
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class BCEWithLogits(posWeights: Option[STen], reduction: Reduction, ignore: Long) extends LossFunction
case object Identity extends LossFunction
case object L1Loss extends LossFunction
case object MSE extends LossFunction
case class NLL(numClasses: Int, classWeights: STen, reduction: Reduction, ignore: Long) extends LossFunction
case class SequenceNLL(numClasses: Int, classWeights: STen, ignore: Long) extends LossFunction

Return a loss function which takes outputs of time step x batch x classes and targets of time step x batch The returned loss is averaged over the batch and the time steps

Return a loss function which takes outputs of time step x batch x classes and targets of time step x batch The returned loss is averaged over the batch and the time steps