

package trace4cats

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. trace4cats
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type AttributeValue = trace4cats.model.AttributeValue
  2. type Batch[F[_]] = trace4cats.model.Batch[F]
  3. type CompletedSpan = trace4cats.model.CompletedSpan
  4. case class CompleterConfig(bufferSize: Int = 2000, batchSize: Int = 50, batchTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds, retryConfig: ExportRetryConfig = ExportRetryConfig()) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait EntryPoint[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    An entry point, for creating root spans or continuing traces that were started on another system.

  6. type ErrorHandler = PartialFunction[Throwable, trace4cats.kernel.HandledError]
  7. case class ExportRetryConfig(delay: FiniteDuration = 500.millis, nextDelay: NextDelay = NextDelay.Constant(), maxAttempts: Int = 100) extends Product with Serializable
  8. type HandledError = trace4cats.kernel.HandledError
  9. type ResourceKleisli[F[_], -In, +Out] = Kleisli[[+β$0$]Resource[F, β$0$], In, Out]
  10. type SampleDecision = trace4cats.model.SampleDecision
  11. type Span[F[_]] = trace4cats.kernel.Span[F]
  12. type SpanCompleter[F[_]] = trace4cats.kernel.SpanCompleter[F]
  13. type SpanContext = trace4cats.model.SpanContext
  14. type SpanExporter[F[_], G[_]] = trace4cats.kernel.SpanExporter[F, G]
  15. type SpanId = trace4cats.model.SpanId
  16. type SpanKind = trace4cats.model.SpanKind
  17. type SpanParams = trace4cats.model.SpanParams
  18. type SpanSampler[F[_]] = trace4cats.kernel.SpanSampler[F]
  19. type SpanStatus = trace4cats.model.SpanStatus
  20. trait StreamSpanExporter[F[_]] extends SpanExporter[F, Chunk]
  21. type ToHeaders = trace4cats.kernel.ToHeaders
  22. trait Trace[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    A tracing effect, which always has a current span.

  23. type TraceHeaders = trace4cats.model.TraceHeaders
  24. type TraceId = trace4cats.model.TraceId
  25. trait TraceInstancesLowPriority extends AnyRef
  26. type TraceProcess = trace4cats.model.TraceProcess
  27. type TraceProcessBuilder[F[_]] = trace4cats.model.TraceProcessBuilder[F]
  28. type TraceState = trace4cats.model.TraceState
  29. type SpanName = String

    (Since version 0.14.0) Use String instead

Value Members

  1. val AttributeValue: trace4cats.model.AttributeValue.type
  2. val Batch: trace4cats.model.Batch.type
  3. val CompletedSpan: trace4cats.model.CompletedSpan.type
  4. val ErrorHandler: trace4cats.kernel.ErrorHandler.type
  5. val HandledError: trace4cats.kernel.HandledError.type
  6. val SampleDecision: trace4cats.model.SampleDecision.type
  7. val Span: trace4cats.kernel.Span.type
  8. val SpanCompleter: trace4cats.kernel.SpanCompleter.type
  9. val SpanContext: trace4cats.model.SpanContext.type
  10. val SpanExporter: trace4cats.kernel.SpanExporter.type
  11. val SpanId: trace4cats.model.SpanId.type
  12. val SpanKind: trace4cats.model.SpanKind.type
  13. val SpanParams: trace4cats.model.SpanParams.type
  14. val SpanSampler: trace4cats.kernel.SpanSampler.type
  15. val SpanStatus: trace4cats.model.SpanStatus.type
  16. val ToHeaders: trace4cats.kernel.ToHeaders.type
  17. val TraceHeaders: trace4cats.model.TraceHeaders.type
  18. val TraceId: trace4cats.model.TraceId.type
  19. val TraceProcess: trace4cats.model.TraceProcess.type
  20. val TraceProcessBuilder: trace4cats.model.TraceProcessBuilder.type
  21. val TraceState: trace4cats.model.TraceState.type
  22. object CompleterConfig extends Serializable
  23. object EntryPoint
  24. object ExportRetryConfig extends Serializable
  25. object QueuedHotswapSpanCompleter
  26. object QueuedSpanCompleter
  27. object QueuedSpanExporter
  28. object RateSpanSampler
  29. object SemanticTags
  30. object StreamSpanExporter
  31. object Trace extends TraceInstancesLowPriority
  32. object implicits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
