
package indigo

Members list


package indigo.entry
package indigo.facades
package indigo.physics
package indigo.platform
package indigo.scenes
package indigo.shared

Type members


final case class BootResult[A](gameConfig: GameConfig, bootData: A, animations: Set[Animation], assets: Set[AssetType], fonts: Set[FontInfo], subSystems: Set[SubSystem], shaders: Set[Shader])

The game bootstrapping process results in a BootResult, which only occurs once on initial game load. The boot result decribes all of the initial values of your game such as it's configuration, data, animations, assets, fonts, subsystems, and shaders. You can add additional assets, animations, fonts, and shaders later during the setup process, so it is recommended that you only load the bare minimum needed to get your game going during the boot phase.

The game bootstrapping process results in a BootResult, which only occurs once on initial game load. The boot result decribes all of the initial values of your game such as it's configuration, data, animations, assets, fonts, subsystems, and shaders. You can add additional assets, animations, fonts, and shaders later during the setup process, so it is recommended that you only load the bare minimum needed to get your game going during the boot phase.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object BootResult


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait IndigoDemo[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]
trait IndigoGame[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]
trait IndigoSandbox[StartUpData, Model]
trait IndigoShader
trait IndigoDemo[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel] extends GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]

A trait representing a minimal set of functions to get your game running

A trait representing a minimal set of functions to get your game running

Type parameters


The class type representing you a successful game boot up


The class type representing your game's model


The class type representing your successful startup data


The class type representing your game's view model



object MyGame extends IndigoDemo[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]

trait GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait IndigoGame[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel] extends GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]

A trait representing a game with scene management baked in

A trait representing a game with scene management baked in

Type parameters


The class type representing you a successful game boot up


The class type representing your game's model


The class type representing your successful startup data


The class type representing your game's view model



object MyGame extends IndigoGame[BootData, StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]

trait GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, ViewModel]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait IndigoSandbox[StartUpData, Model] extends GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, Unit]

A trait representing a minimal set of functions to get your game running

A trait representing a minimal set of functions to get your game running

Type parameters


The class type representing your game's model


The class type representing your successful startup data



object MyGame extends IndigoSandbox[StartUpData, Model]

trait GameLauncher[StartUpData, Model, Unit]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

A trait representing a shader that fills the available window.

A trait representing a shader that fills the available window.

You can override a number of the details in this trait using launch flags, including:

  • width - starting width of the shader
  • height - starting height of the shader
  • channel0 - path to an image
  • channel1 - path to an image
  • channel2 - path to an image
  • channel3 - path to an image


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final case class IndigoShaderModel(viewport: Size, channel0: Option[AssetName], channel1: Option[AssetName], channel2: Option[AssetName], channel3: Option[AssetName])


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object syntax


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


type Batch[A] = Batch[A]
type Bezier = Bezier
type Blend = Blend
type Camera = Camera
type Circle = Circle
type Clip[M <: Material] = Clip[M]
type CloneId = CloneId
type Combo = Combo
type Cycle = Cycle
type Delete = Delete
type Depth = Depth
type Dice = Dice
type EntityNode[T <: SceneNode] = EntityNode[T]
type FPS = FPS
type Falloff = Falloff
type Fill = Fill
type Flip = Flip
type Font = Font
type FontKey = FontKey
type Frame = Frame
type FrameContext[StartUpData] = FrameContext[StartUpData]
type FrameTick = FrameTick.type
type Gamepad = Gamepad
type Graphic[M <: Material] = Graphic[M]
type Group = Group
type InputMapping[A] = InputMapping[A]
type Key = Key
type Layer = Layer
type Lens[A, B] = Lens[A, B]
type Light = Light
type Line = Line
type Load = Load
type Loaded = Loaded
type Matrix3 = Matrix3
type Matrix4 = Matrix4
type Millis = Millis
type Mouse = Mouse
type Mutants = Mutants
type NonEmptyList[A] = NonEmptyList[A]
type Outcome[T] = Outcome[T]
type Pixels = Pixels
type Point = Point
type Polygon = Polygon
type RGB = RGB
type RGBA = RGBA
type Radians = Radians
type RenderNode[T <: SceneNode] = RenderNode[T]
type Save = Save
type Seconds = Seconds
type Shader = Shader
type Shape[T <: Shape[_]] = Shape[T]
type Signal[A] = Signal[A]
type SignalFunction[A, B] = SignalFunction[A, B]
type SignalReader[R, A] = SignalReader[R, A]
type SignalState[S, A] = SignalState[S, A]
type Size = Size
type Sprite[M <: Material] = Sprite[M]
type Startup[SuccessType] = Startup[SuccessType]
type Stroke = Stroke
type Text[M <: Material] = Text[M]
type TextBox = TextBox
type Texture = Texture
type TiledGridMap[A] = TiledGridMap[A]
type TimeSlot[A] = TimeSlot[A]
type Timeline[A] = Timeline[A]
type TimelineWindow[A] = TimeWindow[A]
type Track = Track
type Uniform = Uniform
type Vector2 = Vector2
type Vector3 = Vector3
type Vector4 = Vector4
type Vertex = Vertex
type Volume = Volume
type Zoom = Zoom
type array[T] = array[T]
type float = float
type mat4 = mat4
type vec2 = vec2
type vec3 = vec3
type vec4 = vec4

