
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Aux[T, R, O] = TapirCoproductTranslator[T, R] { type Out = O; }



given TapirCoproductTranslator_T_*:[T, H, Tail <: Tuple](using val current: Aux[T, H, (Schema[_], T => Option[Schema[_]])], val next: Aux[T, Tail, (List[Schema[_]], T => Option[Schema[_]])], val ev1: Partition[IsSingletonSubtype, H *: Tail], val ev2: MeetsCondition =:= EmptyTuple): TapirCoproductTranslator[T, H *: Tail]

Translate non-empty tuple of non-singleton subtypes

Translate non-empty tuple of non-singleton subtypes

given TapirCoproductTranslator_T_Aux[T, ST, D, DN, DV, N <: TypeName, S](using val stst: SchemaTranslator[ST, S, Schema], val ev: NotGiven[IsSingletonSubtype[Aux[T, ST, D, DN, DV, N, S]]]): TapirCoproductTranslator[T, Aux[T, ST, D, DN, DV, N, S]]

Translate non-singleton subtype to tapir schema + matcher

Translate non-singleton subtype to tapir schema + matcher

Translate empty tuple of non-singleton subtypes

Translate empty tuple of non-singleton subtypes

given TapirCoproductTranslator_T_R[T, R <: Tuple, IsSingle <: NonEmptyTuple, NotSingle <: NonEmptyTuple](using val part: Aux[IsSingletonSubtype, R, IsSingle, NotSingle], val nst: Aux[T, NotSingle, (List[Schema[_]], T => Option[Schema[_]])], val st: Aux[T, IsSingle, (List[String], T => Boolean)]): TapirCoproductTranslator[T, R]

Translate tuple of mixed singleton and non-singleton subtypes

Translate tuple of mixed singleton and non-singleton subtypes

given emptySingleton[T]: TapirCoproductTranslator[T, EmptyTuple]

Translate empty tuple of only singleton subtypes into a single enum string tapir schema

Translate empty tuple of only singleton subtypes into a single enum string tapir schema

given nonemptySingleton[T, H, Tail <: Tuple](using val ev: ExistsFor[IsSingletonSubtype, H *: Tail], val h: Aux[T, H, (List[String], T => Boolean)], val t: Aux[T, Tail, (List[String], T => Boolean)]): TapirCoproductTranslator[T, H *: Tail]

Translate non-empty tuple of only singleton subtypes into a single enum string tapir schema

Translate non-empty tuple of only singleton subtypes into a single enum string tapir schema

given singletonTrans[T, ST <: Singleton, D, DN, DV, N <: TypeName, SN <: TypeName]: TapirCoproductTranslator[T, Aux[T, ST, D, DN, DV, N, SingletonShape[ST, SN]]]

Translate singleton subtype to string schema + matcher

Translate singleton subtype to string schema + matcher