
object Task
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class Failed[A](error: A) extends Task[A, Nothing]

A task that failed with the given error

A task that failed with the given error

final case class FlatMapped[Err, Success, Success2](task: Task[Err, Success], f: Success => Task[Err, Success2]) extends Task[Err, Success2]
final case class Mapped[Err, Success, Success2](task: Task[Err, Success], f: Success => Success2) extends Task[Err, Success2]
final case class Multiplied[Err, Success, Success2](task1: Task[Err, Success], task2: Task[Err, Success2]) extends Task[Err, (Success, Success2)]
trait Observable[Err, Value]

Something that produces successful values of type Value and error values of type Err

Something that produces successful values of type Value and error values of type Err

trait Observer[Err, Value]

An observer of successful values of type Value and errors of type Err

An observer of successful values of type Value and errors of type Err

final case class Recovered[Err, Success](task: Task[Err, Success], recoverWith: Err => Task[Err, Success]) extends Task[Err, Success]
final case class RunObservable[Err, Success](observable: Observable[Err, Success]) extends Task[Err, Success]

A task that runs the given observable

A task that runs the given observable

final case class SideEffect(thunk: () => Unit) extends Task[Nothing, Unit]

A task that is a fire and forget side effect

A task that is a fire and forget side effect

final case class Succeeded[A](value: A) extends Task[Nothing, A]

A task that succeeded with the given value

A task that succeeded with the given value

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from: