
A DataRenderer can render a datum a a side effect

DataRenderers describe the visual representations of single data rows. DataRenderers operate in a side effect with the provided context specific shape and textbox renderer.

It is guaranteed that the render method is called in a loop on all rows of a data source, after which the clear method is called exactly once.

Data renderers interpret the data rows as it is applicable for their function e.g. the point renderer takes 2 numbers for the x, y coordinates and potentially numbers for the color value, and the top and bottom error bars. In contrast the box and whiskes renderer takes 5 numbers for the min/max/median/mean and the horizontal coordinate. If the data row is too short for the given data renderer then an error is thrown.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def asLegend: Option[LegendElem]
def render[R <: RenderingContext[LazyRef(...)]](data: Row, xAxis: Axis, yAxis: Axis, ctx: R, tx: AffineTransform)(implicit re: Renderer[ShapeElem, R], rt: Renderer[TextBox, R]): Unit
def xMinMax(ds: DataSource): Option[MinMax]
def yMinMax(ds: DataSource): Option[MinMax]

Concrete methods

def clear[R <: RenderingContext[LazyRef(...)]](ctx: R)(implicit re: Renderer[ShapeElem, R], rt: Renderer[TextBox, R]): Unit