
See theGenericModule companion object
trait GenericModule[A, B]

Base type of modules

Modules are functions of type (Seq[lamp.autograd.Constant],A) => B, where the Seq[lamp.autograd.Constant] arguments are optimizable parameters and A is a non-optimizable input.

Modules provide a way to build composite functions while also keep track of the parameter list of the composite function.


case object Weights extends LeafTag
case object Bias extends LeafTag
case class Linear(weights: Constant, bias: Option[Constant]) extends Module {

 override val state = List(
   weights -> Weights
 ) ++ => (b, Bias))

 def forward[S: Sc](x: Variable): Variable = {
   val v = + v).getOrElse(v)


Some other attributes of modules are attached by type classes e.g. with the nn.TrainingMode, nn.Load type classes.

Type parameters


the argument type of the module


the value type of the module


See also

nn.Module is an alias for simple Variable => Variable modules

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class BertEncoder
class BertLoss
class EitherModule[A, B, M1, M2]
class GenericFun[A, B]
class Recursive[A, M]
class Seq2[T1, T2, T3, M1, M2]
class Seq3[T1, T2, T3, T4, M1, M2, M3]
class Seq4[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, M1, M2, M3, M4]
class Seq5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5]
class Seq6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6]
class Sequential[A, M]
class Transformer
class UnliftedModule[A, B, C, D, M]
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Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def forward[S : Sc](x: A): B

The implementation of the function.

The implementation of the function.

In addition of x it can also use all the `state to compute its value.


def state: Seq[(Constant, PTag)]

List of optimizable, or non-optimizable, but stateful parameters

List of optimizable, or non-optimizable, but stateful parameters

Stateful means that the state is carried over the repeated forward calls.


Concrete methods

def apply[S : Sc](a: A): B

Alias of forward

Alias of forward


final def gradients(loss: Variable, zeroGrad: Boolean): Seq[Option[STen]]

Computes the gradient of loss with respect to the parameters.

Computes the gradient of loss with respect to the parameters.


final def learnableParameters: Long

Returns the total number of optimizable parameters.

Returns the total number of optimizable parameters.


final def parameters: Seq[(Constant, PTag)]

Returns the state variables which need gradient computation.

Returns the state variables which need gradient computation.


final def zeroGrad(): Unit