
class TypeInfoProvider(global: Global)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def getInitializerType(variableDeclarator: VariableDeclarator): Option[String]
def getLiteralTypeFullName(literalExpr: LiteralExpr): String
def getMethodLikeTypeFullName(methodLike: Resolvable[_ <: ResolvedMethodLikeDeclaration]): String
def getReturnType(node: Resolvable[ResolvedMethodDeclaration]): String
def getTypeForExpression(expr: Expression): String
def getTypeFullName(node: NodeWithType[_, _ <: Resolvable[ResolvedType]]): String
def getTypeFullName(typ: ClassOrInterfaceType): String
def getTypeFullName(enumConstant: EnumConstantDeclaration): String
def getTypeFullName(nameExpr: NameExpr): String
def getTypeFullName(thisExpr: ThisExpr): String
def getTypeFullName(invocation: ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt): String
def getTypeFullName(resolvedParam: ResolvedParameterDeclaration): String
def getTypeName(typeDecl: TypeDeclaration[_], fullName: Boolean): String
def registerType(typeName: String): String

Add typeName to a global map and return it. The map is later passed to a pass that creates TYPE nodes for each key in the map. Skip the ANY type, since this is created by default.

Add typeName to a global map and return it. The map is later passed to a pass that creates TYPE nodes for each key in the map. Skip the ANY type, since this is created by default.

def scopeType(scopeContext: ScopeContext, isSuper: Boolean): String