
See theEntryPoint companion object
trait EntryPoint[F[_]]

An entry point, for creating root spans or continuing traces that were started on another system.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def continueOrElseRoot(name: String, kind: SpanKind, headers: TraceHeaders, errorHandler: ErrorHandler): Resource[F, Span[F]]
def root(name: String, kind: SpanKind, errorHandler: ErrorHandler): Resource[F, Span[F]]

Concrete methods

def continueOrElseRoot(name: String, headers: TraceHeaders): Resource[F, Span[F]]

Resource that attempts to creates a new child span but falls back to a new root span as with root if the headers do not contain the required values. In other words, we continue the existing span if we can, otherwise we start a new one.

Resource that attempts to creates a new child span but falls back to a new root span as with root if the headers do not contain the required values. In other words, we continue the existing span if we can, otherwise we start a new one.


def continueOrElseRoot(name: String, kind: SpanKind, headers: TraceHeaders): Resource[F, Span[F]]
final def mapK[G[_]](fk: FunctionK[F, G])(implicit F: MonadCancelThrow[F], G: MonadCancelThrow[G]): EntryPoint[G]
def root(name: String): Resource[F, Span[F]]

Resource that creates a new root span in a new trace.

Resource that creates a new root span in a new trace.


def root(name: String, kind: SpanKind): Resource[F, Span[F]]