
trait Filter
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def and(anotherFilter: Filter): Filter

Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided filter.

Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided filter.

<blockquote> <pre> eq("x", 1).and(lt("y", 3)) </pre> </blockquote>

will generate a MongoDB query like: <blockquote>

<pre> { $and: [{x : 1}, {y : {$lt : 3}}]} </pre>


{ $and: [{x : 1}, {y : {$lt : 3}}]} </pre>

eq("x", 1).and(lt("y", 3)) </pre>

will generate a MongoDB query like: <blockquote>

<pre> { $and: [{x : 1}, {y : {$lt : 3}}]} </pre>


{ $and: [{x : 1}, {y : {$lt : 3}}]} </pre>

Value Params

the filter to and together


the filter

def nor(anotherFilter: Filter): Filter

Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on the specified filters.

Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on the specified filters.

Value Params

the filter to or together


the filter

def not: Filter

Creates a filter that matches all documents that do not match the passed in filter. Lifts the current filter to create a valid "$not" query:

Creates a filter that matches all documents that do not match the passed in filter. Lifts the current filter to create a valid "$not" query:

<blockquote> <pre> eq("x", 1).not </pre> </blockquote>

will generate a MongoDB query like: <blockquote>

<pre> {x : $not: {$eq : 1}} </pre>


{x : $not: {$eq : 1}} </pre>

eq("x", 1).not </pre>

will generate a MongoDB query like: <blockquote>

<pre> {x : $not: {$eq : 1}} </pre>


{x : $not: {$eq : 1}} </pre>


the filter

def or(anotherFilter: Filter): Filter

Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided filter.

Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided filter.

Value Params

the filter to or together


the filter

Concrete methods

def &&(anotherFilter: Filter): Filter
def ||(anotherFilter: Filter): Filter