Interface CardControl

All Superinterfaces:
CardContainer, Collection<Component>, Component, CompositeComponent, Container, ContainerControl, Control, DepictedObject, Displayable, Enableable, InfoModel, InputFocusableComponent, Iterable<Component>, LabelModel, LayoutComponent, List<Component>, ListListenable<Component>, ListSelectControl<Component>, ListSelectModel<Component>, Model, com.globalmentor.model.MutableValued<Component>, PresentationModel, com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable, com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable, SelectControl<Component>, SelectModel<Component>, ValueControl<Component>, com.globalmentor.model.Valued<Component>, ValuedComponent<Component>, ValueModel<Component>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCardPanel, CardPanel, SequenceCardPanel, TabbedPanel

public interface CardControl extends CardContainer, ContainerControl, ListSelectControl<Component>
A card container that contains a list select model providing access to the cards.
Garret Wilson
  • Method Details

    • isDisplayed

      boolean isDisplayed(Component component)
      Convenience method to determine whether a card is displayed based upon its associated constraints.
      component - The component for which the card should be displayed or not displayed.
      Whether the card is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
      IllegalStateException - if the given component has no associated constraints.
      See Also:
    • setDisplayed

      void setDisplayed(Component component, boolean newDisplayed)
      Sets a card displayed or not displayed. This convenience method changes the displayed status of the component's associated constraints.
      component - The component for which the card should be displayed or not displayed.
      newDisplayed - true if the card should be displayed.
      IllegalStateException - if the given component has no associated constraints.
      See Also:
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled(Component component)
      Convenience method to determine whether a card is enabled based upon its associated constraints.]
      component - The component for which the card is enabled or disabled.
      Whether the card is enabled and can receive user input.
      IllegalStateException - if the given component has no associated constraints.
      See Also:
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(Component component, boolean newEnabled)
      Enables or disables a card. This convenience method changes the enabled status of the component's associated constraints.
      component - The component for which the card should be enabled or disabled.
      newEnabled - true if the card can be selected.
      IllegalStateException - if the given component has no associated constraints.
      See Also: