
Type members


case class AngleClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class AreaConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], line: Option[Line], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], point: Option[Point], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Area-Specific Config

Area-Specific Config

case class ArgmDef(argmax: Option[String], argmin: Option[String])
case class AutoSizeParams(contains: Option[Contains], resize: Option[Boolean], `type`: Option[AutosizeType])
case class Axis(aria: Option[Aria], bandPosition: Option[CornerRadius], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], domain: Option[Boolean], domainCap: Option[Cap], domainColor: Option[Color], domainDash: Option[StrokeDash], domainDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], domainOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], domainWidth: Option[CornerRadius], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], grid: Option[Boolean], gridCap: Option[Cap], gridColor: Option[GridColorUnion], gridDash: Option[AxisGridDash], gridDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], gridOpacity: Option[GridOpacityUnion], gridWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelAlign: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignNull], labelAngle: Option[LabelAngle], labelBaseline: Option[TextBaseline], labelBound: Option[Label], labelColor: Option[GridColorUnion], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFlush: Option[LabelFlush], labelFlushOffset: Option[CornerRadius], labelFont: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyStringNull], labelFontSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelFontStyle: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStyleNull], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeight], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], labelOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOverlap: Option[LabelOverlap], labelPadding: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labels: Option[Boolean], labelSeparation: Option[CornerRadius], maxExtent: Option[CornerRadius], minExtent: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[TitleOrientUnion], position: Option[CornerRadius], style: Option[Text], tickBand: Option[TickBandUnion], tickCap: Option[Cap], tickColor: Option[GridColorUnion], tickCount: Option[TickCount], tickDash: Option[AxisTickDash], tickDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickExtra: Option[Boolean], tickMinStep: Option[CornerRadius], tickOffset: Option[CornerRadius], tickOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickRound: Option[Boolean], ticks: Option[Boolean], tickSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], tickWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], titleAngle: Option[CornerRadius], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[Color], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[FontSize], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[FontSize], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], titleX: Option[CornerRadius], titleY: Option[CornerRadius], translate: Option[CornerRadius], values: Option[Values], zindex: Option[Double])
case class AxisConfig(aria: Option[Aria], bandPosition: Option[CornerRadius], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], disable: Option[Boolean], domain: Option[Boolean], domainCap: Option[Cap], domainColor: Option[Color], domainDash: Option[StrokeDash], domainDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], domainOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], domainWidth: Option[CornerRadius], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], grid: Option[Boolean], gridCap: Option[Cap], gridColor: Option[GridColorUnion], gridDash: Option[AxisBandGridDash], gridDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], gridOpacity: Option[GridOpacityUnion], gridWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelAlign: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignNull], labelAngle: Option[LabelAngle], labelBaseline: Option[TextBaseline], labelBound: Option[Label], labelColor: Option[GridColorUnion], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFlush: Option[LabelFlush], labelFlushOffset: Option[CornerRadius], labelFont: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyStringNull], labelFontSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelFontStyle: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStyleNull], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeight], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], labelOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOverlap: Option[LabelOverlap], labelPadding: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labels: Option[Boolean], labelSeparation: Option[CornerRadius], maxExtent: Option[CornerRadius], minExtent: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[TitleOrientUnion], position: Option[CornerRadius], style: Option[Text], tickBand: Option[TickBandUnion], tickCap: Option[Cap], tickColor: Option[GridColorUnion], tickCount: Option[TickCount], tickDash: Option[AxisBandTickDash], tickDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickExtra: Option[Boolean], tickMinStep: Option[CornerRadius], tickOffset: Option[CornerRadius], tickOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickRound: Option[Boolean], ticks: Option[Boolean], tickSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], tickWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], titleAngle: Option[CornerRadius], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[Color], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[FontSize], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[FontSize], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], titleX: Option[CornerRadius], titleY: Option[CornerRadius], translate: Option[CornerRadius], values: Option[Values], zindex: Option[Double])

Axis configuration, which determines default properties for all x and y axes. For a full list of axis configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the axis documentation.

Axis configuration, which determines default properties for all x and y axes. For a full list of axis configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the axis documentation.

Config for axes with "band" scales.

Config for x-axis along the bottom edge of the chart.

Config for axes with "point" or "band" scales.

Config for y-axis along the left edge of the chart.

Config for axes with "point" scales.

Config for quantitative axes.

Config for y-axis along the right edge of the chart.

Config for temporal axes.

Config for x-axis along the top edge of the chart.

X-axis specific config.

Config for x-axes with "band" scales.

Config for x-axes with "point" or "band" scales.

Config for x-axes with "point" scales.

Config for x-quantitative axes.

Config for x-temporal axes.

Y-axis specific config.

Config for y-axes with "band" scales.

Config for y-axes with "point" or "band" scales.

Config for y-axes with "point" scales.

Config for y-quantitative axes.

Config for y-temporal axes.

case class BackgroundExprRef(expr: String)
case class BarConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], binSpacing: Option[Double], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], continuousBandSize: Option[Double], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusEnd: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], discreteBandSize: Option[DiscreteBandSize], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Bar-Specific Config

Bar-Specific Config

case class BaseTitleNoValueRefs(align: Option[Align], anchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], angle: Option[CornerRadius], aria: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[String], color: Option[Color], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], frame: Option[BackgroundUnion], limit: Option[FontSize], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[TitleParamsOrient], subtitleColor: Option[Color], subtitleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], subtitleFontSize: Option[FontSize], subtitleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], subtitleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], subtitleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], subtitlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], zindex: Option[FontSize])

Title configuration, which determines default properties for all titles. For a full list of title configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the title documentation.

Title configuration, which determines default properties for all titles. For a full list of title configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the title documentation.

case class BinExtentClass(field: Option[String], param: String, encoding: Option[SingleDefUnitChannel])
case class BinParams(anchor: Option[Double], base: Option[Double], binned: Option[Boolean], divide: Option[Seq[Double]], extent: Option[BinExtent], maxbins: Option[Double], minstep: Option[Double], nice: Option[Boolean], step: Option[Double], steps: Option[Seq[Double]])

Binning properties or boolean flag for determining whether to bin data or not.

Binning properties or boolean flag for determining whether to bin data or not.

case class Binding(debounce: Option[Double], element: Option[ElementUnion], input: Option[String], name: Option[String], labels: Option[Seq[String]], options: Option[Seq[Option[Json]]], max: Option[Double], min: Option[Double], step: Option[Double], autocomplete: Option[String], placeholder: Option[String], event: Option[String], between: Option[Seq[Stream]], consume: Option[Boolean], filter: Option[Text], markname: Option[String], marktype: Option[MarkType], source: Option[String], throttle: Option[Double], `type`: Option[String], stream: Option[Stream], merge: Option[Seq[Stream]])

Binds the parameter to an external input element such as a slider, selection list or radio button group.

Binds the parameter to an external input element such as a slider, selection list or radio button group.

case class BoxPlotConfig(box: Option[Box], extent: Option[BoxPlotDefExtent], median: Option[Box], outliers: Option[Box], rule: Option[Box], size: Option[Double], ticks: Option[Box])

Box Config

Box Config

case class BrushConfig(cursor: Option[Cursor], fill: Option[String], fillOpacity: Option[Double], stroke: Option[String], strokeDash: Option[Seq[Double]], strokeDashOffset: Option[Double], strokeOpacity: Option[Double], strokeWidth: Option[Double])

An interval selection also adds a rectangle mark to depict the extents of the interval. The mark property can be used to customize the appearance of the mark.

An interval selection also adds a rectangle mark to depict the extents of the interval. The mark property can be used to customize the appearance of the mark.

See also: mark examples in the documentation.

case class ClearDerivedStream(between: Option[Seq[Stream]], consume: Option[Boolean], debounce: Option[Double], filter: Option[Text], markname: Option[String], marktype: Option[MarkType], source: Option[String], throttle: Option[Double], `type`: Option[String], stream: Option[Stream], merge: Option[Seq[Stream]])
case class ColorClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[ColorCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Gradient])

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: 1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please use the fill and stroke channels. The fill or stroke encodings have higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified. 2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing color scheme.

Fill color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The fill encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

Stroke color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The stroke encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class ColorLinearGradient(gradient: Option[String], id: Option[String], stops: Option[Seq[GradientStop]], x1: Option[Double], x2: Option[Double], y1: Option[Double], y2: Option[Double], r1: Option[Double], r2: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])
case class CompositionConfig(columns: Option[Double], spacing: Option[Double])

Default configuration for all concatenation and repeat view composition operators (concat, hconcat, vconcat, and repeat)

Default configuration for all concatenation and repeat view composition operators (concat, hconcat, vconcat, and repeat)

Default configuration for the facet view composition operator

case class ConditionalP(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[TextUnion], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])
case class ConditionalPValueDefGradientStringNullExprRef(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[Gradient], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class ConditionalPValueDefStringNullExprRef(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[Color], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class ConditionalParameterValueDefNumberExprRefClass(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[StrokeDash], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class ConditionalPredicateValueDefNumberExprRefClass(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[CornerRadius], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class Config(arc: Option[RectConfig], area: Option[AreaConfig], aria: Option[Boolean], autosize: Option[Autosize], axis: Option[AxisConfig], axisBand: Option[AxisConfig], axisBottom: Option[AxisConfig], axisDiscrete: Option[AxisConfig], axisLeft: Option[AxisConfig], axisPoint: Option[AxisConfig], axisQuantitative: Option[AxisConfig], axisRight: Option[AxisConfig], axisTemporal: Option[AxisConfig], axisTop: Option[AxisConfig], axisX: Option[AxisConfig], axisXBand: Option[AxisConfig], axisXDiscrete: Option[AxisConfig], axisXPoint: Option[AxisConfig], axisXQuantitative: Option[AxisConfig], axisXTemporal: Option[AxisConfig], axisY: Option[AxisConfig], axisYBand: Option[AxisConfig], axisYDiscrete: Option[AxisConfig], axisYPoint: Option[AxisConfig], axisYQuantitative: Option[AxisConfig], axisYTemporal: Option[AxisConfig], background: Option[BackgroundUnion], bar: Option[BarConfig], boxplot: Option[BoxPlotConfig], circle: Option[MarkConfig], concat: Option[CompositionConfig], countTitle: Option[String], customFormatTypes: Option[Boolean], errorband: Option[ErrorBandConfig], errorbar: Option[ErrorBarConfig], facet: Option[CompositionConfig], fieldTitle: Option[FieldTitle], font: Option[String], geoshape: Option[MarkConfig], header: Option[HeaderConfig], headerColumn: Option[HeaderConfig], headerFacet: Option[HeaderConfig], headerRow: Option[HeaderConfig], image: Option[RectConfig], legend: Option[LegendConfig], line: Option[LineConfig], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], locale: Option[Locale], mark: Option[MarkConfig], numberFormat: Option[String], padding: Option[Padding], params: Option[Seq[ConfigParam]], point: Option[MarkConfig], projection: Option[Projection], range: Option[Map[String, RangeValue]], rect: Option[RectConfig], rule: Option[MarkConfig], scale: Option[ScaleConfig], selection: Option[SelectionClass], square: Option[MarkConfig], style: Option[Map[String, StyleValue]], text: Option[MarkConfig], tick: Option[TickConfig], timeFormat: Option[String], title: Option[BaseTitleNoValueRefs], trail: Option[LineConfig], view: Option[ViewConfig])

Vega-Lite configuration object. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.

Vega-Lite configuration object. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.

case class ConfigParam(bind: Option[BindUnion], expr: Option[String], name: String, value: Option[Json], select: Option[Select], views: Option[Seq[Text]])
case class Data(format: Option[DataFormat], name: Option[String], url: Option[String], values: Option[InlineDataset], sequence: Option[SequenceParams], sphere: Option[SphereUnion], graticule: Option[Graticule])

Secondary data source to lookup in.

Secondary data source to lookup in.

case class DataFormat(parse: Option[Map[String, Option[String]]], `type`: Option[String], delimiter: Option[String], property: Option[String], feature: Option[String], mesh: Option[String])

An object that specifies the format for parsing the data.

An object that specifies the format for parsing the data.

case class DateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

case class Def(box: Option[Box], clip: Option[Boolean], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], extent: Option[BoxPlotDefExtent], median: Option[Box], opacity: Option[Opacity], orient: Option[Orientation], outliers: Option[Box], rule: Option[Box], size: Option[CornerRadius], ticks: Option[Box], `type`: String, thickness: Option[Double], band: Option[Box], borders: Option[Box], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], tension: Option[Opacity], align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], bandSize: Option[Double], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], binSpacing: Option[Double], blend: Option[BlendUnion], continuousBandSize: Option[Double], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusEnd: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], discreteBandSize: Option[DiscreteBandSize], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[BoxPlotDefHeight], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], line: Option[Line], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], point: Option[Point], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], radius2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], radiusOffset: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], smooth: Option[Aria], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], style: Option[Text], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], theta2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], thetaOffset: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[BoxPlotDefHeight], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], x2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], xOffset: Option[CornerRadius], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X], y2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], yOffset: Option[CornerRadius])
case class DescriptionClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], condition: Option[DescriptionCondition], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType], value: Option[Color])

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A URL to load upon mouse click.

The URL of an image mark.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class DiscreteWidthClass(step: Double)
case class DomainDateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

case class DomainMaxDateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.


A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the underlying layers.

case class ElementClass()

A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition.

A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition.

case class EqualDateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

case class ErrorBandConfig(band: Option[Box], borders: Option[Box], extent: Option[ErrorBarExtent], interpolate: Option[Interpolate], tension: Option[Double])

ErrorBand Config

ErrorBand Config

case class ErrorBarConfig(extent: Option[ErrorBarExtent], rule: Option[Box], size: Option[Double], thickness: Option[Double], ticks: Option[Box])

ErrorBar Config

ErrorBar Config

case class Facet(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], header: Option[Header], sort: Option[SortArray], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType], column: Option[FacetFieldDef], row: Option[FacetFieldDef])

Definition for how to facet the data. One of: 1) a field definition for faceting the plot by one field 2) An object that maps row and column channels to their field definitions

Definition for how to facet the data. One of: 1) a field definition for faceting the plot by one field 2) An object that maps row and column channels to their field definitions

A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the vertical facet of trellis plots.

case class FacetEncodingFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], align: Option[VegaLiteDslAlign], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], bounds: Option[Bounds], center: Option[Center], columns: Option[Double], field: Option[Field], header: Option[Header], sort: Option[SortArray], spacing: Option[Spacing], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])

A field definition for the (flexible) facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the (flexible) facet of trellis plots.

If either row or column is specified, this channel will be ignored.

case class FacetFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], header: Option[Header], sort: Option[SortArray], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])

A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the vertical facet of trellis plots.


A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class FieldRange(field: String)
case class FillClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[ColorCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Gradient])

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: 1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please use the fill and stroke channels. The fill or stroke encodings have higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified. 2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing color scheme.

Fill color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The fill encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

Stroke color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The stroke encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class FillLinearGradient(gradient: Option[String], id: Option[String], stops: Option[Seq[GradientStop]], x1: Option[Double], x2: Option[Double], y1: Option[Double], y2: Option[Double], r1: Option[Double], r2: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])
case class FillOpacityClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class FluffyConditionalPExprRef(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[Color], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class FluffyExprRef(expr: Option[String], condition: Option[ExprRefCondition], value: Option[Align])
case class GradientStop(color: String, offset: Double)
case class GraticuleParams(extent: Option[Seq[Seq[Double]]], extentMajor: Option[Seq[Seq[Double]]], extentMinor: Option[Seq[Seq[Double]]], precision: Option[Double], step: Option[Seq[Double]], stepMajor: Option[Seq[Double]], stepMinor: Option[Seq[Double]])
case class GridColorExprRef(expr: Option[String], condition: Option[ConditionUnion], value: Option[String])
case class GtDateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

case class Header(format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], labelAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], labelAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorEnum], labelAngle: Option[Double], labelBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelColor: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], labelFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], labelOrient: Option[Orient], labelPadding: Option[CornerRadius], labels: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orient], title: Option[LegendTitle], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorEnum], titleAngle: Option[Double], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[CornerRadius], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOrient: Option[Orient], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius])

Headers of row / column channels for faceted plots.

Headers of row / column channels for faceted plots.

case class HeaderConfig(format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], labelAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], labelAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorEnum], labelAngle: Option[Double], labelBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelColor: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], labelFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], labelOrient: Option[Orient], labelPadding: Option[CornerRadius], labels: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orient], title: Option[Json], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorEnum], titleAngle: Option[Double], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[CornerRadius], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOrient: Option[Orient], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius])

Header configuration, which determines default properties for all headers.

Header configuration, which determines default properties for all headers.

For a full list of header configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the header documentation.

Header configuration, which determines default properties for column headers.

For a full list of header configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the header documentation.

Header configuration, which determines default properties for non-row/column facet headers.

For a full list of header configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the header documentation.

Header configuration, which determines default properties for row headers.

For a full list of header configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the header documentation.

case class HrefClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], condition: Option[DescriptionCondition], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType], value: Option[Color])

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A URL to load upon mouse click.

The URL of an image mark.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class ImputeParams(frame: Option[Seq[Option[Double]]], keyvals: Option[Keyvals], method: Option[ImputeParamsMethod], value: Option[Json])
case class ImputeSequence(start: Option[Double], step: Option[Double], stop: Double)

The default definition for an interval selection. All properties and transformations for an interval selection definition (except type) may be specified here.

The default definition for an interval selection. All properties and transformations for an interval selection definition (except type) may be specified here.

For instance, setting interval to {"translate": false} disables the ability to move interval selections by default.

case class KeyClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])

Field Def without scale (and without bin: "binned" support).

Field Def without scale (and without bin: "binned" support).

Definition object for a data field, its type and transformation of an encoding channel.

A data field to use as a unique key for data binding. When a visualization’s data is updated, the key value will be used to match data elements to existing mark instances. Use a key channel to enable object constancy for transitions over dynamic data.

case class Latitude2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class LatitudeClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[String], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])

Latitude position of geographically projected marks.

Latitude position of geographically projected marks.

Longitude position of geographically projected marks.

case class LayerEncoding(angle: Option[AngleClass], color: Option[ColorClass], description: Option[DescriptionClass], detail: Option[Detail], fill: Option[FillClass], fillOpacity: Option[FillOpacityClass], href: Option[HrefClass], key: Option[KeyClass], latitude: Option[LatitudeClass], latitude2: Option[Latitude2Class], longitude: Option[LongitudeClass], longitude2: Option[Longitude2Class], opacity: Option[OpacityClass], order: Option[Order], radius: Option[RadiusClass], radius2: Option[Radius2Class], shape: Option[MarkPropDefStringNullTypeForShape], size: Option[SizeClass], stroke: Option[StrokeClass], strokeDash: Option[MarkPropDefNumber], strokeOpacity: Option[StrokeOpacityClass], strokeWidth: Option[StrokeWidthClass], text: Option[TextDef], theta: Option[ThetaClass], theta2: Option[Theta2Class], tooltip: Option[EncodingTooltip], url: Option[URLClass], x: Option[XClass], x2: Option[X2Class], xError: Option[XErrorClass], xError2: Option[XError2Class], xOffset: Option[XOffsetClass], y: Option[YClass], y2: Option[Y2Class], yError: Option[YErrorClass], yError2: Option[YError2Class], yOffset: Option[YOffsetClass])

A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the underlying layers.

A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the underlying layers.

A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

case class LayerParam(bind: Option[BindUnion], expr: Option[String], name: String, value: Option[Json], select: Option[Select])
case class LayerSpec(data: Option[URLData], description: Option[String], encoding: Option[LayerEncoding], height: Option[SpecHeight], layer: Option[Seq[LayerSpec]], name: Option[String], projection: Option[Projection], resolve: Option[Resolve], title: Option[LayerTitle], transform: Option[Seq[Transform]], view: Option[ViewBackground], width: Option[SpecHeight], mark: Option[AnyMark], params: Option[Seq[LayerParam]])

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

A full layered plot specification, which may contains encoding and projection properties that will be applied to underlying unit (single-view) specifications.

A unit specification, which can contain either primitive marks or composite marks.

Base interface for a unit (single-view) specification.

case class Legend(aria: Option[Aria], clipHeight: Option[CornerRadius], columnPadding: Option[CornerRadius], columns: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], direction: Option[Orientation], fillColor: Option[Color], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], gradientLength: Option[FontSize], gradientOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], gradientStrokeColor: Option[Color], gradientStrokeWidth: Option[FontSize], gradientThickness: Option[FontSize], gridAlign: Option[GridAlign], labelAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], labelBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelColor: Option[Color], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontSize: Option[FontSize], labelFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelOffset: Option[FontSize], labelOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], labelOverlap: Option[LabelOverlap], labelPadding: Option[CornerRadius], labelSeparation: Option[CornerRadius], legendX: Option[CornerRadius], legendY: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[LegendOrient], padding: Option[CornerRadius], rowPadding: Option[CornerRadius], strokeColor: Option[Color], symbolDash: Option[StrokeDash], symbolDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], symbolFillColor: Option[Color], symbolLimit: Option[CornerRadius], symbolOffset: Option[CornerRadius], symbolOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], symbolSize: Option[FontSize], symbolStrokeColor: Option[Color], symbolStrokeWidth: Option[FontSize], symbolType: Option[BackgroundUnion], tickCount: Option[TickCount], tickMinStep: Option[CornerRadius], title: Option[LegendTitle], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[Color], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[FontSize], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], titleOrient: Option[TitleOrientUnion], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], `type`: Option[LegendType], values: Option[Values], zindex: Option[Double])

Properties of a legend or boolean flag for determining whether to show it.

Properties of a legend or boolean flag for determining whether to show it.

case class LegendConfig(aria: Option[Aria], clipHeight: Option[CornerRadius], columnPadding: Option[CornerRadius], columns: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], direction: Option[Orientation], disable: Option[Boolean], fillColor: Option[Color], gradientDirection: Option[Direction], gradientHorizontalMaxLength: Option[Double], gradientHorizontalMinLength: Option[Double], gradientLabelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], gradientLabelOffset: Option[CornerRadius], gradientLength: Option[FontSize], gradientOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], gradientStrokeColor: Option[Color], gradientStrokeWidth: Option[FontSize], gradientThickness: Option[FontSize], gradientVerticalMaxLength: Option[Double], gradientVerticalMinLength: Option[Double], gridAlign: Option[GridAlign], labelAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], labelBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelColor: Option[Color], labelFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontSize: Option[FontSize], labelFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelOffset: Option[FontSize], labelOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], labelOverlap: Option[LabelOverlap], labelPadding: Option[CornerRadius], labelSeparation: Option[CornerRadius], layout: Option[BackgroundExprRef], legendX: Option[CornerRadius], legendY: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[LegendOrient], padding: Option[CornerRadius], rowPadding: Option[CornerRadius], strokeColor: Option[Color], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeWidth: Option[CornerRadius], symbolBaseFillColor: Option[Color], symbolBaseStrokeColor: Option[Color], symbolDash: Option[StrokeDash], symbolDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], symbolDirection: Option[Direction], symbolFillColor: Option[Color], symbolLimit: Option[CornerRadius], symbolOffset: Option[CornerRadius], symbolOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], symbolSize: Option[FontSize], symbolStrokeColor: Option[Color], symbolStrokeWidth: Option[FontSize], symbolType: Option[BackgroundUnion], tickCount: Option[TickCount], title: Option[Json], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[Color], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[CornerRadius], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[FontSize], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], titleOrient: Option[TitleOrientUnion], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], unselectedOpacity: Option[Double], zindex: Option[FontSize])

Legend configuration, which determines default properties for all legends. For a full list of legend configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the legend documentation.

