
case class ColorClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[ColorCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[Gradient])

Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on the filled property of mark definition. By default, color represents fill color for "area", "bar", "tick", "text", "trail", "circle", and "square" / stroke color for "line" and "point".

Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: 1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please use the fill and stroke channels. The fill or stroke encodings have higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified. 2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing color scheme.

Fill color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The fill encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

Stroke color of the marks. Default value: If undefined, the default color depends on mark config's color property.

Note: The stroke encoding has higher precedence than color, thus may override the color encoding if conflicting encodings are specified.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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