



package extratrees

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. extratrees
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class ClassificationLeaf(targetDistribution: Seq[Double]) extends ClassificationTree with Product with Serializable
  2. case class ClassificationNonLeaf(left: ClassificationTree, right: ClassificationTree, splitFeature: Int, cutpoint: Double) extends ClassificationTree with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait ClassificationTree extends AnyRef
  4. case class RegressionLeaf(targetMean: Double) extends RegressionTree with Product with Serializable
  5. case class RegressionNonLeaf(left: RegressionTree, right: RegressionTree, splitFeature: Int, cutpoint: Double) extends RegressionTree with Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait RegressionTree extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def buildForestClassification(data: Mat[Double], target: Vec[Int], sampleWeights: Option[Vec[Double]], numClasses: Int, nMin: Int, k: Int, m: Int, parallelism: Int, seed: Long = Seq[ClassificationTree]
  2. def buildForestRegression(data: Mat[Double], target: Vec[Double], nMin: Int, k: Int, m: Int, parallelism: Int, seed: Long = Seq[RegressionTree]
  3. def buildTreeClassification(data: Mat[Double], subset: Vec[Int], target: Vec[Int], sampleWeights: Option[Vec[Double]], nMin: Int, k: Int, rng: Generator, numClasses: Int, attributes: Array[Int], numConstant: Int): ClassificationTree
  4. def buildTreeRegression(data: Mat[Double], subset: Vec[Int], target: Vec[Double], nMin: Int, k: Int, rng: Generator, attributes: Array[Int], numConstant: Int): RegressionTree
  5. def col(data: Mat[Double], col: Int): Vec[Double]
  6. def computeVarianceReduction(target: Vec[Double], samplesInSplit: Vec[Boolean], varianceNoSplit: Double): Double
  7. def distribution(v: Vec[Int], sampleWeights: Option[Vec[Double]], numClasses: Int): Vec[Double]
  8. def giniImpurity(target: Vec[Int], weights: Option[Vec[Double]], numClasses: Int): Double
  9. def giniImpurityFromDistribution(distribution: Array[Double]): Double
  10. def giniScore(target: Vec[Int], sampleWeights: Option[Vec[Double]], samplesInSplit: Vec[Boolean], giniImpurityNoSplit: Double, numClasses: Int, buf1: Array[Double], buf2: Array[Double]): Double
  11. def minmax(self: Vec[Double]): (Double, Double)
  12. def partition[T](vec: Vec[T])(pred: Array[Boolean])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): (Vec[T], Vec[T])
  13. def predictClassification(trees: Seq[ClassificationTree], samples: Mat[Double]): Mat[Double]
  14. def predictClassification(root: ClassificationTree, sample: Vec[Double]): Vec[Double]
  15. def predictRegression(trees: Seq[RegressionTree], samples: Mat[Double]): Vec[Double]
  16. def predictRegression(root: RegressionTree, sample: Vec[Double]): Double
  17. def splitClassification(data: Mat[Double], subset: Vec[Int], attributes: Array[Int], numConstant: Int, k: Int, targetAtSubset: Vec[Int], weightsAtSubset: Option[Vec[Double]], rng: Generator, numClasses: Int): (Int, Double, Int)
  18. def splitRegression(data: Mat[Double], subset: Vec[Int], attributes: Array[Int], numConstant: Int, k: Int, targetAtSubset: Vec[Double], rng: Generator): (Int, Double, Int)
  19. def takeCol(data: Mat[Double], rows: Vec[Int], col: Int): Vec[Double]
  20. object ClassificationLeaf extends Serializable
  21. object ClassificationNonLeaf extends Serializable
  22. object ClassificationTree
  23. object RegressionLeaf extends Serializable
  24. object RegressionNonLeaf extends Serializable
  25. object RegressionTree

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
