Interface TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<V>

Type Parameters:
V - The type of value the strategy is to represent.
All Known Implementing Classes:
TreeControl.AbstractTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy, TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy, TreeControl.InfoModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy, TreeControl.TextModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
Enclosing class:

public static interface TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<V>
A strategy for generating components to represent tree node models.
Garret Wilson
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <N extends V>
    createComponent(TreeControl treeControl, TreeModel model, TreeNodeModel<N> treeNode, boolean editable, boolean selected, boolean focused)
    Creates a component to represent the given tree node.
  • Method Details

    • createComponent

      <N extends V> Component createComponent(TreeControl treeControl, TreeModel model, TreeNodeModel<N> treeNode, boolean editable, boolean selected, boolean focused)
      Creates a component to represent the given tree node.
      Type Parameters:
      N - The type of value contained in the node.
      treeControl - The component containing the model.
      model - The model containing the value.
      treeNode - The node containing the value.
      editable - Whether values in this column are editable.
      selected - true if the value is selected.
      focused - true if the value has the focus.
      A new component to represent the given value.