
trait IndexedGetter1[I, S, A] extends IndexedGetter0[I, S, A]
trait IndexedGetter0[I, S, A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class IndexedGetter_[I, S, T, A, B]

Value members

Abstract methods

def view(s: S): (A, I)

view the focus of a Getter

view the focus of a Getter

Concrete methods

final override def exists(f: (A, I) => Boolean): S => Boolean

test whether a predicate holds for the focus of a Getter

test whether a predicate holds for the focus of a Getter

Definition Classes
final def use(implicit ev: State[S, A]): State[S, (A, I)]

view the focus of a Getter in the state of a monad

view the focus of a Getter in the state of a monad

protected def viewOption(s: S): Option[(A, I)]

Inherited methods

final def contains(a: (A, I))(s: S)(implicit ev: Eq[(A, I)]): Boolean

test whether a focus at specific index of an IndexedGetter contains a given value

test whether a focus at specific index of an IndexedGetter contains a given value

Inherited from:
def find(f: (A, I) => Boolean): S => Option[(A, I)]

find if a focus of an IndexedGetter that satisfies a predicate

find if a focus of an IndexedGetter that satisfies a predicate

Inherited from:
final def isEmpty(s: S): Boolean

check if the IndexedGetter does not contain a focus

check if the IndexedGetter does not contain a focus

Inherited from:
final def nonEmpty(s: S): Boolean

check if the IndexedGetter contains a focus

check if the IndexedGetter contains a focus

Inherited from:
final def notContains(a: (A, I))(s: S)(implicit ev: Eq[(A, I)]): Boolean

test whether a focus at specific index of an IndexedGetter does not contain a given value

test whether a focus at specific index of an IndexedGetter does not contain a given value

Inherited from:
final def notExists(f: (A, I) => Boolean): S => Boolean

test whether a predicate does not hold for the focus of an IndexedGetter

test whether a predicate does not hold for the focus of an IndexedGetter

Inherited from: