See theHttp2ClientConnection companion object
class Http2ClientConnection(ch: IOChannel, timeOutMs: Int, uri: URI, streamIdRef: Ref[IO, Int], headerEncoderRef: Ref[IO, HeaderEncoder], headerDecoderRef: Ref[IO, HeaderDecoder], outq: Queue[IO, ByteBuffer], outBoundFiber: Fiber[IO, Throwable, Nothing], hSem: Semaphore[IO], hSem2: Semaphore[IO], awaitSettings: Deferred[IO, Boolean], settings1: Ref[IO, Http2Settings], globalBytesOfPendingInboundData: Ref[IO, Long], inboundWindow: Ref[IO, Long], transmitWindow: Ref[IO, Long], INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: Int) extends Http2ConnectionCommon
Represents a HTTP/2 connection.
- ch
The underlying IO channel of the connection.
- hSem
The semaphore for the connection.
- headerDecoderRef
The header decoder for the connection.
- headerEncoderRef
The header encoder for the connection.
- outBoundFiber
The output fiber for the connection.
- outq
The output queue for the connection.
- sets
The HTTP/2 settings for the connection.
- streamIdRef
connection streamIds, starts from 1,3,5 ...
- Constructor:
Creates a new HTTP/2 connection with the specified parameters.
- Companion:
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes