
Contains RingSeq and usage examples.

Type members


Provides comparison operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides comparison operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides indexing operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides indexing operations for a Seq considered circular.

trait IteratingOps extends SlicingOps

Provides operations returning iterators of sequences for a Seq considered circular.

Provides operations returning iterators of sequences for a Seq considered circular.

object RingSeq extends ComparingOps with SymmetryOps

Adds implicit methods to [[ Seq]] (immutable / mutable and subtypes) for when a sequence needs to be considered '''circular''', its elements forming a ring.

Adds implicit methods to [[ Seq]] (immutable / mutable and subtypes) for when a sequence needs to be considered '''circular''', its elements forming a ring.

Provides slicing operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides slicing operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides symmetry operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides symmetry operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides rotation and reflection operations for a Seq considered circular.

Provides rotation and reflection operations for a Seq considered circular.