
trait Renderers
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def abline(a: Double, b: Double, renderer: DataRenderer): (DataSourceWithQuantiles, List[DataRenderer])
def area(xCol: Int, yCol: Int, colorCol: Int, yCol2: Option[Int], color: Colormap): DataRenderer

Paints the area between the (x,y) and (x,0) or between (x,y) and (x,y2) if y2 is present

Paints the area between the (x,y) and (x,0) or between (x,y) and (x,y2) if y2 is present

def bar[F : FC](xCol: Int, yCol: Int, fillCol: Int, horizontal: Boolean, stroke: StrokeConf, strokeColor: Color, fill: Colormap, width: Double, yCol2: Option[Int], widthCol: Int): DataRenderer
def boxwhisker[F : FC](xCol: Int, medianCol: Int, q1Col: Int, q3Col: Int, minCol: Int, maxCol: Int, widthCol: Int, fillCol: Int, width: Double, stroke: StrokeConf, strokeColor: Color, fill: Colormap): DataRenderer
def line[F : FC](xCol: Int, yCol: Int, colorCol: Int, stroke: StrokeConf, color: Colormap): DataRenderer
def lineSegment[F : FC](xCol: Int, yCol: Int, x2Col: Int, y2Col: Int, colorCol: Int, stroke: StrokeConf, color: Colormap, labelText: Boolean, labelColor: Color, labelFontSize: RelFontSize, labelDistance: RelFontSize, label: Any => String): DataRenderer
def point[T : FC](xCol: Int, yCol: Int, colorCol: Int, sizeCol: Int, shapeCol: Int, errorTopCol: Int, errorBottomCol: Int, size: Double, color: Colormap, shapes: Vector[Shape], pointSizeIsInDataSpaceUnits: Boolean, keepPointShapeAspectRatio: Boolean, valueText: Boolean, labelText: Boolean, labelFontSize: RelFontSize, labelColor: Color, errorBarStroke: StrokeConf, errorBarColor: Color, transparent: Option[Double], translate: (Double, Double), xNoise: Double, yNoise: Double, label: Any => String): DataRenderer
def polynom(renderer: () => DataRenderer): DataRenderer