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addService(ServerServiceDefinition) - function in io.grpc.BinderServerBuilder
addServices(List) - function in io.grpc.BinderServerBuilder
addStreamTracerFactory(ServerStreamTracer.Factory) - function in io.grpc.BinderServerBuilder
addTransportFilter(ServerTransportFilter) - function in io.grpc.BinderServerBuilder
addTransportFilter(ClientTransportFilter) - function in io.grpc.BinderChannelBuilder
allOf(Array) - function in io.grpc.binder.SecurityPolicies
Creates a SecurityPolicy that allows access if and only if *all* of the specified {@code securityPolicies} allow access.
AndroidComponentAddress - class in io.grpc.binder
The target of an Android android.app.Service binding.
anyOf(Array) - function in io.grpc.binder.SecurityPolicies
Creates a SecurityPolicy that allows access if *any* of the specified {@code * securityPolicies} allow access.
ApiConstants - class in io.grpc.binder
Constant parts of the gRPC binder transport public API.
asAndroidAppUri() - function in io.grpc.binder.AndroidComponentAddress
Returns this address as an "android-app://" uri.
asBindIntent() - function in io.grpc.binder.AndroidComponentAddress
Returns this address as an explicit Intent suitable for passing to .
AsyncSecurityPolicy - class in io.grpc.binder
Decides whether a given Android UID is authorized to access some resource.
attachAuthAttrs(Attributes.Builder,int,BinderTransportSecurity.ServerPolicyChecker) - function in io.grpc.binder.internal.BinderTransportSecurity
Attach the given security policy to the transport attributes being built.
attachInterface(IInterface,String) - function in android.os.LeakSafeOneWayBinder
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