

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.

  • For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick should be applied to x or y dimension.
  • For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
  • For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in the line if config.sortLineBy is not specified. For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack; therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.

The direction of the legend, one of "vertical" or "horizontal".

Default value:

  • For top-/bottom-oriented legends, "horizontal"
  • For left-/right-oriented legends, "vertical"
  • For top/bottom-left/right-oriented legends, "horizontal" for gradient legends and "vertical" for symbol legends.

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for gradient legends.

Default value: "vertical".

The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical") for symbol legends.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the box plot. This is normally automatically determined based on types of fields on x and y channels. However, an explicit orient be specified when the orientation is ambiguous.

Default value: "vertical".

Orientation of the error bar. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.

Orientation of the error band. This is normally automatically determined, but can be specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.


trait Enum
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Type members

Enum entries

case case horizontal extends Orientation


case case vertical extends Orientation

