of the resource e.g Pod

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the object resource to watch


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watchContinuously[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, sinceResourceVersion: Option[String], bufSize: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Source[WatchEvent[O], _]

Watch a specific object resource continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events on any updates to the object even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed. The optional resourceVersion can be used to specify that only events on versions of the object greater than or equal to the resource version should be produced.

Watch a specific object resource continuously. This returns a source that will continue to produce events on any updates to the object even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed. The optional resourceVersion can be used to specify that only events on versions of the object greater than or equal to the resource version should be produced.

Type parameters:

the type of the resource

Value parameters:

optional buffer size for received object updates, normally the default is more than enough


the name of the resource to watch


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the resource version - normally the applications gets the current resource version from the metadata of a list call on the applicable type (e.g. PodList, DeploymentList) and then supplies that to this method to receive any future updates. If no resource version is specified, a single ADDED event will be produced for an already existing object followed by events for any future changes.


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

def watchWithOptions[O <: ObjectResource](options: ListOptions, bufsize: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Source[WatchEvent[O], _]

Watch all object resources of a specified type continuously, passing the specified options to the API server with the watch request. This returns a source that will continue to produce events even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed.

Watch all object resources of a specified type continuously, passing the specified options to the API server with the watch request. This returns a source that will continue to produce events even if the server times out, by transparently restarting the watch as needed.

Type parameters:

the resource type to watch

Value parameters:

optional buffer size for received object updates, normally the default is more than enough


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


a set of list options to pass to the server. See https://godoc.org/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1#ListOptions for the meaning of the options. Note that the watch flag in the options will be ignored / overridden by the client, which ensures a watch is always requested on the server.


A future containing an Akka streams Source of WatchEvents that will be emitted

Deprecated methods

def deleteAll[L <: ListResource[_]](implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]
def getInNamespace[O <: ObjectResource](name: String, namespace: String)(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type from the specified namespace

Retrieve the object resource with the specified name and type from the specified namespace

Type parameters:

the specific object resource type e.g. Pod, Deployment

Value parameters:

the name of the object resource


the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


A future conatining Some(resource) if the resource is found on the cluster otherwise None

def jsonMergePatch[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O, patch: String, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], fmt: Format[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[O]

Apply a patch to a specified object resource using json merge patch strategy

Apply a patch to a specified object resource using json merge patch strategy

Type parameters:

the type of the resource

Value parameters:

the namespace (defaults to currently configured namespace)


the name of the resource to patch


the patch (in json patch format)


A future containing the patched resource

def list[L <: ListResource[_]](implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]
def listInNamespace[L <: ListResource[_]](theNamespace: String)(implicit fmt: Format[L], rd: ResourceDefinition[L], lc: LoggingContext): Future[L]

Get list of resources of a given type in a specified namespace

Get list of resources of a given type in a specified namespace

Type parameters:

the list resource type of the objects to retrieve e.g. PodList, DeploymentList

Value parameters:

the namespace to search


A future containing the resource list retrieved

def scale[O <: ObjectResource](objName: String, count: Int, namespace: Option[String])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[O], sc: SubresourceSpec[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Scale]
def usingNamespace(newNamespace: String): KubernetesClient

Create a new KubernetesClient instance that reuses this clients configuration and connection resources, but with a different target namespace. This is useful for applications that need a lightweight way to target multiple or dynamic namespaces.

Create a new KubernetesClient instance that reuses this clients configuration and connection resources, but with a different target namespace. This is useful for applications that need a lightweight way to target multiple or dynamic namespaces.

def watch[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O)(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Future[Source[WatchEvent[O], _]]
def watchContinuously[O <: ObjectResource](obj: O)(implicit fmt: Format[O], rd: ResourceDefinition[O], lc: LoggingContext): Source[WatchEvent[O], _]

Abstract fields

val clusterServer: String
val namespaceName: String