
abstract class CpgGenerator()

A CpgGenerator generates Code Property Graphs from code. Each supported language implements a Generator, e.g., JavaCpgGenerator implements Java Archive to CPG conversion, while CSharpCpgGenerator translates C# projects into code property graphs.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def generate(inputPath: String, outputPath: String): Try[String]

Generate a CPG for the given input path. Returns the output path, or a Failure, if no CPG was generated.

Generate a CPG for the given input path. Returns the output path, or a Failure, if no CPG was generated.

This method appends command line options in config.frontend.cmdLineParams to the shell command.


def isAvailable: Boolean
def isJvmBased: Boolean

is this a JVM based frontend? if so, we'll invoke it with -Xmx for max heap settings

is this a JVM based frontend? if so, we'll invoke it with -Xmx for max heap settings


Concrete methods

def applyPostProcessingPasses(cpg: Cpg): Cpg

override in specific cpg generators to make them apply post processing passes

override in specific cpg generators to make them apply post processing passes


def isWin: Boolean
protected def runShellCommand(program: String, arguments: Seq[String]): Try[Unit]

Concrete fields

lazy protected val maxMemoryParameter: Seq[String]