package syntax

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class CoproductOps[C <: Coproduct] extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Carrier for Coproduct operations.

    Carrier for Coproduct operations.

    These methods are implemented here and extended onto the minimal Coproduct types to avoid issues that would otherwise be caused by the covariance of :+:[H, T].

  2. final case class DynamicRecordOps[L <: HList](l: L) extends Dynamic with Product with Serializable

    Record wrapper providing selectDynamic access to fields.

  3. final case class DynamicUnionOps[C <: Coproduct](c: C) extends Dynamic with Product with Serializable

    Discriminated union wrapper providing selectDynamic access to fields.

  4. class GenericZipperOps[C, CL <: HList] extends Serializable

    Enhances values of any type with a representation via Generic with a method supporting conversion to a Zipper.

  5. final class HListOps[L <: HList] extends Serializable

    Carrier for HList operations.

    Carrier for HList operations.

    These methods are implemented here and pimped onto the minimal HList types to avoid issues that would otherwise be caused by the covariance of ::[H, T].

  6. final class HListZipperOps[L <: HList] extends AnyVal with Serializable
  7. final class NatOps[N <: Nat] extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Carrier for Nat operations.

  8. final class RecordOps[L <: HList] extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Record operations on HList's with field-like elements.

  9. trait SingletonOps extends AnyRef
  10. final class SizedConv[A, Repr] extends AnyRef
  11. final class TypeableOps[T] extends AnyVal with Serializable
  12. final class UnionOps[C <: Coproduct] extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Discriminated union operations on Coproducts's with field-like elements.

Value Members

  1. object inject
  2. object nat
  3. object singleton
  4. object sized
  5. object typeable
  6. object unwrapped
  7. object zipper