Legend configuration, which determines default properties for all legends. For a full list of legend configuration options, please see the corresponding section of in the legend documentation.

case class LegendResolveMap(angle: Option[ResolveMode], color: Option[ResolveMode], fill: Option[ResolveMode], fillOpacity: Option[ResolveMode], opacity: Option[ResolveMode], shape: Option[ResolveMode], size: Option[ResolveMode], stroke: Option[ResolveMode], strokeDash: Option[ResolveMode], strokeOpacity: Option[ResolveMode], strokeWidth: Option[ResolveMode])
case class LineConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], point: Option[Point], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Line-Specific Config

Line-Specific Config

Trail-Specific Config

case class Locale(number: Option[NumberLocale], time: Option[TimeLocale])

Locale definitions for string parsing and formatting of number and date values. The locale object should contain number and/or time properties with locale definitions. Locale definitions provided in the config block may be overridden by the View constructor locale option.

Locale definitions for string parsing and formatting of number and date values. The locale object should contain number and/or time properties with locale definitions. Locale definitions provided in the config block may be overridden by the View constructor locale option.

case class Longitude2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class LongitudeClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[String], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])

Latitude position of geographically projected marks.

Latitude position of geographically projected marks.

Longitude position of geographically projected marks.

case class Lookup(data: Option[Data], fields: Option[Seq[String]], key: String, param: Option[String])

Data source or selection for secondary data reference.

Data source or selection for secondary data reference.

case class MagentaExprRef(bottom: Option[Double], left: Option[Double], right: Option[Double], top: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])
case class MarkConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Circle-Specific Config

Circle-Specific Config

Geoshape-Specific Config

Mark Config

Point-Specific Config

Rule-Specific Config

Square-Specific Config

Default style for chart subtitles

Default style for chart titles

Default style for axis, legend, and header labels.

Default style for axis, legend, and header titles.

Text-Specific Config

case class MarkPropDefNumber(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[StrokeDashCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[StrokeDash])

Stroke dash of the marks.

Stroke dash of the marks.

Default value: [1,0] (No dash).

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class MarkPropDefStringNullTypeForShape(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[ShapeCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Color])

Shape of the mark.

Shape of the mark.

  1. For point marks the supported values include: - plotting shapes: "circle", "square", "cross", "diamond", "triangle-up", "triangle-down", "triangle-right", or "triangle-left". - the line symbol "stroke" - centered directional shapes "arrow", "wedge", or "triangle" - a custom SVG path string (For correct sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)

  2. For geoshape marks it should be a field definition of the geojson data

Default value: If undefined, the default shape depends on mark config's shape property. ("circle" if unset.)

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class NiceTimeIntervalStep(interval: Option[TimeInterval], step: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])
case class NumberLocale(currency: Seq[String], decimal: String, grouping: Seq[Double], minus: Option[String], nan: Option[String], numerals: Option[Seq[String]], percent: Option[String], thousands: String)

Locale definition for formatting numbers.

Locale definition for formatting numbers.

case class OnDerivedStream(between: Option[Seq[Stream]], consume: Option[Boolean], debounce: Option[Double], filter: Option[Text], markname: Option[String], marktype: Option[MarkType], source: Option[String], throttle: Option[Double], `type`: Option[String], stream: Option[Stream], merge: Option[Seq[Stream]])
case class OpacityClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class OrderDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], sort: Option[SortOrder], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType], condition: Option[OrderFieldDefCondition], value: Option[CornerRadius])
case class OrderFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], sort: Option[SortOrder], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])
case class OverlayMarkDef(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], blend: Option[BlendUnion], clip: Option[Boolean], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], radius2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], radiusOffset: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], style: Option[Text], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], theta2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], thetaOffset: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], x2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], xOffset: Option[CornerRadius], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X], y2Offset: Option[CornerRadius], yOffset: Option[CornerRadius])

The default definition for a point selection. All properties and transformations for a point selection definition (except type) may be specified here.

The default definition for a point selection. All properties and transformations for a point selection definition (except type) may be specified here.

For instance, setting point to {"on": "dblclick"} populates point selections on double-click by default.

case class Projection(center: Option[StrokeDash], clipAngle: Option[CornerRadius], clipExtent: Option[ClipExtentUnion], coefficient: Option[CornerRadius], distance: Option[CornerRadius], extent: Option[ClipExtentUnion], fit: Option[Fit], fraction: Option[CornerRadius], lobes: Option[CornerRadius], parallel: Option[CornerRadius], parallels: Option[StrokeDash], pointRadius: Option[CornerRadius], precision: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], ratio: Option[CornerRadius], reflectX: Option[Aria], reflectY: Option[Aria], rotate: Option[StrokeDash], scale: Option[CornerRadius], size: Option[StrokeDash], spacing: Option[CornerRadius], tilt: Option[CornerRadius], translate: Option[StrokeDash], `type`: Option[TypeUnion])

Projection configuration, which determines default properties for all projections. For a full list of projection configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the projection documentation.

Projection configuration, which determines default properties for all projections. For a full list of projection configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the projection documentation.

Any property of Projection can be in config

An object defining properties of geographic projection, which will be applied to shape path for "geoshape" marks and to latitude and "longitude" channels for other marks.

An object defining properties of the geographic projection shared by underlying layers.

case class PurpleConditionalPExprRef(test: Option[PredicateComposition], value: Option[Color], empty: Option[Boolean], param: Option[String], aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue])
case class Radius2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class RadiusClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], stack: Option[Stack], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[X])

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks.

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks.

  • For arc marks, the arc length in radians if theta2 is not specified, otherwise the start arc angle. (A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.)

  • For text marks, polar coordinate angle in radians.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class RangeClass(count: Option[Double], extent: Option[Seq[Double]], scheme: Text)
case class RangeDateTime(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

case class RectConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], binSpacing: Option[Double], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], continuousBandSize: Option[Double], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], discreteBandSize: Option[DiscreteBandSize], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Arc-specific Config

Arc-specific Config

Image-specific Config

Rect-Specific Config

case class RelativeBandSize(band: Double)
case class RepeatMapping(column: Option[Seq[String]], row: Option[Seq[String]], layer: Option[Seq[String]])

Definition for fields to be repeated. One of: 1) An array of fields to be repeated. If "repeat" is an array, the field can be referred to as {"repeat": "repeat"}. The repeated views are laid out in a wrapped row. You can set the number of columns to control the wrapping. 2) An object that maps "row" and/or "column" to the listed fields to be repeated along the particular orientations. The objects {"repeat": "row"} and {"repeat": "column"} can be used to refer to the repeated field respectively.

Definition for fields to be repeated. One of: 1) An array of fields to be repeated. If "repeat" is an array, the field can be referred to as {"repeat": "repeat"}. The repeated views are laid out in a wrapped row. You can set the number of columns to control the wrapping. 2) An object that maps "row" and/or "column" to the listed fields to be repeated along the particular orientations. The objects {"repeat": "row"} and {"repeat": "column"} can be used to refer to the repeated field respectively.

case class RepeatRef(repeat: RepeatEnum)

Reference to a repeated value.

Reference to a repeated value.

case class RepeatRefClass(date: Option[Double], day: Option[Day], hours: Option[Double], milliseconds: Option[Double], minutes: Option[Double], month: Option[Month], quarter: Option[Double], seconds: Option[Double], utc: Option[Boolean], year: Option[Double], expr: Option[String], repeat: Option[RepeatEnum])

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. day cannot be combined with other date. We accept string for month and day names.

Reference to a repeated value.


Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.

Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.

Defines how scales, axes, and legends from different specs should be combined. Resolve is a mapping from scale, axis, and legend to a mapping from channels to resolutions. Scales and guides can be resolved to be "independent" or "shared".

case class RowColBoolean(column: Option[Boolean], row: Option[Boolean])
case class RowColNumber(column: Option[Double], row: Option[Double])
case class RowColumnEncodingFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], align: Option[LayoutAlign], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], center: Option[Boolean], field: Option[Field], header: Option[Header], sort: Option[SortArray], spacing: Option[Double], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])

A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.

A field definition for the vertical facet of trellis plots.

case class Scale(align: Option[CornerRadius], base: Option[CornerRadius], bins: Option[ScaleBins], clamp: Option[Aria], constant: Option[CornerRadius], domain: Option[DomainUnion], domainMax: Option[DomainM], domainMid: Option[CornerRadius], domainMin: Option[DomainM], exponent: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[ScaleInterpolate], nice: Option[Nice], padding: Option[CornerRadius], paddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], paddingOuter: Option[CornerRadius], range: Option[ScaleRange], rangeMax: Option[X], rangeMin: Option[X], reverse: Option[Aria], round: Option[Aria], scheme: Option[Scheme], `type`: Option[ScaleType], zero: Option[Aria])
case class ScaleBinParams(start: Option[Double], step: Double, stop: Option[Double])
case class ScaleConfig(bandPaddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], bandPaddingOuter: Option[CornerRadius], bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingOuter: Option[CornerRadius], barBandPaddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], clamp: Option[Aria], continuousPadding: Option[CornerRadius], maxBandSize: Option[Double], maxFontSize: Option[Double], maxOpacity: Option[Double], maxSize: Option[Double], maxStrokeWidth: Option[Double], minBandSize: Option[Double], minFontSize: Option[Double], minOpacity: Option[Double], minSize: Option[Double], minStrokeWidth: Option[Double], offsetBandPaddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], offsetBandPaddingOuter: Option[CornerRadius], pointPadding: Option[CornerRadius], quantileCount: Option[Double], quantizeCount: Option[Double], rectBandPaddingInner: Option[CornerRadius], round: Option[Aria], useUnaggregatedDomain: Option[Boolean], xReverse: Option[Aria])

Scale configuration determines default properties for all scales. For a full list of scale configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the scale documentation.

Scale configuration determines default properties for all scales. For a full list of scale configuration options, please see the corresponding section of the scale documentation.

case class ScaleResolveMap(angle: Option[ResolveMode], color: Option[ResolveMode], fill: Option[ResolveMode], fillOpacity: Option[ResolveMode], opacity: Option[ResolveMode], radius: Option[ResolveMode], shape: Option[ResolveMode], size: Option[ResolveMode], stroke: Option[ResolveMode], strokeDash: Option[ResolveMode], strokeOpacity: Option[ResolveMode], strokeWidth: Option[ResolveMode], theta: Option[ResolveMode], x: Option[ResolveMode], xOffset: Option[ResolveMode], y: Option[ResolveMode], yOffset: Option[ResolveMode])
case class SchemeParams(count: Option[Double], extent: Option[Seq[Double]], name: Option[String], expr: Option[String])

An object hash for defining default properties for each type of selections.

An object hash for defining default properties for each type of selections.

case class SelectionConfig(clear: Option[ClearUnion], encodings: Option[Seq[SingleDefUnitChannel]], fields: Option[Seq[String]], nearest: Option[Boolean], on: Option[OnUnion], resolve: Option[SelectionResolution], toggle: Option[Toggle], `type`: String, mark: Option[BrushConfig], translate: Option[Toggle], zoom: Option[Toggle])
case class SequenceParams(as: Option[String], start: Double, step: Option[Double], stop: Double)

Generate a sequence of numbers.

Generate a sequence of numbers.

case class SizeClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }


A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition.

A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition.

case class SortField(field: String, order: Option[SortOrder])

A sort definition for transform

A sort definition for transform

case class Spec(align: Option[VegaLiteDslAlign], bounds: Option[Bounds], center: Option[Center], data: Option[URLData], description: Option[String], encoding: Option[EdEncoding], height: Option[SpecHeight], mark: Option[AnyMark], name: Option[String], params: Option[Seq[LayerParam]], projection: Option[Projection], resolve: Option[Resolve], spacing: Option[Spacing], title: Option[LayerTitle], transform: Option[Seq[Transform]], view: Option[ViewBackground], width: Option[SpecHeight], layer: Option[Seq[LayerSpec]], columns: Option[Double], repeat: Option[RepeatUnion], spec: Option[SpecSpec], facet: Option[Facet], concat: Option[Seq[Spec]], vconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]], hconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]])

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

Any specification in Vega-Lite.

Unit spec that can have a composite mark and row or column channels (shorthand for a facet spec).

A full layered plot specification, which may contains encoding and projection properties that will be applied to underlying unit (single-view) specifications.

Base interface for a repeat specification.

Base interface for a facet specification.

Base interface for a generalized concatenation specification.

Base interface for a vertical concatenation specification.

Base interface for a horizontal concatenation specification.


A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the underlying layers.

case class SpecSpec(align: Option[VegaLiteDslAlign], bounds: Option[Bounds], center: Option[Center], data: Option[URLData], description: Option[String], encoding: Option[SpecEncoding], height: Option[SpecHeight], mark: Option[AnyMark], name: Option[String], params: Option[Seq[LayerParam]], projection: Option[Projection], resolve: Option[Resolve], spacing: Option[Spacing], title: Option[LayerTitle], transform: Option[Seq[Transform]], view: Option[ViewBackground], width: Option[SpecHeight], layer: Option[Seq[LayerSpec]], columns: Option[Double], repeat: Option[RepeatUnion], spec: Option[SpecSpec], facet: Option[Facet], concat: Option[Seq[Spec]], vconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]], hconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]])

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

Any specification in Vega-Lite.

Unit spec that can have a composite mark and row or column channels (shorthand for a facet spec).

A full layered plot specification, which may contains encoding and projection properties that will be applied to underlying unit (single-view) specifications.

Base interface for a repeat specification.

Base interface for a facet specification.

Base interface for a generalized concatenation specification.

Base interface for a vertical concatenation specification.

Base interface for a horizontal concatenation specification.

A unit specification, which can contain either primitive marks or composite marks.

Base interface for a unit (single-view) specification.

A specification of the view that gets faceted.

case class SphereClass()
case class Step(`for`: Option[StepFor], step: Double)
case class Stream(between: Option[Seq[Stream]], consume: Option[Boolean], debounce: Option[Double], filter: Option[Text], markname: Option[String], marktype: Option[MarkType], source: Option[String], throttle: Option[Double], `type`: Option[String], stream: Option[Stream], merge: Option[Seq[Stream]])
case class StringFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])
case class StrokeClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[ColorCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Gradient])

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: 1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please use the fill and stroke channels. The fill or stroke encodings have higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified. 2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing color scheme.

Fill color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The fill encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

Stroke color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The stroke encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class StrokeOpacityClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class StrokeWidthClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class StyleValue(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], binSpacing: Option[Double], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], continuousBandSize: Option[Double], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], discreteBandSize: Option[DiscreteBandSize], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[StyleOrient], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X], line: Option[Line], point: Option[Point], cornerRadiusEnd: Option[CornerRadius], bandSize: Option[Double], thickness: Option[Double], bandPosition: Option[CornerRadius], domain: Option[Boolean], domainCap: Option[Cap], domainColor: Option[Color], domainDash: Option[StrokeDash], domainDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], domainOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], domainWidth: Option[CornerRadius], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], grid: Option[Boolean], gridCap: Option[Cap], gridColor: Option[GridColorUnion], gridDash: Option[AxisGridDash], gridDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], gridOpacity: Option[GridOpacityUnion], gridWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelAlign: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignNull], labelAngle: Option[LabelAngle], labelBaseline: Option[TextBaseline], labelBound: Option[Label], labelColor: Option[GridColorUnion], labelExpr: Option[String], labelFlush: Option[LabelFlush], labelFlushOffset: Option[CornerRadius], labelFont: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyStringNull], labelFontSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], labelFontStyle: Option[ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStyleNull], labelFontWeight: Option[FontWeight], labelLimit: Option[CornerRadius], labelLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], labelOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labelOverlap: Option[LabelOverlap], labelPadding: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], labels: Option[Boolean], labelSeparation: Option[CornerRadius], maxExtent: Option[CornerRadius], minExtent: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], position: Option[CornerRadius], style: Option[Text], tickBand: Option[TickBandUnion], tickCap: Option[Cap], tickColor: Option[GridColorUnion], tickCount: Option[TickCount], tickDash: Option[AxisTickDash], tickDashOffset: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickExtra: Option[Boolean], tickMinStep: Option[CornerRadius], tickOffset: Option[CornerRadius], tickOpacity: Option[GridDashOffsetUnion], tickRound: Option[Boolean], ticks: Option[Boolean], tickSize: Option[GridWidthUnion], tickWidth: Option[GridWidthUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], titleAlign: Option[TitleAlignUnion], titleAnchor: Option[TitleAnchorUnion], titleAngle: Option[CornerRadius], titleBaseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleColor: Option[Color], titleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontSize: Option[FontSize], titleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], titleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], titleLimit: Option[FontSize], titleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], titleOpacity: Option[CornerRadius], titlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], titleX: Option[CornerRadius], titleY: Option[CornerRadius], translate: Option[CornerRadius], values: Option[Values], zindex: Option[Double])

Arc-specific Config

Arc-specific Config

Image-specific Config

Rect-Specific Config

Area-Specific Config

Bar-Specific Config

Circle-Specific Config

Geoshape-Specific Config

Mark Config

Point-Specific Config

Rule-Specific Config

Square-Specific Config

Default style for chart subtitles

Default style for chart titles

Default style for axis, legend, and header labels.

Default style for axis, legend, and header titles.

Text-Specific Config

Line-Specific Config

Trail-Specific Config

Tick-Specific Config

case class TextDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], condition: Option[TextCondition], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[TextUnion])

Text of the text mark.

Text of the text mark.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class Theta2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class ThetaClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], stack: Option[Stack], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[X])

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks.

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks.

  • For arc marks, the arc length in radians if theta2 is not specified, otherwise the start arc angle. (A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.)

  • For text marks, polar coordinate angle in radians.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class TickConfig(align: Option[TitleAlignUnion], angle: Option[Angle], aria: Option[Aria], ariaRole: Option[BackgroundUnion], ariaRoleDescription: Option[BackgroundUnion], aspect: Option[Aria], bandSize: Option[Double], baseline: Option[BackgroundUnion], blend: Option[BlendUnion], color: Option[MarkConfigColor], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusBottomRight: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopLeft: Option[CornerRadius], cornerRadiusTopRight: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[CursorUnion], description: Option[BackgroundUnion], dir: Option[Dir], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], ellipsis: Option[BackgroundUnion], endAngle: Option[CornerRadius], fill: Option[MarkConfigFill], filled: Option[Boolean], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], height: Option[CornerRadius], href: Option[BackgroundUnion], innerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], interpolate: Option[MarkConfigInterpolate], invalid: Option[Invalid], limit: Option[CornerRadius], lineBreak: Option[BackgroundUnion], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], order: Option[Boolean], orient: Option[Orientation], outerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], padAngle: Option[CornerRadius], radius: Option[CornerRadius], radius2: Option[CornerRadius], shape: Option[BackgroundUnion], size: Option[CornerRadius], smooth: Option[Aria], startAngle: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[MarkConfigFill], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], tension: Option[CornerRadius], text: Option[TextUnion], theta: Option[CornerRadius], theta2: Option[CornerRadius], thickness: Option[Double], timeUnitBandPosition: Option[Double], timeUnitBandSize: Option[Double], tooltip: Option[MarkConfigTooltip], url: Option[BackgroundUnion], width: Option[CornerRadius], x: Option[X], x2: Option[X], y: Option[X], y2: Option[X])

Tick-Specific Config

Tick-Specific Config

case class TimeLocale(date: String, dateTime: String, days: Seq[String], months: Seq[String], periods: Seq[String], shortDays: Seq[String], shortMonths: Seq[String], time: String)

Locale definition for formatting dates and times.

Locale definition for formatting dates and times.

case class TimeUnitParams(maxbins: Option[Double], step: Option[Double], unit: Option[TimeUnit], utc: Option[Boolean])
case class TitleParams(align: Option[Align], anchor: Option[TitleAnchorEnum], angle: Option[CornerRadius], aria: Option[Aria], baseline: Option[String], color: Option[Color], dx: Option[CornerRadius], dy: Option[CornerRadius], font: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontSize: Option[FontSize], fontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], fontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], frame: Option[BackgroundUnion], limit: Option[FontSize], lineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], offset: Option[CornerRadius], orient: Option[TitleParamsOrient], style: Option[Text], subtitle: Option[Text], subtitleColor: Option[Color], subtitleFont: Option[BackgroundUnion], subtitleFontSize: Option[FontSize], subtitleFontStyle: Option[BackgroundUnion], subtitleFontWeight: Option[FontWeightUnion], subtitleLineHeight: Option[CornerRadius], subtitlePadding: Option[CornerRadius], text: TextUnion, zindex: Option[Double])
case class TooltipContent(content: Option[Content], expr: Option[String])
case class Transform(aggregate: Option[Seq[AggregatedFieldDef]], groupby: Option[Seq[String]], as: Option[Text], bin: Option[TransformBin], field: Option[String], calculate: Option[String], bandwidth: Option[Double], counts: Option[Boolean], cumulative: Option[Boolean], density: Option[String], extent: Option[Seq[Double]], maxsteps: Option[Double], minsteps: Option[Double], steps: Option[Double], filter: Option[PredicateComposition], flatten: Option[Seq[String]], fold: Option[Seq[String]], frame: Option[Seq[Option[Double]]], impute: Option[String], key: Option[String], keyvals: Option[Keyvals], method: Option[TransformMethod], value: Option[Json], joinaggregate: Option[Seq[JoinAggregateFieldDef]], loess: Option[String], on: Option[String], default: Option[Json], from: Option[Lookup], lookup: Option[String], probs: Option[Seq[Double]], quantile: Option[String], step: Option[Double], order: Option[Double], params: Option[Boolean], regression: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], sample: Option[Double], offset: Option[StackOffset], sort: Option[Seq[SortField]], stack: Option[String], ignorePeers: Option[Boolean], window: Option[Seq[WindowFieldDef]], limit: Option[Double], op: Option[AggregateOp], pivot: Option[String])
case class TypedFieldDef(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType])

Field Def without scale (and without bin: "binned" support).

Field Def without scale (and without bin: "binned" support).

Definition object for a data field, its type and transformation of an encoding channel.

A data field to use as a unique key for data binding. When a visualization’s data is updated, the key value will be used to match data elements to existing mark instances. Use a key channel to enable object constancy for transitions over dynamic data.

case class URLClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], condition: Option[DescriptionCondition], field: Option[Field], format: Option[Format], formatType: Option[String], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[StandardType], value: Option[Color])

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). For SVG output the "aria-label" attribute will be set to this description.

A URL to load upon mouse click.

The URL of an image mark.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

case class URLData(format: Option[DataFormat], name: Option[String], url: Option[String], values: Option[InlineDataset], sequence: Option[SequenceParams], sphere: Option[SphereUnion], graticule: Option[Graticule])
case class ValueLinearGradient(gradient: Option[String], id: Option[String], stops: Option[Seq[GradientStop]], x1: Option[Double], x2: Option[Double], y1: Option[Double], y2: Option[Double], r1: Option[Double], r2: Option[Double], expr: Option[String])
case class VegaLiteDsl($schema: Option[String], align: Option[VegaLiteDslAlign], autosize: Option[Autosize], background: Option[BackgroundUnion], bounds: Option[Bounds], center: Option[Center], config: Option[Config], data: Option[URLData], datasets: Option[Map[String, InlineDataset]], description: Option[String], encoding: Option[EdEncoding], height: Option[SpecHeight], mark: Option[AnyMark], name: Option[String], padding: Option[Padding], params: Option[Seq[VegaLiteDslParam]], projection: Option[Projection], resolve: Option[Resolve], spacing: Option[Spacing], title: Option[LayerTitle], transform: Option[Seq[Transform]], usermeta: Option[Map[String, Option[Json]]], view: Option[ViewBackground], width: Option[SpecHeight], columns: Option[Double], facet: Option[Facet], spec: Option[VegaLiteDslSpec], layer: Option[Seq[LayerSpec]], repeat: Option[RepeatUnion], concat: Option[Seq[Spec]], vconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]], hconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]])

A Vega-Lite top-level specification. This is the root class for all Vega-Lite specifications. (The json schema is generated from this type.)

A Vega-Lite top-level specification. This is the root class for all Vega-Lite specifications. (The json schema is generated from this type.)

case class VegaLiteDslParam(bind: Option[BindUnion], expr: Option[String], name: String, value: Option[Json], select: Option[Select], views: Option[Seq[Text]])
case class VegaLiteDslSpec(data: Option[URLData], description: Option[String], encoding: Option[SpecEncoding], height: Option[SpecHeight], layer: Option[Seq[LayerSpec]], name: Option[String], projection: Option[Projection], resolve: Option[Resolve], title: Option[LayerTitle], transform: Option[Seq[Transform]], view: Option[ViewBackground], width: Option[SpecHeight], mark: Option[AnyMark], params: Option[Seq[LayerParam]], align: Option[VegaLiteDslAlign], bounds: Option[Bounds], center: Option[Center], spacing: Option[Spacing], columns: Option[Double], repeat: Option[RepeatUnion], spec: Option[SpecSpec], facet: Option[Facet], concat: Option[Seq[Spec]], vconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]], hconcat: Option[Seq[Spec]])

A specification of the view that gets faceted.

A specification of the view that gets faceted.

A full layered plot specification, which may contains encoding and projection properties that will be applied to underlying unit (single-view) specifications.

A specification of the view that gets repeated.

Any specification in Vega-Lite.

Unit spec that can have a composite mark and row or column channels (shorthand for a facet spec).

Base interface for a repeat specification.

Base interface for a facet specification.

Base interface for a generalized concatenation specification.

Base interface for a vertical concatenation specification.

Base interface for a horizontal concatenation specification.

A unit specification, which can contain either primitive marks or composite marks.

Base interface for a unit (single-view) specification.

case class ViewBackground(cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[Cursor], fill: Option[Color], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], stroke: Option[Color], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize], style: Option[Text])

An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.

An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.

Default value: none (transparent)

case class ViewConfig(clip: Option[Boolean], continuousHeight: Option[Double], continuousWidth: Option[Double], cornerRadius: Option[CornerRadius], cursor: Option[Cursor], discreteHeight: Option[DiscreteHeightUnion], discreteWidth: Option[DiscreteWidthUnion], fill: Option[Color], fillOpacity: Option[Opacity], opacity: Option[CornerRadius], step: Option[Double], stroke: Option[Color], strokeCap: Option[Cap], strokeDash: Option[StrokeDash], strokeDashOffset: Option[CornerRadius], strokeJoin: Option[StrokeJoinUnion], strokeMiterLimit: Option[CornerRadius], strokeOpacity: Option[Opacity], strokeWidth: Option[FontSize])

Default properties for single view plots.

Default properties for single view plots.

case class WindowFieldDef(as: String, field: Option[String], op: Op, param: Option[Double])
case class X2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class XClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], axis: Option[Axis], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], impute: Option[ImputeParams], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], stack: Option[Stack], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[X])

X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal "bar" and "area" without specified x2 or width.

X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal "bar" and "area" without specified x2 or width.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical "bar" and "area" without specified y2 or height.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class XError2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], value: Option[Double])

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class XErrorClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], value: Option[Double])

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class XOffsetClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Double])

Offset of x-position of the marks

Offset of x-position of the marks

Offset of y-position of the marks

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class Y2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], `type`: Option[Type], value: Option[X])

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks.

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class YClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], axis: Option[Axis], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], impute: Option[ImputeParams], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], stack: Option[Stack], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[X])

X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal "bar" and "area" without specified x2 or width.

X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal "bar" and "area" without specified x2 or width.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical "bar" and "area" without specified y2 or height.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class YError2Class(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], value: Option[Double])

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class YErrorClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[Json], field: Option[Field], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], value: Option[Double])

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified "errorbar" and "errorband".

A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel. For example, x2, xError and xError2 share the same scale with x.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

case class YOffsetClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], field: Option[Field], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Double])

Offset of x-position of the marks

Offset of x-position of the marks

Offset of y-position of the marks

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.



Aggregation function for the field (e.g., "mean", "sum", "median", "min", "max", "count").

Aggregation function for the field (e.g., "mean", "sum", "median", "min", "max", "count").

Default value: undefined (None)

See also: aggregate documentation.

type AggregateOp = "argmax" | "argmin" | "average" | "ci0" | "ci1" | "count" | "distinct" | "max" | "mean" | "median" | "min" | "missing" | "product" | "q1" | "q3" | "stderr" | "stdev" | "stdevp" | "sum" | "valid" | "values" | "variance" | "variancep"

The aggregation operation to apply to the fields (e.g., "sum", "average", or "count"). See the full list of supported aggregation operations for more information.

The aggregation operation to apply to the fields (e.g., "sum", "average", or "count"). See the full list of supported aggregation operations for more information.

The aggregation operation to apply (e.g., "sum", "average" or "count"). See the list of all supported operations here.

The aggregation operation to apply to grouped value field values. Default value: sum

type Align = "center" | "left" | "right"

Horizontal text alignment of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the current axis orientation.

Horizontal text alignment of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the current axis orientation.

Horizontal text alignment of axis titles.

The alignment of the legend label, can be left, center, or right.

Horizontal text alignment for legend titles.

Default value: "left".

Horizontal text alignment for title text. One of "left", "center", or "right".

type AnyMark = Def | String

A string describing the mark type (one of "bar", "circle", "square", "tick", "line", "area", "point", "rule", "geoshape", and "text") or a mark definition object.

A string describing the mark type (one of "bar", "circle", "square", "tick", "line", "area", "point", "rule", "geoshape", and "text") or a mark definition object.


How the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of "pad", "fit" or "none". Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic resizing.

How the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of "pad", "fit" or "none". Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic resizing.

Default value: pad

type AutosizeType = "fit" | "fit-x" | "fit-y" | "none" | "pad"

The sizing format type. One of "pad", "fit", "fit-x", "fit-y", or "none". See the autosize type documentation for descriptions of each.

The sizing format type. One of "pad", "fit", "fit-x", "fit-y", or "none". See the autosize type documentation for descriptions of each.

Default value: "pad"

type AxisOrient = "bottom" | "horizontal" | "left" | "right" | "top" | "vertical"

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.

  • For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick should be applied to x or y dimension.
  • For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
  • For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in the line if config.sortLineBy is not specified. For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack; therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.

The direction of the legend, one of "vertical" or "horizontal".

Default value:

  • For top-/bottom-oriented legends, "horizontal"
  • For left-/right-oriented legends, "vertical"
  • For top/bottom-left/right-oriented legends, "horizontal" for gradient legends and "vertical" for symbol legends.

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for gradient legends.

Default value: "vertical".

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for symbol legends.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the box plot. This is normally automatically determined based on types of fields on x and y channels. However, an explicit orient be specified when the orientation is ambiguous.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the error bar. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.

Orientation of the error band. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.


CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.

CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.

Default value: "white"

The color of the header label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.

Color of the header title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.

For text marks, the vertical text baseline. One of "alphabetic" (default), "top", "middle", "bottom", "line-top", "line-bottom", or an expression reference that provides one of the valid values. The "line-top" and "line-bottom" values operate similarly to "top" and "bottom", but are calculated relative to the lineHeight rather than fontSize alone.

For range marks, the vertical alignment of the marks. One of "top", "middle", "bottom".

Note: Expression reference is not supported for range marks.

The vertical text baseline for the header labels. One of "alphabetic" (default), "top", "middle", "bottom", "line-top", or "line-bottom". The "line-top" and "line-bottom" values operate similarly to "top" and "bottom", but are calculated relative to the titleLineHeight rather than titleFontSize alone.

The vertical text baseline for the header title. One of "alphabetic" (default), "top", "middle", "bottom", "line-top", or "line-bottom". The "line-top" and "line-bottom" values operate similarly to "top" and "bottom", but are calculated relative to the titleLineHeight rather than titleFontSize alone.

Default value: "middle"


A two-element ([min, max]) array indicating the range of desired bin values.

A two-element ([min, max]) array indicating the range of desired bin values.

type BlendEnum = "color" | "color-burn" | "color-dodge" | "darken" | "difference" | "exclusion" | "hard-light" | "hue" | "lighten" | "luminosity" | "multiply" | "overlay" | "saturation" | "screen" | "soft-light"
type Bounds = "flush" | "full"

The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of full (the default) or flush.

The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of full (the default) or flush.

  • If set to full, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and legend) will be used.
  • If set to flush, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view will be used. The flush setting can be useful when attempting to place sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.

Default value: "full"

type Contains = "content" | "padding"

Determines how size calculation should be performed, one of "content" or "padding". The default setting ("content") interprets the width and height settings as the data rectangle (plotting) dimensions, to which padding is then added. In contrast, the "padding" setting includes the padding within the view size calculations, such that the width and height settings indicate the total intended size of the view.

Determines how size calculation should be performed, one of "content" or "padding". The default setting ("content") interprets the width and height settings as the data rectangle (plotting) dimensions, to which padding is then added. In contrast, the "padding" setting includes the padding within the view size calculations, such that the width and height settings indicate the total intended size of the view.

Default value: "content"

type Content = "data" | "encoding"
type Cursor = "alias" | "all-scroll" | "auto" | "cell" | "col-resize" | "context-menu" | "copy" | "crosshair" | "default" | "e-resize" | "ew-resize" | "grab" | "grabbing" | "help" | "move" | "n-resize" | "ne-resize" | "nesw-resize" | "no-drop" | "none" | "not-allowed" | "ns-resize" | "nw-resize" | "nwse-resize" | "pointer" | "progress" | "row-resize" | "s-resize" | "se-resize" | "sw-resize" | "text" | "vertical-text" | "w-resize" | "wait" | "zoom-in" | "zoom-out"

The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.

The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.

The mouse cursor used over the interval mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.

The mouse cursor used over the view. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.

type Day = Double | String

Value representing the day of a week. This can be one of: (1) integer value -- 1 represents Monday; (2) case-insensitive day name (e.g., "Monday"); (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short day name (e.g., "Mon").

Value representing the day of a week. This can be one of: (1) integer value -- 1 represents Monday; (2) case-insensitive day name (e.g., "Monday"); (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short day name (e.g., "Mon").

Warning: A DateTime definition object with day** should not be combined with year, quarter, month, or date.


The default height when the plot has non arc marks and either a discrete y-field or no y-field. The height can be either a number indicating a fixed height or an object in the form of {step: number} defining the height per discrete step.

The default height when the plot has non arc marks and either a discrete y-field or no y-field. The height can be either a number indicating a fixed height or an object in the form of {step: number} defining the height per discrete step.

Default value: a step size based on config.view.step.


The default width when the plot has non-arc marks and either a discrete x-field or no x-field. The width can be either a number indicating a fixed width or an object in the form of {step: number} defining the width per discrete step.

The default width when the plot has non-arc marks and either a discrete x-field or no x-field. The width can be either a number indicating a fixed width or an object in the form of {step: number} defining the width per discrete step.

Default value: a step size based on config.view.step.


Customized domain values in the form of constant values or dynamic values driven by a parameter.

Customized domain values in the form of constant values or dynamic values driven by a parameter.

  1. Constant domain for quantitative fields can take one of the following forms:
  • A two-element array with minimum and maximum values. To create a diverging scale, this two-element array can be combined with the domainMid property.
  • An array with more than two entries, for Piecewise quantitative scales.
  • A string value "unaggregated", if the input field is aggregated, to indicate that the domain should include the raw data values prior to the aggregation.
  1. Constant domain for temporal fields can be a two-element array with minimum and maximum values, in the form of either timestamps or the DateTime definition objects.

  2. Constant domain for ordinal and nominal fields can be an array that lists valid input values.

  3. To combine (union) specified constant domain with the field's values, domain can be an object with a unionWith property that specify constant domain to be combined. For example, domain: {unionWith: [0, 100]} for a quantitative scale means that the scale domain always includes [0, 100], but will include other values in the fields beyond [0, 100].

  4. Domain can also takes an object defining a field or encoding of a parameter that interactively determines the scale domain.


The value that the field should be equal to.

The value that the field should be equal to.

type ErrorBarExtent = "ci" | "iqr" | "stderr" | "stdev"

The extent of the band. Available options include:

The extent of the band. Available options include:

  • "ci": Extend the band to the confidence interval of the mean.
  • "stderr": The size of band are set to the value of standard error, extending from the mean.
  • "stdev": The size of band are set to the value of standard deviation, extending from the mean.
  • "iqr": Extend the band to the q1 and q3.

Default value: "stderr".

The extent of the rule. Available options include:

  • "ci": Extend the rule to the confidence interval of the mean.
  • "stderr": The size of rule are set to the value of standard error, extending from the mean.
  • "stdev": The size of rule are set to the value of standard deviation, extending from the mean.
  • "iqr": Extend the rule to the q1 and q3.

Default value: "stderr".

type ExprRefType = "cubehelix" | "cubehelix-long" | "rgb"

Required. A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data value or an object defining iterated values from the repeat operator.

Required. A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data value or an object defining iterated values from the repeat operator.

See also: field documentation.

Notes: 1) Dots (.) and brackets ([ and ]) can be used to access nested objects (e.g., "field": "" and "field": "foo['bar']"). If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use \\ to escape dots and brackets (e.g., "a\\.b" and "a\\[0\\]"). See more details about escaping in the field documentation. 2) field is not required if aggregate is count.

The data field to sort by.

Default value: If unspecified, defaults to the field specified in the outer data reference.

type FieldTitle = "functional" | "plain" | "verbal"

Defines how Vega-Lite generates title for fields. There are three possible styles:

Defines how Vega-Lite generates title for fields. There are three possible styles:

  • "verbal" (Default) - displays function in a verbal style (e.g., "Sum of field", "Year-month of date", "field (binned)").
  • "function" - displays function using parentheses and capitalized texts (e.g., "SUM(field)", "YEARMONTH(date)", "BIN(field)").
  • "plain" - displays only the field name without functions (e.g., "field", "date", "field").
type FontWeightEnum = "bold" | "bolder" | "lighter" | "normal"

The font weight of the header label.

The font weight of the header label.

Font weight of the header title. This can be either a string (e.g "bold", "normal") or a number (100, 200, 300, ..., 900 where "normal" = 400 and "bold" = 700).


Generate graticule GeoJSON data for geographic reference lines.

Generate graticule GeoJSON data for geographic reference lines.

type ImputeParamsMethod = "max" | "mean" | "median" | "min" | "value"

The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects. One of "value", "mean", "median", "max" or "min".

The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects. One of "value", "mean", "median", "max" or "min".

Default value: "value"


The full data set, included inline. This can be an array of objects or primitive values, an object, or a string. Arrays of primitive values are ingested as objects with a data property. Strings are parsed according to the specified format type.

The full data set, included inline. This can be an array of objects or primitive values, an object, or a string. Arrays of primitive values are ingested as objects with a data property. Strings are parsed according to the specified format type.

type Interpolate = "basis" | "basis-closed" | "basis-open" | "bundle" | "cardinal" | "cardinal-closed" | "cardinal-open" | "catmull-rom" | "linear" | "linear-closed" | "monotone" | "natural" | "step" | "step-after" | "step-before"

The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:

The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:

  • "linear": piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
  • "linear-closed": close the linear segments to form a polygon.
  • "step": alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step function.
  • "step-before": alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a step function.
  • "step-after": alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step function.
  • "basis": a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
  • "basis-open": an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
  • "basis-closed": a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
  • "cardinal": a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
  • "cardinal-open": an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end, but will intersect other control points.
  • "cardinal-closed": a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
  • "bundle": equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to straighten the spline.
  • "monotone": cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.

The line interpolation method for the error band. One of the following:

  • "linear": piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
  • "linear-closed": close the linear segments to form a polygon.
  • "step": a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes at the midpoint of each pair of adjacent x-values.
  • "step-before": a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes before the x-value.
  • "step-after": a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes after the x-value.
  • "basis": a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
  • "basis-open": an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
  • "basis-closed": a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
  • "cardinal": a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
  • "cardinal-open": an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end, but will intersect other control points.
  • "cardinal-closed": a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
  • "bundle": equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to straighten the spline.
  • "monotone": cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
type Invalid = "filter"

Indicates if labels should be hidden if they exceed the axis range. If false (the default) no bounds overlap analysis is performed. If true, labels will be hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than 1 pixel. If this property is a number, it specifies the pixel tolerance: the maximum amount by which a label bounding box may exceed the axis range.

Indicates if labels should be hidden if they exceed the axis range. If false (the default) no bounds overlap analysis is performed. If true, labels will be hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than 1 pixel. If this property is a number, it specifies the pixel tolerance: the maximum amount by which a label bounding box may exceed the axis range.

Default value: false.

Indicates if the first and last axis labels should be aligned flush with the scale range. Flush alignment for a horizontal axis will left-align the first label and right-align the last label. For vertical axes, bottom and top text baselines are applied instead. If this property is a number, it also indicates the number of pixels by which to offset the first and last labels; for example, a value of 2 will flush-align the first and last labels and also push them 2 pixels outward from the center of the axis. The additional adjustment can sometimes help the labels better visually group with corresponding axis ticks.

Default value: true for axis of a continuous x-scale. Otherwise, false.


The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If false (the default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to true or "parity", a strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear axes). If set to "greedy", a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).

The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If false (the default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to true or "parity", a strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear axes). If set to "greedy", a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).

Default value: true for non-nominal fields with non-log scales; "greedy" for log scales; otherwise false.

The strategy to use for resolving overlap of labels in gradient legends. If false, no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to true or "parity", a strategy of removing every other label is used. If set to "greedy", a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any label that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).

Default value: "greedy" for log scales otherwisetrue`.


Title for the plot.

Title for the plot.

type LayoutAlign = "all" | "each" | "none"

The alignment to apply to symbol legends rows and columns. The supported string values are "all", "each" (the default), and none. For more information, see the grid layout documentation.

The alignment to apply to symbol legends rows and columns. The supported string values are "all", "each" (the default), and none. For more information, see the grid layout documentation.

Default value: "each".

The alignment to apply to row/column facet's subplot. The supported string values are "all", "each", and "none".

  • For "none", a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply placed one after the other.
  • For "each", subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row or column may be of variable size.
  • For "all", subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property will be applied to both grid rows and columns.

Default value: "all".

type LegendOrient = "bottom" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right" | "left" | "none" | "right" | "top" | "top-left" | "top-right"

The orientation of the legend, which determines how the legend is positioned within the scene. One of "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "none".

The orientation of the legend, which determines how the legend is positioned within the scene. One of "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "none".

Default value: "right"

type LegendType = "gradient" | "symbol"

The type of the legend. Use "symbol" to create a discrete legend and "gradient" for a continuous color gradient.

The type of the legend. Use "symbol" to create a discrete legend and "gradient" for a continuous color gradient.

Default value: "gradient" for non-binned quantitative fields and temporal fields; "symbol" otherwise.


An array of inclusive minimum and maximum values for a field value of a data item to be included in the filtered data.

An array of inclusive minimum and maximum values for a field value of a data item to be included in the filtered data.


Default color.

Default color.

Default value: "#4682b4"


  • This property cannot be used in a style config.
  • The fill and stroke properties have higher precedence than color and will override color.
type MarkType = "arc" | "area" | "group" | "image" | "line" | "path" | "rect" | "rule" | "shape" | "symbol" | "text" | "trail"

One of: (1) integer value representing the month from 1-12. 1 represents January; (2) case-insensitive month name (e.g., "January"); (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short month name (e.g., "Jan").

One of: (1) integer value representing the month from 1-12. 1 represents January; (2) case-insensitive month name (e.g., "January"); (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short month name (e.g., "Jan").


Extending the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest round value. Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data and may be irregular. For example, for a domain of [0.201479…, 0.996679…], a nice domain might be [0.2, 1.0].

Extending the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest round value. Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data and may be irregular. For example, for a domain of [0.201479…, 0.996679…], a nice domain might be [0.2, 1.0].

For quantitative scales such as linear, nice can be either a boolean flag or a number. If nice is a number, it will represent a desired tick count. This allows greater control over the step size used to extend the bounds, guaranteeing that the returned ticks will exactly cover the domain.

For temporal fields with time and utc scales, the nice value can be a string indicating the desired time interval. Legal values are "millisecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", and "year". Alternatively, time and utc scales can accept an object-valued interval specifier of the form {"interval": "month", "step": 3}, which includes a desired number of interval steps. Here, the domain would snap to quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) boundaries.

Default value: true for unbinned quantitative fields without explicit domain bounds; false otherwise.

type NonArgAggregateOp = "average" | "ci0" | "ci1" | "count" | "distinct" | "max" | "mean" | "median" | "min" | "missing" | "product" | "q1" | "q3" | "stderr" | "stdev" | "stdevp" | "sum" | "valid" | "values" | "variance" | "variancep"

An aggregate operation to perform on the field prior to sorting (e.g., "count", "mean" and "median"). An aggregation is required when there are multiple values of the sort field for each encoded data field. The input data objects will be aggregated, grouped by the encoded data field.

An aggregate operation to perform on the field prior to sorting (e.g., "count", "mean" and "median"). An aggregation is required when there are multiple values of the sort field for each encoded data field. The input data objects will be aggregated, grouped by the encoded data field.

For a full list of operations, please see the documentation for aggregate.

Default value: "sum" for stacked plots. Otherwise, "min".

type NullValue = None.type
type Op = "argmax" | "argmin" | "average" | "ci0" | "ci1" | "count" | "cume_dist" | "dense_rank" | "distinct" | "first_value" | "lag" | "last_value" | "lead" | "max" | "mean" | "median" | "min" | "missing" | "nth_value" | "ntile" | "percent_rank" | "product" | "q1" | "q3" | "rank" | "row_number" | "stderr" | "stdev" | "stdevp" | "sum" | "valid" | "values" | "variance" | "variancep"

The window or aggregation operation to apply within a window (e.g., "rank", "lead", "sum", "average" or "count"). See the list of all supported operations here.

The window or aggregation operation to apply within a window (e.g., "rank", "lead", "sum", "average" or "count"). See the list of all supported operations here.

The aggregation operation to apply to the fields (e.g., "sum", "average", or "count"). See the full list of supported aggregation operations for more information.

The aggregation operation to apply (e.g., "sum", "average" or "count"). See the list of all supported operations here.

The aggregation operation to apply to grouped value field values. Default value: sum


One or more value definition(s) with a parameter or a test predicate.

One or more value definition(s) with a parameter or a test predicate.

Note: A field definition's condition property can only contain conditional value definitions since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.

type Orient = "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top"

The orientation of the header label. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".

The orientation of the header label. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".

Shortcut for setting both labelOrient and titleOrient.

The orientation of the header title. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".

Orientation of the legend title.

type Orientation = "horizontal" | "vertical"

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.

  • For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick should be applied to x or y dimension.
  • For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
  • For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in the line if config.sortLineBy is not specified. For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack; therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.

The direction of the legend, one of "vertical" or "horizontal".

Default value:

  • For top-/bottom-oriented legends, "horizontal"
  • For left-/right-oriented legends, "vertical"
  • For top/bottom-left/right-oriented legends, "horizontal" for gradient legends and "vertical" for symbol legends.

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for gradient legends.

Default value: "vertical".

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for symbol legends.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the box plot. This is normally automatically determined based on types of fields on x and y channels. However, an explicit orient be specified when the orientation is ambiguous.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the error bar. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.

Orientation of the error band. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.


The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle. If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an object, the value should have the format {"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5, "bottom": 5} to specify padding for each side of the visualization.

The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle. If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an object, the value should have the format {"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5, "bottom": 5} to specify padding for each side of the visualization.

Default value: 5


Predicate for triggering the condition

Predicate for triggering the condition

The filter property must be a predication definition, which can take one of the following forms:

  1. an expression string, where datum can be used to refer to the current data object. For example, {filter: "datum.b2 > 60"} would make the output data includes only items that have values in the field b2 over 60.

  2. one of the field predicates: equal, lt, lte, gt, gte, range, oneOf, or valid,

  3. a selection predicate, which define the names of a selection that the data point should belong to (or a logical composition of selections).

  4. a logical composition of (1), (2), or (3).


A constant value in data domain.

A constant value in data domain.

type ProjectionType = "albers" | "albersUsa" | "azimuthalEqualArea" | "azimuthalEquidistant" | "conicConformal" | "conicEqualArea" | "conicEquidistant" | "equalEarth" | "equirectangular" | "gnomonic" | "identity" | "mercator" | "naturalEarth1" | "orthographic" | "stereographic" | "transverseMercator"
type RangeEnum = "category" | "diverging" | "heatmap" | "height" | "ordinal" | "ramp" | "symbol" | "width"
type RepeatEnum = "column" | "layer" | "repeat" | "row"
type ResolveMode = "independent" | "shared"

Bin boundaries can be provided to scales as either an explicit array of bin boundaries or as a bin specification object. The legal values are:

Bin boundaries can be provided to scales as either an explicit array of bin boundaries or as a bin specification object. The legal values are:

  • An array literal of bin boundary values. For example, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]. The array must include both starting and ending boundaries. The previous example uses five values to indicate a total of four bin intervals: [0-5), [5-10), [10-15), [15-20]. Array literals may include signal references as elements.
  • A bin specification object that indicates the bin step size, and optionally the start and stop boundaries.
  • An array of bin boundaries over the scale domain. If provided, axes and legends will use the bin boundaries to inform the choice of tick marks and text labels.

The interpolation method for range values. By default, a general interpolator for numbers, dates, strings and colors (in HCL space) is used. For color ranges, this property allows interpolation in alternative color spaces. Legal values include rgb, hsl, hsl-long, lab, hcl, hcl-long, cubehelix and cubehelix-long ('-long' variants use longer paths in polar coordinate spaces). If object-valued, this property accepts an object with a string-valued type property and an optional numeric gamma property applicable to rgb and cubehelix interpolators. For more, see the d3-interpolate documentation.

The interpolation method for range values. By default, a general interpolator for numbers, dates, strings and colors (in HCL space) is used. For color ranges, this property allows interpolation in alternative color spaces. Legal values include rgb, hsl, hsl-long, lab, hcl, hcl-long, cubehelix and cubehelix-long ('-long' variants use longer paths in polar coordinate spaces). If object-valued, this property accepts an object with a string-valued type property and an optional numeric gamma property applicable to rgb and cubehelix interpolators. For more, see the d3-interpolate documentation.

  • Default value: hcl
type ScaleInterpolateEnum = "cubehelix" | "cubehelix-long" | "hcl" | "hcl-long" | "hsl" | "hsl-long" | "lab" | "rgb"

The range of the scale. One of:

The range of the scale. One of:

  • A string indicating a pre-defined named scale range (e.g., example, "symbol", or "diverging").

  • For continuous scales, two-element array indicating minimum and maximum values, or an array with more than two entries for specifying a piecewise scale.

  • For discrete and discretizing scales, an array of desired output values or an object with a field property representing the range values. For example, if a field color contains CSS color names, we can set range to {field: "color"}.


  1. For color scales you can also specify a color scheme instead of range.

  2. Any directly specified range for x and y channels will be ignored. Range can be customized via the view's corresponding size (width and height).

type ScaleType = "band" | "bin-ordinal" | "identity" | "linear" | "log" | "ordinal" | "point" | "pow" | "quantile" | "quantize" | "sequential" | "sqrt" | "symlog" | "threshold" | "time" | "utc"

The type of scale. Vega-Lite supports the following categories of scale types:

The type of scale. Vega-Lite supports the following categories of scale types:

  1. Continuous Scales -- mapping continuous domains to continuous output ranges ("linear", "pow", "sqrt", "symlog", "log", "time", "utc".

  2. Discrete Scales -- mapping discrete domains to discrete ("ordinal") or continuous ("band" and "point") output ranges.

  3. Discretizing Scales -- mapping continuous domains to discrete output ranges "bin-ordinal", "quantile", "quantize" and "threshold".

Default value: please see the scale type table.


A string indicating a color scheme name (e.g., "category10" or "blues") or a scheme parameter object.

A string indicating a color scheme name (e.g., "category10" or "blues") or a scheme parameter object.

Discrete color schemes may be used with discrete or discretizing scales. Continuous color schemes are intended for use with color scales.

For the full list of supported schemes, please refer to the Vega Scheme reference.


Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite currently supports two selection types:

Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite currently supports two selection types:

  • "point" -- to select multiple discrete data values; the first value is selected on click and additional values toggled on shift-click.
  • "interval" -- to select a continuous range of data values on drag.
type SelectionResolution = "global" | "intersect" | "union"

With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform, conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.

With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform, conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.

One of:

  • "global" -- only one brush exists for the entire SPLOM. When the user begins to drag, any previous brushes are cleared, and a new one is constructed.
  • "union" -- each cell contains its own brush, and points are highlighted if they lie within any of these individual brushes.
  • "intersect" -- each cell contains its own brush, and points are highlighted only if they fall within all of these individual brushes.

Default value: global.

See also: resolve examples in the documentation.

type SelectionType = "interval" | "point"
type SingleDefUnitChannel = "angle" | "color" | "description" | "fill" | "fillOpacity" | "href" | "key" | "latitude" | "latitude2" | "longitude" | "longitude2" | "opacity" | "radius" | "radius2" | "shape" | "size" | "stroke" | "strokeDash" | "strokeOpacity" | "strokeWidth" | "text" | "theta" | "theta2" | "url" | "x" | "x2" | "xOffset" | "y" | "y2" | "yOffset"

If a selection parameter is specified, the encoding channel to extract selected values for when a selection is projected over multiple fields or encodings.

If a selection parameter is specified, the encoding channel to extract selected values for when a selection is projected over multiple fields or encodings.

type Sort = "-color" | "-fill" | "-fillOpacity" | "-opacity" | "-shape" | "-size" | "-stroke" | "-strokeOpacity" | "-strokeWidth" | "-text" | "-x" | "-y" | "ascending" | "color" | "descending" | "fill" | "fillOpacity" | "opacity" | "shape" | "size" | "stroke" | "strokeOpacity" | "strokeWidth" | "text" | "x" | "y"

The sort order. One of "ascending" (default) or "descending".

The sort order. One of "ascending" (default) or "descending".

The encoding channel to sort by (e.g., "x", "y")

type SortByChannel = "color" | "fill" | "fillOpacity" | "opacity" | "shape" | "size" | "stroke" | "strokeOpacity" | "strokeWidth" | "text" | "x" | "y"

The encoding channel to sort by (e.g., "x", "y")

The encoding channel to sort by (e.g., "x", "y")

type SortOrder = "ascending" | "descending"

The sort order. One of "ascending" (default) or "descending".

The sort order. One of "ascending" (default) or "descending".


Sort order for the encoded field.

Sort order for the encoded field.

For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), sort can be either "ascending" or "descending".

For discrete fields, sort can be one of the following:

Default value: "ascending"

Note: null and sorting by another channel is not supported for row and column.

See also: sort documentation.


Generate sphere GeoJSON data for the full globe.

Generate sphere GeoJSON data for the full globe.

type StackOffset = "center" | "normalize" | "zero"

Mode for stacking marks. One of "zero" (default), "center", or "normalize". The "zero" offset will stack starting at 0. The "center" offset will center the stacks. The "normalize" offset will compute percentage values for each stack point, with output values in the range [0,1].

Mode for stacking marks. One of "zero" (default), "center", or "normalize". The "zero" offset will stack starting at 0. The "center" offset will center the stacks. The "normalize" offset will compute percentage values for each stack point, with output values in the range [0,1].

Default value: "zero"

type StandardType = "nominal" | "ordinal" | "quantitative" | "temporal"

The type of measurement ("quantitative", "temporal", "ordinal", or "nominal") for the encoded field or constant value (datum). It can also be a "geojson" type for encoding 'geoshape'.

The type of measurement ("quantitative", "temporal", "ordinal", or "nominal") for the encoded field or constant value (datum). It can also be a "geojson" type for encoding 'geoshape'.

Vega-Lite automatically infers data types in many cases as discussed below. However, type is required for a field if: (1) the field is not nominal and the field encoding has no specified aggregate (except argmin and argmax), bin, scale type, custom sort order, nor timeUnit or (2) if you wish to use an ordinal scale for a field with bin or timeUnit.

