
final class AstNodeTraversal[A <: AstNode](val traversal: Traversal[A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def ast: Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST rooted in this node, including the node itself.

Nodes of the AST rooted in this node, including the node itself.


def ast(predicate: AstNode => Boolean): Traversal[AstNode]

All nodes of the abstract syntax tree rooted in this node, which match predicate. Equivalent of match in the original CPG paper.

All nodes of the abstract syntax tree rooted in this node, which match predicate. Equivalent of match in the original CPG paper.


def astChildren: Traversal[AstNode]

Direct children of node in the AST. Siblings are ordered by their order fields

Direct children of node in the AST. Siblings are ordered by their order fields


def astMinusRoot: Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST rooted in this node, minus the node itself

Nodes of the AST rooted in this node, minus the node itself


def astParent: Traversal[AstNode]

Parent AST node

Parent AST node


def astSiblings: Traversal[AstNode]

Siblings of this node in the AST, ordered by their order fields

Siblings of this node in the AST, ordered by their order fields


def containsCallTo(regex: String): Traversal[A]
def depth: Traversal[Int]
def depth(p: AstNode => Boolean): Traversal[Int]
def inAst: Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until the method root is reached

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until the method root is reached


def inAst(root: AstNode): Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until root or the method root is reached

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until root or the method root is reached


def inAstMinusLeaf: Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until the method root is reached, minus this node

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until the method root is reached, minus this node


def inAstMinusLeaf(root: AstNode): Traversal[AstNode]

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until root or the method root is reached, minus this node

Nodes of the AST obtained by expanding AST edges backwards until root or the method root is reached, minus this node


def isBlock: Traversal[Block]

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are blocks

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are blocks


def isCall: Traversal[Call]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are calls

Traverse only to AST nodes that are calls


def isCall(calleeRegex: String): Traversal[Call]

Cast to call if applicable and filter on call code calleeRegex

Cast to call if applicable and filter on call code calleeRegex


def isCallTo(regex: String): Traversal[Call]
def isCfgNode: Traversal[CfgNode]

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are also control flow graph nodes

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are also control flow graph nodes


def isControlStructure: Traversal[ControlStructure]

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are control structures

Traverse only to those AST nodes that are control structures


def isExpression: Traversal[Expression]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are expressions

Traverse only to AST nodes that are expressions


def isFieldIdentifier: Traversal[FieldIdentifier]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are field identifier

Traverse only to AST nodes that are field identifier


def isFile: Traversal[File]

Traverse only to FILE AST nodes

Traverse only to FILE AST nodes


def isIdentifier: Traversal[Identifier]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are identifier

Traverse only to AST nodes that are identifier


def isImport: Traversal[Import]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are IMPORT nodes

Traverse only to AST nodes that are IMPORT nodes


def isLiteral: Traversal[Literal]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are literals

Traverse only to AST nodes that are literals


def isLocal: Traversal[Local]
def isMember: Traversal[Member]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are MEMBER

Traverse only to AST nodes that are MEMBER


def isMethod: Traversal[Method]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are METHOD

Traverse only to AST nodes that are METHOD


def isMethodRef: Traversal[MethodRef]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are method reference

Traverse only to AST nodes that are method reference


def isModifier: Traversal[Modifier]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are MODIFIER

Traverse only to AST nodes that are MODIFIER


def isNamespaceBlock: Traversal[NamespaceBlock]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are NAMESPACE_BLOCK

Traverse only to AST nodes that are NAMESPACE_BLOCK


def isParameter: Traversal[MethodParameterIn]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are METHOD_PARAMETER_IN

Traverse only to AST nodes that are METHOD_PARAMETER_IN


def isReturn: Traversal[Return]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are return nodes

Traverse only to AST nodes that are return nodes


def isTemplateDom: Traversal[TemplateDom]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are TemplateDom nodes

Traverse only to AST nodes that are TemplateDom nodes


def isTypeDecl: Traversal[TypeDecl]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are TYPE_DECL

Traverse only to AST nodes that are TYPE_DECL


def isTypeRef: Traversal[TypeRef]

Traverse only to AST nodes that are type reference

Traverse only to AST nodes that are type reference


def parentBlock: Traversal[Block]

Traverses up the AST and returns the first block node.

Traverses up the AST and returns the first block node.


def walkAstUntilReaching(labels: List[String]): Traversal[StoredNode]

Concrete fields

val traversal: Traversal[A]