Class WebButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl>

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebButtonDepictor

        public WebButtonDepictor()
        Default constructor using the XHTML <button> element.
    • Method Detail

      • getBodyStyles

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getBodyStyles()
        Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.

        This version returns the style for background color.

        This version lowers the opacity if the control is disabled.

        This version adds special borders for a selected SelectActionControl.

        getBodyStyles in class AbstractWebActionControlDepictor<C extends ActionControl>
        The styles for the body element of the component, mapped to CSS property names.
      • depictBegin

        protected void depictBegin()
        Description copied from class: AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
        Begins the depiction process.

        This version renders the beginning XML element information, if there is any, leaving the beginning tag open for attributes.

        This version writes common XHTML attributes.

        This version writes the body ID and class attributes, along with the direction attribute.

        depictBegin in class AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor<C extends ActionControl>
        Throws: - if there is an error updating the depiction.