Interface PresentationModel

All Superinterfaces:
Displayable, Model, com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable, com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionControl, ActionValueControl<V>, ApplicationFrame, ArrangeContainer, Box, ButtonControl, CardContainer, CardControl, Component, CompositeComponent, Container, ContainerControl, ContentComponent, Control, DialogFrame<V>, EditComponent, FlyoverFrame, Frame, HeadingComponent, ImageComponent, InputFocusableComponent, InputFocusGroupComponent, LabelComponent, LabelDisplayableComponent, LayoutComponent, LayoutControl, LinkControl, ListSelectControl<V>, Menu, ModalComponent<M>, ModalFrame<R>, ModalNavigationPanel<R>, NavigationComponent, OptionDialogFrame<O>, Panel, PendingImageComponent, SectionComponent, SelectActionControl, SelectButtonControl, SelectControl<V>, SelectLinkControl, ToolButtonControl, ValueControl<V>, ValuedComponent<V>, Widget
All Known Implementing Classes:
AboutPanel, AbstractActionControl, AbstractActionValueControl, AbstractApplicationFrame, AbstractArrayCompositeComponent, AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl, AbstractBox, AbstractButtonControl, AbstractCardPanel, AbstractComponent, AbstractCompositeComponent, AbstractCompositeStateComponent, AbstractCompositeStateControl, AbstractContainer, AbstractContainerControl, AbstractContainerValueControl, AbstractControl, AbstractDialogFrame, AbstractEditComponentTextControl, AbstractEditValueControl, AbstractEditValuePanel, AbstractEnumCompositeComponent, AbstractFlyoverFrame, AbstractFrame, AbstractImageComponent, AbstractLabel, AbstractLayoutComponent, AbstractLayoutControl, AbstractLayoutValueControl, AbstractLinkControl, AbstractListCompositeComponent, AbstractListSelectContainerControl, AbstractListSelectControl, AbstractMenu, AbstractModalFrame, AbstractModalNavigationPanel, AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent, AbstractOptionDialogFrame, AbstractPanel, AbstractPresentationModel, AbstractSelectActionControl, AbstractSelectActionValueControl, AbstractSequenceTaskPanel, AbstractSingleCompositeComponent, AbstractTextControl, AbstractValueControl, AbstractValuedPanel, AccordionMenu, ArrangePanel, AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel, BooleanSelectButton, BooleanSelectLink, BooleanSelectToolButton, BooleanValueControlSelectControl, BusyPanel, Button, CalendarControl, CalendarDialogFrame, CardPanel, CardTabControl, CheckControl, DateTimeControl, DateTimeFieldsControl, DefaultApplicationFrame, DefaultDialogFrame, DefaultFlyoverFrame, DefaultFrame, DefaultModalFrame, DefaultModalNavigationPanel, DropMenu, EditComponentLabelControl, EditComponentTextControl, Flash, GroupPanel, Heading, HeadingLink, Image, ImageActionControl, ImageBooleanSelectActionControl, Label, LayoutPanel, LikeButton, Link, ListControl, Message, MessageOptionDialogFrame, NamePanel, NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel, NotificationOptionDialogFrame, PasswordAuthenticationPanel, PendingImage, PendingImageActionControl, Picture, PlatformFileUploadPanel, ResourceCollectControl, ResourceImportControl, ScrollControl, SectionPanel, SelectableLabel, SelectButton, SelectLink, SequenceCardPanel, SliderControl, SpinnerControl, TabbedPanel, TabContainerControl, TabControl, Table, Table.ColumnUIModel, Table.DefaultCellMessage, TaskStateSelectLink, TextBox, TextControl, Toolbar, ToolButton, TreeControl, ValueSelectButton, ValueSelectLink

public interface PresentationModel extends Model, Displayable
Encapsulation of presentation-related information.
Garret Wilson
  • Field Details


      static final String BACKGROUND_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the background color.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_NEAR_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line near border color.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_FAR_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line far border color.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page near border color.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_FAR_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page far border color.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line near border extent.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line far border extent.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page near border extent.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page far border extent.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_NEAR_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line near border style.

      static final String BORDER_LINE_FAR_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line far border style.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page near border style.

      static final String BORDER_PAGE_FAR_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page far border style.

      The bound property of the line near page near corner arc size.

      The bound property of the line far page near corner arc size.

      The bound property of the line near page far corner arc size.

      The bound property of the line far page far corner arc size.

      static final String CURSOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the cursor.

      static final String LINE_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The line extent (width in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.

      static final String PAGE_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The page extent (height in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.

      static final String FONT_FAMILIES_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the font families.

      static final String FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the font size.

      static final String FONT_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the font style.

      static final String FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the font weight.

      static final String LABEL_FONT_FAMILIES_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the label font families.

      static final String LABEL_FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the label font size.

      static final String LABEL_FONT_STYLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the label font style.

      static final String LABEL_FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the label font weight.

      static final String LABEL_TEXT_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the label text color.

      static final String MARGIN_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line near margin extent.

      static final String MARGIN_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line far margin extent.

      static final String MARGIN_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page near margin extent.

      static final String MARGIN_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page far margin extent.

      static final String OPACITY_PROPERTY
      The opacity bound property.

      The bound property of the line near padding extent.

      static final String PADDING_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the line far padding extent.

      The bound property of the page near padding extent.

      static final String PADDING_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the page far padding extent.

      static final String STYLE_ID_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the component style ID.

      static final String TEXT_COLOR_PROPERTY
      The bound property of the text color.

      static final String TOOLTIP_ENABLED_PROPERTY
      The bound property of whether the component has tooltips enabled.

      static final String VISIBLE_PROPERTY
      The bound property of whether the component is visible.

      static final Dimensions ROUNDED_CORNER_ARC_SIZE
      The constant value representing a general rounded corner.

      static final double FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL
      The normal font weight.
      See Also:

      static final double FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD
      The bold font weight.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getBackgroundColor

      Color getBackgroundColor()
      The background color of the component, or null if no background color is specified for this component.
    • setBackgroundColor

      void setBackgroundColor(Color newBackgroundColor)
      Sets the background color of the component. This is a bound property.
      newBackgroundColor - The background color of the component, or null if the default background color should be used.
      See Also:
    • getBorderColor

      Color getBorderColor(Border border)
      Returns the border color of the indicated border.
      border - The border for which a border color should be returned.
      The border color of the given border, or null if the default border color should be used.
    • BorderLineNearColor

      Color BorderLineNearColor()
      Returns the border color of the line near page near border.
      The border color of the border, or null if the default border color should be used.
    • BorderLineFarColor

      Color BorderLineFarColor()
      Returns the border color of the line far page near border.
      The border color of the border, or null if the default border color should be used.
    • BorderPageNearColor

      Color BorderPageNearColor()
      Returns the border color of the line near page far border.
      The border color of the border, or null if the default border color should be used.
    • BorderPageFarColor

      Color BorderPageFarColor()
      Returns the border color of the line far page far border.
      The border color of the border, or null if the default border color should be used.
    • setBorderColor

      void setBorderColor(Border border, Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border color of a given border. The border color of each border represents a bound property.
      border - The border for which the border color should be set.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given border is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineNearColor

      void setBorderLineNearColor(Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border COLOR of the line near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineFarColor

      void setBorderLineFarColor(Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border color of the line far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageNearColor

      void setBorderPageNearColor(Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border color of the page near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageFarColor

      void setBorderPageFarColor(Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border color of the page far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      See Also:
    • setBorderColor

      void setBorderColor(Color newBorderColor)
      Sets the border color of all borders. The border color of each border represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setBorderColor(Border, Color) for each border.
      newBorderColor - The border color, or null if the default border color should be used.
      See Also:
    • getBorderExtent

      Extent getBorderExtent(Border border)
      Returns the border extent of the indicated border.
      border - The border for which a border extent should be returned.
      The border extent of the given border.
    • BorderLineNearExtent

      Extent BorderLineNearExtent()
      Returns the border extent of the line near page near border.
      The border extent of the given border.
    • BorderLineFarExtent

      Extent BorderLineFarExtent()
      Returns the border extent of the line far page near border.
      The border extent of the given border.
    • BorderPageNearExtent

      Extent BorderPageNearExtent()
      Returns the border extent of the line near page far border.
      The border extent of the given border.
    • BorderPageFarExtent

      Extent BorderPageFarExtent()
      Returns the border extent of the line far page far border.
      The border extent of the given border.
    • setBorderExtent

      void setBorderExtent(Border border, Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of a given border. The border extent of each border represents a bound property.
      border - The border for which the border extent should be set.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border and/or border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineNearExtent

      void setBorderLineNearExtent(Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of the line near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineFarExtent

      void setBorderLineFarExtent(Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of the line far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageNearExtent

      void setBorderPageNearExtent(Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of the page near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageFarExtent

      void setBorderPageFarExtent(Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of the page far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderExtent

      void setBorderExtent(Extent newBorderExtent)
      Sets the border extent of all borders. The border extent of each border represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setBorderExtent(Border, Extent) for each border.
      newBorderExtent - The border extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border extent is null.
      See Also:
    • getBorderStyle

      LineStyle getBorderStyle(Border border)
      Returns the border style of the indicated border.
      border - The border for which a border style should be returned.
      The border style of the given border.
    • BorderLineNearStyle

      LineStyle BorderLineNearStyle()
      Returns the border style of the line near page near border.
      The border style of the given border.
    • BorderLineFarStyle

      LineStyle BorderLineFarStyle()
      Returns the border style of the line far page near border.
      The border style of the given border.
    • BorderPageNearStyle

      LineStyle BorderPageNearStyle()
      Returns the border style of the line near page far border.
      The border style of the given border.
    • BorderPageFarStyle

      LineStyle BorderPageFarStyle()
      Returns the border style of the line far page far border.
      The border style of the given border.
    • setBorderStyle

      void setBorderStyle(Border border, LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of a given border. The border style of each border represents a bound property.
      border - The border for which the border style should be set.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border and/or border style is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineNearStyle

      void setBorderLineNearStyle(LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of the line near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border style is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderLineFarStyle

      void setBorderLineFarStyle(LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of the line far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border style is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageNearStyle

      void setBorderPageNearStyle(LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of the page near border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border style is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderPageFarStyle

      void setBorderPageFarStyle(LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of the page far border. This is a bound property.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border style is null.
      See Also:
    • setBorderStyle

      void setBorderStyle(LineStyle newBorderStyle)
      Sets the border style of all borders. The border style of each border represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setBorderStyle(Border, LineStyle) for each border.
      newBorderStyle - The border style.
      NullPointerException - if the given border style is null.
      See Also:
    • getCornerArcSize

      Dimensions getCornerArcSize(Corner corner)
      Returns the arc size for the indicated corner.
      corner - The corner for which an arc size should be returned.
      The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the given corner arc, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
    • getCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize

      Dimensions getCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize()
      Returns the arc size for the line near page near corner.
      The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner arc, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
    • getCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize

      Dimensions getCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize()
      Returns the arc size for the line far page near corner.
      The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner arc, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
    • getCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize

      Dimensions getCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize()
      Returns the arc size for the line near page far corner.
      The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner arc, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
    • getCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize

      Dimensions getCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize()
      Returns the arc size for the line far page far corner.
      The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner arc, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
    • setCornerArcSize

      void setCornerArcSize(Corner corner, Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of a given corner. The radius of each corner represents a bound property.
      corner - The corner for which the arc size should be set.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given corner and/or arc size is null.
      See Also:
    • setCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize

      void setCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize(Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of the line near page near corner. This is a bound property.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given size is null.
      See Also:
    • setCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize

      void setCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize(Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of the line far page near corner. This is a bound property.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given size is null.
      See Also:
    • setCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize

      void setCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize(Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of the line near page far corner. This is a bound property.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given size is null.
      See Also:
    • setCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize

      void setCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize(Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of the line far page far corner. This is a bound property.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corner, or dimensions of zero if the corner should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given size is null.
      See Also:
    • setCornerArcSize

      void setCornerArcSize(Dimensions newCornerArcSize)
      Sets the arc size of all corners. The radius of each corner represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setCornerArcSize(Corner, Dimensions) for each corner.
      newCornerArcSize - The dimensions indicating the two radiuses of the corners, or dimensions of zero if the corners should not be rounded.
      NullPointerException - if the given arc size is null.
      See Also:
    • getCursor

      URI getCursor()
      The cursor URI, which may be a resource URI.
    • setCursor

      void setCursor(URI newCursor)
      Sets the URI of the cursor. This is a bound property.
      newCursor - The new URI of the cursor, which may be a resource URI.
      NullPointerException - if the given cursor URI is null.
      See Also:
    • getExtent

      Extent getExtent(Flow flow)
      Returns the extent of the indicated flow.
      flow - The flow for which an extent should be returned.
      The extent of the given flow.
    • getLineExtent

      Extent getLineExtent()
      Returns the extent of the line flow. In left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation, this is commonly known as the width.
      The extent of the flow, or null if no preferred extent has been specified
    • getPageExtent

      Extent getPageExtent()
      Returns the extent of the page flow. In left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation, this is commonly known as the height.
      The extent of the flow, or null if no preferred extent has been specified
    • setExtent

      void setExtent(Flow flow, Extent newExtent)
      Sets the extent of a given flow. The extent of each flow represents a bound property.
      flow - The flow for which the extent should be set.
      newExtent - The new requested extent of the component, or null there is no extent preference.
      NullPointerException - if the given flow is null.
      See Also:
    • setLineExtent

      void setLineExtent(Extent newExtent)
      Sets the extent of the line flow. In left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation, this is commonly known as the width. This is a bound property.
      newExtent - The new requested extent of the component, or null there is no extent preference.
      See Also:
    • setPageExtent

      void setPageExtent(Extent newExtent)
      Sets the extent of the page flow. In left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation, this is commonly known as the height. This is a bound property.
      newExtent - The new requested extent of the component, or null there is no extent preference.
      See Also:
    • getFontFamilies

      List<String> getFontFamilies()
      The prioritized list of font family names, or null if no font family names have been specified.
    • setFontFamilies

      void setFontFamilies(List<String> newFontFamilies)
      Sets the font families of the component. This is a bound property.
      newFontFamilies - The new prioritized list of font family names, or null if no font family names are specified.
      See Also:
    • getFontSize

      Extent getFontSize()
      The size of the font from baseline to baseline, or null if no font size has been specified.
    • setFontSize

      void setFontSize(Extent newFontSize)
      Sets the font size of the component. This is a bound property.
      newFontSize - The new size of the font from baseline to baseline, or null there is no font size specified.
      See Also:
    • getFontStyle

      FontStyle getFontStyle()
      The style of the font.
    • setFontStyle

      void setFontStyle(FontStyle newFontStyle)
      Sets the style of the font. This is a bound property.
      newFontStyle - The style of the font.
      NullPointerException - if the given font style is null.
      See Also:
    • getFontWeight

      double getFontWeight()
      The weight of a font relative to a normal value of 0.5.
    • setFontWeight

      void setFontWeight(double newFontWeight)
      Sets the weight of the font. The weight of a font relative to a normal value of 0.5. A font weight of 0.75 is equivalent to a bold font. It is recommended that the constant variables FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL and FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD be used for the most compatibility across platforms. This is a bound property of type Double.
      newFontWeight - The weight of a font relative to a normal value of 0.5.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFontFamilies

      List<String> getLabelFontFamilies()
      The prioritized list of label font family names, or null if no label font family names have been specified.
    • setLabelFontFamilies

      void setLabelFontFamilies(List<String> newLabelFontFamilies)
      Sets the font families of the label. This is a bound property.
      newLabelFontFamilies - The new prioritized list of label font family names, or null if no label font family names are specified.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFontSize

      Extent getLabelFontSize()
      The size of the label font from baseline to baseline, or null if no label font size has been specified.
    • setLabelFontSize

      void setLabelFontSize(Extent newLabelFontSize)
      Sets the label font size of the component. This is a bound property.
      newLabelFontSize - The new size of the label font from baseline to baseline, or null there is no label font size specified.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFontStyle

      FontStyle getLabelFontStyle()
      The style of the label font.
    • setLabelFontStyle

      void setLabelFontStyle(FontStyle newLabelFontStyle)
      Sets the style of the label font. This is a bound property.
      newLabelFontStyle - The style of the label font.
      NullPointerException - if the given label font style is null.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFontWeight

      double getLabelFontWeight()
      The weight of the label font relative to a normal value of 0.5.
    • setLabelFontWeight

      void setLabelFontWeight(double newLabelFontWeight)
      Sets the weight of the label font. The weight of the label font relative to a normal value of 0.5. A font weight of 0.75 is equivalent to a bold font. It is recommended that the constant variables FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL and FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD be used for the most compatibility across platforms. This is a bound property of type Double.
      newLabelFontWeight - The weight of the label font relative to a normal value of 0.5.
      See Also:
    • getLabelTextColor

      Color getLabelTextColor()
      The text color of the label, or null if no text color is specified for the label.
    • setLabelTextColor

      void setLabelTextColor(Color newLabelTextColor)
      Sets the text color of the label. This is a bound property.
      newLabelTextColor - The text color of the label, or null if the default text color should be used.
      See Also:
    • getMarginExtent

      Extent getMarginExtent(Border border)
      Returns the margin extent of the indicated border.
      border - The border for which a margin extent should be returned.
      The margin extent of the given border.
    • getMarginLineNearExtent

      Extent getMarginLineNearExtent()
      Returns the margin extent of the line near page near border.
      The margin extent of the given border.
    • getMarginLineFarExtent

      Extent getMarginLineFarExtent()
      Returns the margin extent of the line far page near border.
      The margin extent of the given border.
    • getMarginPageNearExtent

      Extent getMarginPageNearExtent()
      Returns the margin extent of the line near page far border.
      The margin extent of the given border.
    • getMarginPageFarExtent

      Extent getMarginPageFarExtent()
      Returns the margin extent of the line far page far border.
      The margin extent of the given border.
    • setMarginExtent

      void setMarginExtent(Border border, Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of a given border. The margin extent of each border represents a bound property.
      border - The border for which the margin extent should be set.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border and/or margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setMarginLineNearExtent

      void setMarginLineNearExtent(Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of the line near border. This is a bound property.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setMarginLineFarExtent

      void setMarginLineFarExtent(Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of the line far border. This is a bound property.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent, or null if the default margin extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setMarginPageNearExtent

      void setMarginPageNearExtent(Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of the page near border. This is a bound property.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent, or null if the default margin extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setMarginPageFarExtent

      void setMarginPageFarExtent(Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of the page far border. This is a bound property.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent, or null if the default margin extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setMarginExtent

      void setMarginExtent(Extent newMarginExtent)
      Sets the margin extent of all borders. The margin extent of each border represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setMarginExtent(Border, Extent) for each border.
      newMarginExtent - The margin extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given margin extent is null.
      See Also:
    • getOpacity

      double getOpacity()
      The opacity of the entire component in the range (0.0-1.0), with a default of 1.0.
    • setOpacity

      void setOpacity(double newOpacity)
      Sets the opacity of the entire component. This is a bound property of type Double.
      newOpacity - The new opacity of the entire component in the range (0.0-1.0).
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given opacity is not within the range (0.0-1.0).
      See Also:
    • getPaddingExtent

      Extent getPaddingExtent(Border border)
      Returns the padding extent of the indicated border.
      border - The border for which a padding extent should be returned.
      The padding extent of the given border.
    • getPaddingLineNearExtent

      Extent getPaddingLineNearExtent()
      Returns the padding extent of the line near page near border.
      The padding extent of the given border.
    • getPaddingLineFarExtent

      Extent getPaddingLineFarExtent()
      Returns the padding extent of the line far page near border.
      The padding extent of the given border.
    • getPaddingPageNearExtent

      Extent getPaddingPageNearExtent()
      Returns the padding extent of the line near page far border.
      The padding extent of the given border.
    • getPaddingPageFarExtent

      Extent getPaddingPageFarExtent()
      Returns the padding extent of the line far page far border.
      The padding extent of the given border.
    • setPaddingExtent

      void setPaddingExtent(Border border, Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of a given border. The padding extent of each border represents a bound property.
      border - The border for which the padding extent should be set.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given border and/or padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setPaddingLineNearExtent

      void setPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of the line near border. This is a bound property.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setPaddingLineFarExtent

      void setPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of the line far border. This is a bound property.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent, or null if the default padding extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setPaddingPageNearExtent

      void setPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of the page near border. This is a bound property.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent, or null if the default padding extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setPaddingPageFarExtent

      void setPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of the page far border. This is a bound property.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent, or null if the default padding extent should be used.
      NullPointerException - if the given padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • setPaddingExtent

      void setPaddingExtent(Extent newPaddingExtent)
      Sets the padding extent of all borders. The padding extent of each border represents a bound property. This is a convenience method that calls setPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) for each border.
      newPaddingExtent - The padding extent.
      NullPointerException - if the given padding extent is null.
      See Also:
    • getSession

      GuiseSession getSession()
      The Guise session that owns this component.
    • getStyleID

      String getStyleID()
      The style identifier, or null if there is no style ID.
    • setStyleID

      void setStyleID(String newStyleID)
      Identifies the style for the component. This is a bound property.
      newStyleID - The style identifier, or null if there is no style ID.
      See Also:
    • isVisible

      boolean isVisible()
      Whether the component is visible.
      See Also:
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean newVisible)
      Sets whether the component is visible. This is a bound property of type Boolean.
      newVisible - true if the component should be visible, else false.
      See Also:
    • isDisplayed

      boolean isDisplayed()
      Specified by:
      isDisplayed in interface Displayable
      Whether the component is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
      See Also:
    • setDisplayed

      void setDisplayed(boolean newDisplayed)
      Sets whether the component is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space. This is a bound property of type Boolean.
      Specified by:
      setDisplayed in interface Displayable
      newDisplayed - true if the component should be displayed, else false if the component should take up no space.
      See Also:
    • getTextColor

      Color getTextColor()
      The text color of the component, or null if no text color is specified.
    • setTextColor

      void setTextColor(Color newTextColor)
      Sets the text color of the component. This is a bound property.
      newTextColor - The text color of the component, or null if the default text color should be used.
      See Also:
    • isTooltipEnabled

      boolean isTooltipEnabled()
      Whether tooltips are enabled for this component.
    • setTooltipEnabled

      void setTooltipEnabled(boolean newTooltipEnabled)
      Sets whether tooltips are enabled for this component. Tooltips contain information from the component model's "info" property. This is a bound property of type Boolean.
      newTooltipEnabled - true if the component should display tooltips, else false.
      See Also: