Interface InputFocusGroupComponent

    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String INPUT_FOCUS_STRATEGY_PROPERTY
        The input focus strategy bound property.

        static final java.lang.String INPUT_FOCUSED_COMPONENT_PROPERTY
        The input focused component bound property.
    • Method Detail

      • getInputFocusStrategy

        InputFocusStrategy getInputFocusStrategy()
        The input focus strategy for this input focus group.
      • setInputFocusStrategy

        void setInputFocusStrategy​(InputFocusStrategy newInputFocusStrategy)
        Sets the input focus strategy. This is a bound property
        newInputFocusStrategy - The input focus strategy for this group.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given input focus strategy is null.
        See Also:
      • getInputFocusedComponent

        InputFocusableComponent getInputFocusedComponent()
        Indicates the component within this group that has the input focus. The focused component may be another InputFocusGroupComponent, which in turn will have its own focused component.
        The component within this group that has the input focus, or null if no component currently has the input focus.
      • setInputFocusedComponent

        void setInputFocusedComponent​(InputFocusableComponent newInputFocusedComponent)
                               throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
        Sets the focused component within this input focus group. This is a bound property.
        newInputFocusedComponent - The component to receive the input focus.
        java.beans.PropertyVetoException - if the given component is not a focusable component within this input focus group, the component cannot receive the input focus, or the input focus change has otherwise been vetoed.
        See Also:
        getInputFocusStrategy(), INPUT_FOCUSED_COMPONENT_PROPERTY