Class WebImageActionControlDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl>

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebImageActionControlDepictor

        public WebImageActionControlDepictor()
    • Method Detail

      • depictedObjectPropertyChange

        protected void depictedObjectPropertyChange​(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent)
        Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.

        This method may also be called for objects related to the depicted object, so if specific properties are checked the event source should be verified to be the depicted object.

        This implementation marks the property as being modified if the property is not an ignored property.

        This implementation marks the property as being modified if the property is not an ignored property.

        This implementation requests or discontinues a poll interval when the pending state changes.

        depictedObjectPropertyChange in class AbstractComponentDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl>
        propertyChangeEvent - An event object describing the event source and the property that has changed.
        See Also:
      • getRolloverImageURI

        protected getRolloverImageURI()
        Determines the rollover image URI to use for this component. This implementation returns null.
        The rollover image to use for the component, or null if there should be no rollover image.
      • getOuterStyles

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getOuterStyles()
        Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.

        This version returns the style for color.

        This version combines the body styles with the outer styles.

        This version returns an empty map of styles.

        getOuterStyles in class AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl>
        The styles for the outer element of the component, mapped to CSS property names.
      • getBodyStyles

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getBodyStyles()
        Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.

        This version returns the style for background color.

        This version lowers the opacity if the control is disabled.

        This adds layout fixes for images within tables.

        getBodyStyles in class AbstractWebActionControlDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl>
        The styles for the body element of the component, mapped to CSS property names.
      • depictBody

        protected void depictBody()
        Depicts the body of the component.

        This version depicts the children of the component.

        This version increases and decreases the indention level before and after depicting the children, respectively.

        This version renders any label information.

        This version renders the contained image element.

        depictBody in class WebLinkDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl>
        Throws: - if there is an error updating the depiction.
        See Also: