
object Main extends CommandIOApp


class CommandIOApp
trait IOApp
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def main: Opts[IO[ExitCode]]
override def reportFailure(ex: Throwable): IO[Unit]

Configures the action to perform when unhandled errors are caught by the runtime. By default, this simply delegates to cats.effect.std.Console!.printStackTrace. It is safe to perform any IO action within this handler; it will not block the progress of the runtime. With that said, some care should be taken to avoid raising unhandled errors as a result of handling unhandled errors, since that will result in the obvious chaos.

Configures the action to perform when unhandled errors are caught by the runtime. By default, this simply delegates to cats.effect.std.Console!.printStackTrace. It is safe to perform any IO action within this handler; it will not block the progress of the runtime. With that said, some care should be taken to avoid raising unhandled errors as a result of handling unhandled errors, since that will result in the obvious chaos.


Definition Classes
def withLogger[A](body: Logger[IO] ?=> IO[A]): IO[A]

Inherited methods

final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit


Inherited from:
final override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode]

The entry point for your application. Will be called by the runtime when the process is started. If the underlying runtime supports it, any arguments passed to the process will be made available in the args parameter. The numeric value within the resulting ExitCode will be used as the exit code when the process terminates unless terminated exceptionally or by interrupt.

The entry point for your application. Will be called by the runtime when the process is started. If the underlying runtime supports it, any arguments passed to the process will be made available in the args parameter. The numeric value within the resulting ExitCode will be used as the exit code when the process terminates unless terminated exceptionally or by interrupt.



The arguments passed to the process, if supported by the underlying runtime. For example, java --foo --bar baz or node com-mycompany-fastopt.js --foo --bar baz would each result in List("--foo", "--bar", "baz").

See also:


Definition Classes
CommandIOApp -> IOApp
Inherited from: