
final class TypeTraversal(val traversal: Traversal[Type]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def aliasType: Traversal[Type]

Direct alias types.

Direct alias types.

def aliasTypeTransitive: Traversal[Type]

Direct and transitive alias types.

Direct and transitive alias types.

def baseType: Traversal[Type]

Direct base types of the corresponding type declaration in the inheritance graph.

Direct base types of the corresponding type declaration in the inheritance graph.

def baseTypeTransitive: Traversal[Type]

Direct and transitive base types of the corresponding type declaration.

Direct and transitive base types of the corresponding type declaration.

def derivedType: Traversal[Type]

Direct derived types.

Direct derived types.

def derivedTypeDecl: Traversal[TypeDecl]

Type declarations which derive from this type.

Type declarations which derive from this type.

def derivedTypeTransitive: Traversal[Type]

Direct and transitive derived types.

Direct and transitive derived types.

def expression: Traversal[Expression]
def expressionOfType: Traversal[Expression]
def external: Traversal[Type]

Filter for types whos corresponding type declaration is not in the analyzed jar.

Filter for types whos corresponding type declaration is not in the analyzed jar.

def internal: Traversal[Type]

Filter for types whos corresponding type declaration is in the analyzed jar.

Filter for types whos corresponding type declaration is in the analyzed jar.

def localOfType: Traversal[Local]
def member: Traversal[Member]

Member variables of the corresponding type declaration.

Member variables of the corresponding type declaration.

def memberOfType: Traversal[Member]
def method: Traversal[Method]

Methods defined on the corresponding type declaration.

Methods defined on the corresponding type declaration.

def methodReturnOfType: Traversal[MethodReturn]
def namespace: Traversal[Namespace]

Namespaces in which the corresponding type declaration is defined.

Namespaces in which the corresponding type declaration is defined.

def parameterOfType: Traversal[MethodParameterIn]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Please use `parameterOfType`")
def parameter: Traversal[MethodParameterIn]

Concrete fields

val traversal: Traversal[Type]