Default value:

  1. For a data field, "nominal" is the default data type unless the field encoding has aggregate, channel, bin, scale type, sort, or timeUnit that satisfies the following criteria:
  • "quantitative" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains bin or aggregate except "argmin" and "argmax", (2) the encoding channel is latitude or longitude channel or (3) if the specified scale type is a quantitative scale.
  • "temporal" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains timeUnit or (2) the specified scale type is a time or utc scale
  • ordinal"" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains a custom sort order, (2) the specified scale type is an ordinal/point/band scale, or (3) the encoding channel is order.
  1. For a constant value in data domain (datum):
  • "quantitative" if the datum is a number
  • "nominal" if the datum is a string
  • "temporal" if the datum is a date time object


  • Data type describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data types (number, string, etc.). The same primitive data type can have different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
  • Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g., "2015-03-07 12:32:17", "17:01", "2015-03-16". "2015") or a timestamp number (e.g., 1552199579097).
  • When using with bin, the type property can be either "quantitative" (for using a linear bin scale) or "ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale).
  • When using with timeUnit, the type property can be either "temporal" (default, for using a temporal scale) or "ordinal" (for using an ordinal scale).
  • When using with aggregate, the type property refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count distinct of a categorical field "cat" using {"aggregate": "distinct", "field": "cat"}. The "type" of the aggregate output is "quantitative".
  • Secondary channels (e.g., x2, y2, xError, yError) do not have type as they must have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g., x, y).

See also: type documentation.

type StepFor = "offset" | "position"

Whether to apply the step to position scale or offset scale when there are both x and xOffset or both y and yOffset encodings.

Whether to apply the step to position scale or offset scale when there are both x and xOffset or both y and yOffset encodings.

type StrokeCap = "butt" | "round" | "square"

The stroke cap for line ending style. One of "butt", "round", or "square".

The stroke cap for line ending style. One of "butt", "round", or "square".

Default value: "butt"

The stroke cap for the domain line's ending style. One of "butt", "round" or "square".

Default value: "butt"

The stroke cap for grid lines' ending style. One of "butt", "round" or "square".

Default value: "butt"

The stroke cap for the tick lines' ending style. One of "butt", "round" or "square".

Default value: "butt"


The projection’s translation offset as a two-element array [tx, ty].

The projection’s translation offset as a two-element array [tx, ty].

A constant value in visual domain (e.g., "red" / "#0099ff" / gradient definition for color, values between 0 to 1 for opacity).

type StrokeJoin = "bevel" | "miter" | "round"

The stroke line join method. One of "miter", "round" or "bevel".

The stroke line join method. One of "miter", "round" or "bevel".

Default value: "miter"

type Text = Seq[String] | String

A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the mark. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined within the style configuration. If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles. Any mark properties explicitly defined within the encoding will override a style default.

A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the mark. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined within the style configuration. If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles. Any mark properties explicitly defined within the encoding will override a style default.

Default value: The mark's name. For example, a bar mark will have style "bar" by default. Note: Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, a bar mark with "style": "foo" will receive from and (the specified style "foo" has higher precedence).

A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the axis. A style is a named collection of axis property defined within the style configuration. If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles.

Default value: (none) Note: Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, an x-axis mark with "style": "foo" will use config.axisX and (the specified style "foo" has higher precedence).

A mark style property to apply to the title text mark.

Default value: "group-title".

Placeholder text if the text channel is not specified

The subtitle Text.

A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the view background. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined within the style configuration. If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles.

Default value: "cell" Note: Any specified view background properties will augment the default style.

type TextDirection = "ltr" | "rtl"

The direction of the text. One of "ltr" (left-to-right) or "rtl" (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to the limit parameter.

The direction of the text. One of "ltr" (left-to-right) or "rtl" (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to the limit parameter.

Default value: "ltr"


A constant value in visual domain (e.g., "red" / "#0099ff" / gradient definition for color, values between 0 to 1 for opacity).

A constant value in visual domain (e.g., "red" / "#0099ff" / gradient definition for color, values between 0 to 1 for opacity).

The title text.

type TickBandEnum = "center" | "extent"

For band scales, indicates if ticks and grid lines should be placed at the "center" of a band (default) or at the band "extent"s to indicate intervals

For band scales, indicates if ticks and grid lines should be placed at the "center" of a band (default) or at the band "extent"s to indicate intervals

type TimeInterval = "day" | "hour" | "millisecond" | "minute" | "month" | "second" | "week" | "year"
type TimeUnit = "date" | "day" | "dayhours" | "dayhoursminutes" | "dayhoursminutesseconds" | "dayofyear" | "hours" | "hoursminutes" | "hoursminutesseconds" | "milliseconds" | "minutes" | "minutesseconds" | "month" | "monthdate" | "monthdatehours" | "monthdatehoursminutes" | "monthdatehoursminutesseconds" | "quarter" | "quartermonth" | "seconds" | "secondsmilliseconds" | "week" | "weekday" | "weekdayhoursminutes" | "weekdayhoursminutesseconds" | "weeksdayhours" | "year" | "yeardayofyear" | "yearmonth" | "yearmonthdate" | "yearmonthdatehours" | "yearmonthdatehoursminutes" | "yearmonthdatehoursminutesseconds" | "yearquarter" | "yearquartermonth" | "yearweek" | "yearweekday" | "yearweekdayhours" | "yearweekdayhoursminutes" | "yearweekdayhoursminutesseconds"

Defines how date-time values should be binned.

Defines how date-time values should be binned.


Time unit for the field to be tested.

Time unit for the field to be tested.

Time unit (e.g., year, yearmonth, month, hours) for a temporal field. or a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal.

Default value: undefined (None)

See also: timeUnit documentation.

The timeUnit.


The horizontal alignment of the text or ranged marks (area, bar, image, rect, rule). One of "left", "right", "center".

The horizontal alignment of the text or ranged marks (area, bar, image, rect, rule). One of "left", "right", "center".

Note: Expression reference is not supported for range marks.

Horizontal text alignment of header labels. One of "left", "center", or "right".

Horizontal text alignment (to the anchor) of header titles.

type TitleAnchorEnum = "end" | "middle" | "start"
type TitleOrient = "bottom" | "left" | "none" | "right" | "top"

Default title orientation ("top", "bottom", "left", or "right")

Default title orientation ("top", "bottom", "left", or "right")


Controls whether data values should be toggled (inserted or removed from a point selection) or only ever inserted into multi selections.

Controls whether data values should be toggled (inserted or removed from a point selection) or only ever inserted into multi selections.

One of:

  • true -- the default behavior, which corresponds to "event.shiftKey". As a result, data values are toggled when the user interacts with the shift-key pressed.
  • false -- disables toggling behaviour; as the user interacts, data values are only inserted into the multi selection and never removed.
  • A Vega expression which is re-evaluated as the user interacts. If the expression evaluates to true, the data value is toggled into or out of the multi selection. If the expression evaluates to false, the multi selection is first clear, and the data value is then inserted. For example, setting the value to the Vega expression "true" will toggle data values without the user pressing the shift-key.

Default value: true

See also: toggle examples in the documentation.

When truthy, allows a user to interactively move an interval selection back-and-forth. Can be true, false (to disable panning), or a Vega event stream definition which must include a start and end event to trigger continuous panning. Discrete panning (e.g., pressing the left/right arrow keys) will be supported in future versions.

Default value: true, which corresponds to [mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!. This default allows users to clicks and drags within an interval selection to reposition it.

See also: translate examples in the documentation.

When truthy, allows a user to interactively resize an interval selection. Can be true, false (to disable zooming), or a Vega event stream definition. Currently, only wheel events are supported, but custom event streams can still be used to specify filters, debouncing, and throttling. Future versions will expand the set of events that can trigger this transformation.

Default value: true, which corresponds to wheel!. This default allows users to use the mouse wheel to resize an interval selection.

See also: zoom examples in the documentation.


An object indicating bin properties, or simply true for using default bin parameters.

An object indicating bin properties, or simply true for using default bin parameters.

type TransformMethod = "exp" | "linear" | "log" | "max" | "mean" | "median" | "min" | "poly" | "pow" | "quad" | "value"

The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects. One of "value", "mean", "median", "max" or "min".

The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects. One of "value", "mean", "median", "max" or "min".

Default value: "value"

The functional form of the regression model. One of "linear", "log", "exp", "pow", "quad", or "poly".

Default value: "linear"

type Type = "geojson" | "nominal" | "ordinal" | "quantitative" | "temporal"

The type of measurement ("quantitative", "temporal", "ordinal", or "nominal") for the encoded field or constant value (datum). It can also be a "geojson" type for encoding 'geoshape'.

The type of measurement ("quantitative", "temporal", "ordinal", or "nominal") for the encoded field or constant value (datum). It can also be a "geojson" type for encoding 'geoshape'.

Vega-Lite automatically infers data types in many cases as discussed below. However, type is required for a field if: (1) the field is not nominal and the field encoding has no specified aggregate (except argmin and argmax), bin, scale type, custom sort order, nor timeUnit or (2) if you wish to use an ordinal scale for a field with bin or timeUnit.

Default value:

  1. For a data field, "nominal" is the default data type unless the field encoding has aggregate, channel, bin, scale type, sort, or timeUnit that satisfies the following criteria:
  • "quantitative" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains bin or aggregate except "argmin" and "argmax", (2) the encoding channel is latitude or longitude channel or (3) if the specified scale type is a quantitative scale.
  • "temporal" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains timeUnit or (2) the specified scale type is a time or utc scale
  • ordinal"" is the default type if (1) the encoded field contains a custom sort order, (2) the specified scale type is an ordinal/point/band scale, or (3) the encoding channel is order.
  1. For a constant value in data domain (datum):
  • "quantitative" if the datum is a number
  • "nominal" if the datum is a string
  • "temporal" if the datum is a date time object


  • Data type describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data types (number, string, etc.). The same primitive data type can have different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
  • Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g., "2015-03-07 12:32:17", "17:01", "2015-03-16". "2015") or a timestamp number (e.g., 1552199579097).
  • When using with bin, the type property can be either "quantitative" (for using a linear bin scale) or "ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale).
  • When using with timeUnit, the type property can be either "temporal" (default, for using a temporal scale) or "ordinal" (for using an ordinal scale).
  • When using with aggregate, the type property refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count distinct of a categorical field "cat" using {"aggregate": "distinct", "field": "cat"}. The "type" of the aggregate output is "quantitative".
  • Secondary channels (e.g., x2, y2, xError, yError) do not have type as they must have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g., x, y).

See also: type documentation.

Data type based on level of measurement


The cartographic projection to use. This value is case-insensitive, for example "albers" and "Albers" indicate the same projection type. You can find all valid projection types in the documentation.

The cartographic projection to use. This value is case-insensitive, for example "albers" and "Albers" indicate the same projection type. You can find all valid projection types in the documentation.

Default value: equalEarth


Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.

Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.

Explicitly set the visible legend values.


The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all", "each", and "none".

The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all", "each", and "none".

  • For "none", a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply placed one after the other.
  • For "each", subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row or column may be of variable size.
  • For "all", subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property will be applied to both grid rows and columns.

Alternatively, an object value of the form {"row": string, "column": string} can be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.

Default value: "all".




given given_Decoder_A[A <: Singleton](using A <:< String): Decoder[A]
given given_Encoder_A[A <: Singleton](using ev: A <:< String): Encoder[A]