Value members

Concrete fields

val AccessControl: AccessControl.type
val Animation: Animation.type
val AnimationAction: AnimationAction.type
val Aseprite: Aseprite.type
val AssetBatchLoadError: AssetBatchLoadError.type
val AssetBatchLoaded: AssetBatchLoaded.type
val AssetName: AssetName.type
val AssetPath: AssetPath.type
val AssetTag: AssetTag.type
val AssetType: AssetType.type
val Batch: Batch.type
val Bezier: Bezier.type
val Blend: Blend.type
val BlendFactor: BlendFactor.type
val Blending: Blending.type
val Camera: Camera.type
val Circle: Circle.type
val Clip: Clip.type
val ClipSheet: ClipSheet.type
val CloneId: CloneId.type
val Combo: Combo.type
val Cycle: Cycle.type
val Delete: Delete.type
val DeleteAll: DeleteAll.type
val Depth: Depth.type
val Dice: Dice.type
val FPS: FPS.type
val Falloff: Falloff.type
val FetchKeyAt: FetchKeyAt.type
val FetchKeys: FetchKeys.type
val Fill: Fill.type
val FillType: FillType.type
val Flip: Flip.type
val Font: Font.type
val FontChar: FontChar.type
val FontInfo: FontInfo.type
val FontKey: FontKey.type
val FontStyle: FontStyle.type
val FontVariant: FontVariant.type
val FontWeight: FontWeight.type
val Frame: Frame.type
val FrameTick: FrameTick.type
val GameTime: GameTime.type
val Gamepad: Gamepad.type
val GamepadInput: GamepadInput.type
val Graphic: Graphic.type
val Group: Group.type
val HttpError: HttpError.type
val HttpResponse: HttpResponse.type
val Key: Key.type
val KeyFoundAt: KeyFoundAt.type
val Keyboard: Keyboard.type
val KeysFound: KeysFound.type
val Layer: Layer.type
val Lens: Lens.type
val Line: Line.type
val Load: Load.type
val LoadAsset: LoadAsset.type
val LoadAssetBatch: LoadAssetBatch.type
val Loaded: Loaded.type
val Material: Material.type
val Matrix3: Matrix3.type
val Matrix4: Matrix4.type
val Millis: Millis.type
val Mouse: Mouse.type
val MouseWheel: MouseWheel.type
val Mutants: Mutants.type
val Outcome: Outcome.type
val Pixels: Pixels.type
val PlaySound: PlaySound.type
val PlaybackPattern: PlaybackPattern.type
val Point: Point.type
val Pointers: Pointers.type
val Polygon: Polygon.type
val RGB: RGB.type
val RGBA: RGBA.type
val Radians: Radians.type
val Rectangle: Rectangle.type
val RendererDetails: RendererDetails.type
val Save: Save.type
val SceneNode: SceneNode.type
val Seconds: Seconds.type
val ShaderId: ShaderId.type
val Shape: Shape.type
val Signal: Signal.type
val Size: Size.type
val SpotLight: SpotLight.type
val Sprite: Sprite.type
val SpriteAndAnimations: SpriteAndAnimations.type
val Startup: Startup.type
val Stroke: Stroke.type
val SubSystem: SubSystem.type
val Text: Text.type
val TextAlign: TextAlign.type
val TextAlignment: TextAlignment.type
val TextBaseLine: TextBaseLine.type
val TextBox: TextBox.type
val TextDirection: TextDirection.type
val TextStroke: TextStroke.type
val TextStyle: TextStyle.type
val Texture: Texture.type
val TileSheet: TileSheet.type
val TiledGridCell: TiledGridCell.type
val TiledGridLayer: TiledGridLayer.type
val TiledGridMap: TiledGridMap.type
val TiledMap: TiledMap.type
val TimeSlot: TimeSlot.type
val Timeline: Timeline.type
val TimelineWindow: TimeWindow.type
val Track: Track.type
val Uniform: Uniform.type
val Vector2: Vector2.type
val Vector3: Vector3.type
val Vector4: Vector4.type
val Vertex: Vertex.type
val VertexEnv: VertexEnv.type
val ViewportResize: ViewportResize.type
val Volume: Volume.type
val WebSocketConfig: WebSocketConfig.type
val WebSocketId: WebSocketId.type
val Zoom: Zoom.type
val array: array.type

defaultGameConfig Provides a useful default config set up:

defaultGameConfig Provides a useful default config set up:

  • Game Viewport = 550 x 400
  • FPS = 30
  • Clear color = Black
  • Magnification = 1
  • No advanced settings enabled



A GameConfig instance

val float: float.type
val logger: IndigoLogger.type
val mat4: mat4.type

noRender Convenience value, alias for SceneUpdateFragment.empty

noRender Convenience value, alias for SceneUpdateFragment.empty



An Empty SceneUpdateFragment

val rawArray: rawArray.type
val vec2: vec2.type
val vec3: vec3.type
val vec4: vec4.type