

package lamp

Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications

Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications

=Overview= Notable types and packages:

  • lamp.STen is a memory managed wrapper around aten.ATen, an off the heap, native n-dimensionl array backed by libtorch.
  • lamp.autograd implements reverse mode automatic differentiation.
  • lamp.nn contains neural network building blocks, see e.g. lamp.nn.Linear.
  • implements a training loop and other data related abstractions.
  • lamp.knn implements k-nearest neighbor search on the CPU and GPU
  • lamp.umap.Umap implements the UMAP dimension reduction algorithm
  • lamp.onnx implements serialization of computation graphs into ONNX format
  • contains CSV and NPY readers

===How to get data into lamp=== Use one of the file readers in or one of the factories in lamp.STen$.

===How to define a custom neural network layer=== See the documentation on lamp.nn.GenericModule

===How to compose neural network layers=== See the documentation on lamp.nn

===How to train models=== See the training loops in
