
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def apply[S, T, A, B](get: S => A)(_set: S => B => T): ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a getter/setter pair

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a getter/setter pair

final def both[G[_, _] : Bitraverse, A, B]: ATraversal_[G[A, A], G[B, B], A, B]

traverse both parts of a cats.Bitraverse with matching types

traverse both parts of a cats.Bitraverse with matching types

final def filter[A](predicate: A => Boolean): ATraversal_[A, A, A, A]

traverse elements of a ATraversal_ that satisfy a predicate

traverse elements of a ATraversal_ that satisfy a predicate

final def fromBazaar[S, T, A, B](bazaar: Bazaar[Function1, A, B, S, T]): ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from proptics.internal.Bazaar

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from proptics.internal.Bazaar

final def fromTraverse[G[_], A, B](implicit ev0: Traverse[G]): ATraversal_[G[A], G[B], A, B]

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a cats.Traverse

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a cats.Traverse

final def id[S, T]: ATraversal_[S, T, S, T]

polymorphic identity of an ATraversal_

polymorphic identity of an ATraversal_

final def traverse[P[_, _], S, T, A, B](combined: S => (A, B => T)): ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a combined getter/setter

create a polymorphic ATraversal_ from a combined getter/setter

final def unsafePartsOf[S, T, A, B](aTraversal: ATraversal_[S, T, A, B])(implicit ev0: Sellable[Function1, [_, _, _] =>> Bazaar[Function1, _$176, _$177, Unit, _$178]], ev2: Aux[Function1, [_] =>> State[List[B], _$181]]): Lens_[S, T, List[A], List[B]]

convert a Traversal into a Lens over a list of the Traversal's foci

convert a Traversal into a Lens over a list of the Traversal's foci